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Show 1 Some lime You will be in need ol printing of some kind. Whether it be letter-heacb letter-heacb statements wedding wed-ding invitations or public sale bills, remember re-member we can turn ... . out the work at the lowest cost consistent with good work; Let Us Print Your Sale Bills When it comes to neat and effective printing of any Kind we will guarantee to give you satisfaction. People Read This Newspaper profitable for you to advertise in it If yott vxint a job If yoa vtant to hire somebody If you vtant to sett something If you want to buy something If you Kutnl to rent your house If yon want to sell your house If you want to sett your farm If you mini to hoy property If then is anything that you want the quickest and best way to supply that want Is by placing an advertisement in this paper The results wi9 surprise and please you .. '' J J!!L .. tmmai& V10ST people depend on Bayef Aspirin to make short work of headaches, but did you know it's gust as effective in the worse paj irom neuralgia or neuritis? Rhr tnatic pains, too. Don't suffer when OBayer Aspirin can bring complete comfort without delay, and without harm; it does not affect the heart. In every package of genuine Bayer (Aspirin are proven directions with iwhich everyone 6hould be familiar, for they can spare much needless suffering. We Want Yon to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this newspaper news-paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in this line be sure To See Us ' ASPIRIN Aviita la tha tnu) nuk of Bitot Mmufictoro. tt atoraacoUcaoMMtar at StUcrlicacM Mosquito Bites HANFORD'S Balsam of Myrrh MaMrbarkforantbotUolfaotaittad. AUdMtara. r -i I iPRINTIIIGl 1 Good Printing p Is the Dress ,. of Business. I 't That Is the I U Kind We Do. U r-rn i I . I I Let Us Show You )$ at a;niWXvXVX-al, , Advertis-jingaSale! Advertis-jingaSale! ; "n-yOU don't leave fJ your rig In tha I IDmtddla of tha ; road and fto to a fence ' post to read a sale bill ; do your Then don't expect tha other fel low to do It. ; Putuadlnthlanapar.tlMn, rerdle of tha weather, tha fellow rou want to reach read rouretjnounee- ; roenta whUe eeataa at his ; fireside. t If he to pro.peetlre buyer you'll hire nlm at yourMle. One extra buyer often para the entire espenee of the ad. end If poor ed that , won't null that buyer. An ed In this pener reaches the people you are after. , ;' hill, may be necewlty.but the ad to the thins that doe ; tbekuelneee, Dont think of hevtnf a epeelel eale without lulnf adeartiolnf tpsee In this paper.' , OneExtraBuyer . .ataMkaitaMTi tin atinexpaMoftltf it ; Get That Buyer Ieoeeeeea'eee ., . ... ( A. Sour Stomach In the same time It takes a dose of soda to bring a little temporary relief of gas and sour stomach, Phillips Milk of Magnesia has acidity completely complete-ly checked, and the digestive organs all tranqulltzed. Once you have tried this form of relief you will cease to worry about your diet and experience a new freedom In eating. This pleasant preparation is Just as good for children, too. Use it whenever when-ever coated tongue or fetid breath signals need of a sweetener. Physicians Physi-cians will tell you that every spoonful spoon-ful of Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes neu-tralizes many tiroes its volume in acid. Get the genuine, the name Phillips is Important Imitations do not act the samel Hey There! How about your letterheads, billheads, statements, enve-' lopes, cards, etc. Don't wait until they are all gone and then ask us to rush them out in a hurry for you. Good work . . requires time and our motto J k7 that any.' VAl thing that's al higisworth 0il1' W' IM m Aom fW oWer N-O-W eAtZe ase Aeoe t Ae time to efo yea Printing as at eAoejtf po done. UPSTAIRS OliOTHES SHOP 275 SOUTH MAIN SALT LAKE CITY fS The Largest Exclusive J I Two - Pants Suit V i J House in the West 4 f f For Men, t V I J Young Men Hats, Caps ajf S Ba mi Boy3 Furnishings PHILLIPS Milk , of Magnesia Every man is vain of something, and half the time It Is worth being vain of. A WOMAN'S HEAD is level and her t Judgment good when aha puts her faith in Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Fa-vorite Prescription. Prescrip-tion. There la no beauty without good health. Nobody expects to be-e be-e o m e really beautiful from the use of complexion com-plexion beautlflerS. Bright eyes, clear ekln, and rosy cheeks, follow the uso of the "Prescription." All dealers. Every woman requires a tonic and nervine at some period of her life. Whether suffering from nervousness, dizziness, falntness or general debll- 9 ity, the "Prescription" benefits. ' Mis. Marr Anderson of 651 So. Main St., Focatello, Idaho, said: "On smril occasions I hart taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription as a tonic and nerrine and it waa very beneficial. During ajcpecssncy, It is so strengthening and keeps the nerves in good condition." No matter how tall a man Is he is not above criticism. irvmimeTfcnraTnrMfe THE WAY TO SUCCESS IS UNDOUBTEDLY. g THROUGH TRAINING 1 FOR BETTER RESULTS, GET YOUR TRAINING ; I WHERE YOU ARE GIVEN PERSONAL ATTENTION ; S NEW CLASSES EACH WEEK IN DAY AND NIGHT 8 5 SCHOOL. 5 Call, Write or Phone for Information j Salt Lake Business College jj I UTAH'S QUALITY SCHOOL jj 15 ft E. 1st South Wasatch 7280 J etaWtitefttaste g BEE HIVE STAGES S J Salt Lake Cij;y, Pocatello, Twin Falls, Idaho Falls, Boise, Portland, and All Points in Idaho and Oregon. J 5 Park City and Tooele. g BUSSES ALSO LEAVE FOR 5 Jj Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, Reno, Ely, J Hober City, Duchesne, Vernal, Coalville, Grantsville, Alta, J I Union Bus Station f 144 East Broadway 3 5 SALT LAKE CITY 1 WAS. 6231 5 HO PATIENCE WITHHILDREN Lya E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Steadied Her Nerve Dalton, Pa. "I was weak, nervous and run-down before my last baby was j, I born. My other ' children tired me. JXfNi'' I had no patience rt wIth- tnela Bn.(1 C i mSt tner Just wor ma 'f'J'O ut- Mr niother ' told me about soma- cne who took Lydla Jf'V E. Pinkham'a Vege-rj5t Vege-rj5t table Compound ' 1v,,i and it helped her. " ' ,'Vt I took It myself ' and get fine results. T " '? I am getting aJsr-W . J fine aow, thanks to your Vegetabufc, mm Compound. My husband and I both feel sure that It helped me." Mia. i RaTMOHo Btaml R. F. D. 2, Daltoa. I Pa. SALT LAKE FlsORAIs COMPANY Visit our greenhouse. WHOLESALE , RETAIL CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS " FUNERAL PIECES 4 DECORATIONS EXPERT DESIGNERS HONEST VALUES . DEPENDABLE SERVICE Very good express service on Tooele Bus line at a , , very reasonable charge. . PHONE II Y. 1118 NITE PHONE HY. 2339 , i We telegraph flowers to all leading cities. - ,1910 SOUTH STATE STREET - )'... |