Show PEST HOUSE PATIENTS DONT BELIEVE i HEY cerii AFFLICTED with diviane Divi ASE leach the alleged scarlet fever pa tient belongs to one odthe wealth iest families of nebraska morriss ey also wants to be in oa suit i J B leach the patient who while dr S condon was city physician was taken to the pest house alleged to be fever was yesterday taken to the hospital ly request of alio mayor and city physician as stated in alie standard Stan daru last evening it is now stated that ne patient has not scarlet lever and never bad it he will be cared for in the best possible manner at tho hospital to the knowledge of the mayor that some friends of the young man had made an investigation and claimed their friend was taken to clr pest house contrary to law the mayor began to think it waa necessary to maka another trip to the pest house but city physician dickson promptly assured the mayor that he found no scarlet fever and consented in fact recommended the patient be taken to the city hospital sanitary inspector powers also has received a telegram from taft boys father stating to spare no expense in properly caring for the boy if smallpox was at the pest house when the young man was taken out and tho alleged case was still there the chances are young leach will break out with the smallpox and then look out for a damage suit the cost at the city hospital is only 10 per week while at the pest house it sums up from 40 to 50 per week it baa also developed that instead of being a poor soldier boy friendless and without money returning from the philippines ip he is the son of one of tho wealthiest families of nebraska living at fullerton that state yesterday several telegrams received from friends and relatives of young leach inquiring as to his condition show that they have started an investigation and one of tho telegrams infers that a suit for a large amount of damages may soon be planted against the city for his unnecessary detention at the pest house it is probable however that no action will be ta ken until the condition of the patient who is ill with pneumonia becomer bitely decided one way or the other city officials have also received an intimation ti that dhosi morrissey the alleged smallpox patient is also in correspondence spon dence with attorneys here arranging to bring suit against the city lie will claim that he did not have the smallpox when taken to the pest house but was suffering from poisoning resulting from inhaling inn aling fumes from giant powder some sensational matters may be brought out in case suan a suit is planted the hint of such actions to bo brought is a partial vindication of the mayor and his acts and the winning of tho suits would be a complete vindication but it is understood that dont want that kind of a vindication and is desirous that no action should be taken |