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Show churchei td attempt this unique pag-enat. pag-enat. The title of the pageant is "World Service." As soon as the arrangements ar-rangements are completed we shall begin the rehearsals. The date of the presentation will be Sunday evening, November 9, 1924. Better plan to take, this in. More later. " Regular . services next Sunday. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Evening service at 7:4S p.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. " Don't hesitate to send the children. The rooms will ; be warm and comfortable. Copperfield Boy Rangers meet" in regular meeting Monday night at 7 p.m.". Boy Scouts of Copperfield will meet at 8 p.m. Be prepared to take Tenderfoot tests.' Alvin Cole became Patrol Leader, Andrew Takis, assistant assist-ant Patrol Leadei.and James Dentis, scribei-.-V'.-.v-." ' v' ' ;. There is" almost a full patrol. - If you want thescout work, be on hand next Monday evening at 8 p.m. : 'Copperfield Boy gangers will hold their regular meeting Monday at 7 p m. '. The Scouts meet an hour later. Scouts be prepared to take Tenderfoot Tender-foot tests.. r-rv, ' ' :' i METHODjsT CHURCH NOTES " All the tfpartments of the church are at work: The Junior League the youngest l) join the schedule is progressing pro-gressing nftely. Mrs. Othcim is the superintendent. Owing to the ab-serfce ab-serfce of thi' pastor from the pulpit in the evetung last Sunday, the installation in-stallation oPthe Junior League cabinet cab-inet was p-istponed until next Sunday. Sun-day. This be taken care of in the evening vscrvice. 4 ' Tlans arc '.under way to present a pageant callhig for twenty in the cast Costumes have been sent to t'tali from Chicago and we arc one of five |