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Show FIBHTSMEr ; Manager Delaney Round Out Fistic Cards with Tippero and Smith as Headlinert for Stat Title. ? " ' ' Tuesday evening ' of nexi. week, That's the night, .folks, when Dominic Dom-inic Tippero, challenger, will step off six fast rounds with Midget Smith of ' . Midvale, present champ of the ban- ' , tarns, and the place is the Princess ' Theater. ; .-:.y' ": '.:,fr7r' These two lads fought a ix round - , tilt In Salt Lake City a while back, and the Midvale .Flash was an easy ' , winner. Many reasons have been. - ' given for the poor showing of Tip- , ' v ' pero in that bout, and many contend that he is still the superior of Midget - - Smith. He that as it may, the act , remains that there is not. the same ' ' feeling existing between these two ' fighters as in former days. This; 1 story is not written to alibi for Tip- ' . t. pero for his failure to put away, the . wily Smith, but in all honesty it must be said that there are two reasons , which'Could be attached to the showing show-ing made by the Bingham fighter in Salt Lake a few weeks ago First let it be said that Tippero had just fin ished a bout with Jack Gordon at Brigham City, in when he annexed t the bantam weight title, when he met Smith. Then, it is remembered that Smith and Tippero have been good :. friends for many years, and there may . . have been a slight feeling of friendship friend-ship creep into that last fight in Salt - ' Lake City. Tippero is still wet un-der un-der the collar from that wbippinghe received t the hands of Smkh, and since his victory over Tippero, Smith is not the same as of ytfre, and when these two fighteri enter the ring on Tuesday evening, both will put forth the best they have in them. It may be said that the brotherly. Jjove stuff will be a minus quantity,- , The seml-windup .'should furnish the fans with considerable entertain- '' meat; as'.Wild Bilpf srrrelMf ytrf v- dcssirous.pf' allowing Joe JManey that he is about through as a fighter. Joe, on the other hand, wants to show; Farrell that science is the potent factor fac-tor in boxing. This bout - will ' be worth going miles to see. The next in line for the great card will be the bout between' Roy.Mc Carty of Salt Lake City and Wes Ketchell. These two fighter need no introduction to the local follow- -ers of the padded mitt. Plenty of action is expected in this affair, and the fans will not be disappointed. Jack Downs of Park City is very desirous of getting into harness and Delaney accommodated .him by putting put-ting Joe Riveras of the Boston Con in the ring with him. Little is known (Continued on Page 4) Fights Promise Action (Continued from Page 1) of the Park City lad but Rveras has been working hard, and is anxious to make short work of Jack. It will pay the fans to be on time, for the curtain raiser promises to be one of the real clashes of the evening. eve-ning. "Kid" O'Neal is scheduled to work three rounds with "Young" Baker, Ba-ker, the most feared fighter on Carr Fork. These two lads met in the opening bout here several months ago, and gave a great demonstration. The fight ended in a draw ,but this time it may be different as O'Neal feels himself superior to Baker, while Baker can't see how O'Neal can even get a draw with him. Watch out for the curtain raiser, and don't forget that the night is Tuesday of next week, and the Princess Theater is the place. |