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Show rTTTTELVE " ' , . - - THE BINGHAM PKES3 EULLFTT' , . . 'Z by Decembet J. - - Miss Alic Mitchell of Sandy is vis-iting at the iome. of 'Mr.-- and Mrs. Von Chnstcnien.'" . Mrt Lynal Brady weni to Union on Wedneday to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs, William Nance. -- , Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hartman were Salt-Lak- e visitors Wednesday, . ' !. , i Miss Doris Masters and Avery Masters went to Sprinevilto Wednes-day to spend the latter part of the week ' ' ' Mrs. W. T. Bennett spent Tuesday of this week in Salt Lake City, f , Riley Patten, RobeVt O'Neal and Mickey Culleton went to Midyale Sat-urday evening to attend the wedding reception of Miss Alice Bennelt, Xfr. Madeleine Waldi went to Salt Lak Friday jevening. Mi; and Mrs. Will Thomas spent Saturday in Salt Lake Ctly. v ' ' Mrs" H. R.Atkin of Provo and children spent Friday "afternoon in camp, returning with Mr, Atkin in the ' ' evening. ; 1 ;. .' Dorius Adams spent Sunday iri Salt Lake City, i v - ', V Renold VieUe was a Salt Lake ris-'it- Saturday of lAst" week.. Mr. and Mfs l Louis' Buchman and children,' JJobbie andJklickey went to Salt, ' Lake j'fi.da. 'eveningi 'I. f , Mr. and MtS. Brent Lynch spent the week end in Salt Lake with relatives. Mr. Edward' Viettewho is attend-ing tfie l spent the week end at his home in camp. '; r; ' ' . i ' V Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paget of Garfield took Thursday luncheon with Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hartman: , ' ' Professor"1 F, W." Reynolds' of the University of Utah met with the fac-ulty of Bingham Central schools on Thursday afternoon to consider ex-tension work for - Dr. J. K W. bracken afid Will S.. ' teft tha latter part oi last week . ' ttie southern part of the state with tKcir shot guns wctt loaded. Oh deer. . .'. f t i, - - N ' : Mr. and MW.JBayd Biriflwd spent ' f onday in Salt Lake City. s s - ; . " Mrs. J. JB. Myers returned Friday 1 evening from Ogden, where she at- - ' " tended the fctate Federation of "Clubs. .. tr.''and Mrs. James Nerden were T Salt' take visitors Saturday! jf last , .. ' , .' r.:- Mr.'and Mrs. W. T. Bennett spent " , Sunday in Midvale visiting relatives. i " Mr and Mrs. Horacfe Higgi' spent Sunday in Bountiful with friends' V ' Coach Tommy McMullin spent the tweck end at his home in Ieber City. Mrs. T. J. Caulfield and son Thom- - ' '., as went to Salt Lake Friday , of last ' ' week. ' ' ' '" ' of 7 Mm Margaret Stewart Coyote, i,' ,ttah,. is spending the week "at" the '- - home of Mri and Mrs. S, P Davic.1 , ; tt Markhata. I. ".' ; !' ," lii: .Lawrenc? ..Ebe'rly nd,--' Priae , 'Mahtstrom o( West Jordan visited "; ' he Bingham Central,' Schools.. Mon- - 4, .';'- - Mr. James F. Barkle was called to Minnesota by the serious illness of his father; ; ' " Z MrsC.;L. Countryman and Mrs. E. E.t Edwards spent Friday of last week in Salt Lake. . Darius Adams, Rcnnold . Viette, Paul Allias and Loren StokeS 'spent Tuesday in Heber City. ' Mr.Vnd Mrs. E. Sandquist of Mag-na were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hartman Thursday.. Su'pt. D.'C. Jensen "was in camp Wednesday conferring with Principal II. R. Atkin in regards to completion of the new high school building which is expected to be ready for occupancy . " Mr. W. W, Wilson y Sandy was y . 'in camp Friday night tq attend the ' 'Republican- Rally. ' " .;' H" .' . ' Z 4K v. ' ' ,y' . Mrs. J. V.. Barnard, who has been ? ;( visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' ' Stewart Young and Mr. and Mrs. V 'Boyd J. Barnard the pit week, left . 'JJ Saturday afternoon for her home in ; J Salina, Utah. ' '.t - "!. Mrs.' J. F. Flynn and children, Jack1-v- ' - ic, Eddie and Gloria, spent the week end i" camp. ", ( ,.t ; , ' ' ' Mr. W. S. Jonei returned to camp ' tins week after spending six weeks in , , California. . i' f . Miss Aliccile Higgs spent the week ' ' end with her parents in Salt Lake. ""Coarteiy,'Creat.Valaej f 4 I Courtesy la a aclenca of tha hlu. w I Importance. It Is Uk grace and . ' beauty In tha body, which charm t ftrrt light, and lead ua m U further J A( One Labeled Pouon Teara"at--l- p the-- merry ttay of the iBgllah ta vera ' there waa a turmoil among radicals over the 'poisoning" of the ale drunk by the comrooii eeopla, The trouble wa caused when some one learned that 111 making ale sulphuric acid, made front Spanish pyrites, was used and that this contained arsenic It was tempo In a teapot, however, because It would have taken Ave. bar-rels of ale to Contain enough arsenic to hurt one lnd'vlduaU "r: ; C"C"AG AIN YET "V ' f Once, upon a time it was said that a twelve page paper for Bing- - " ham Canyon was ait impossibility.' We thought so too, but with this t issue we are proud to, state that you are now reading the thhrd ge paper published this month ty the PRESS-BULL.ETi- And again let as thank our many ad-vertisers, and our many subscrib-ers who are making it possible lor as to put out,. ,what othera have declared impossible A 12- - " PAGE PArKR.y:;A:-:;:- churchei td attempt this unique pag-ena- t. The title of the pageant is "World Service." As soon as the ar-rangements are completed we shall begin the rehearsals. The date of the presentation will be Sunday evening, November 9, 1924. Better plan to take, this in. More later. " Regular . services next Sunday. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Evening service at 7:4S p.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. " Don't hesitate to send the children. The rooms will ; be warm and comfortable. Copperfield Boy Rangers meet" in regular meeting Monday night at 7 p.m.". Boy Scouts of Copperfield will meet at 8 p.m. Be prepared to take Tenderfoot tests.' Alvin Cole became Patrol Leader, Andrew Takis, assist-ant Patrol Leadei.and James Dentis, scribei-.-V'.-.v- -." ' v' ' ;. There is" almost a full patrol. - If you want thescout work, be on hand next Monday evening at 8 p.m. 'Copperfield Boy gangers will hold their regular meeting Monday at 7 p m. '. The Scouts meet an hour later. Scouts be prepared to take Tender-foot tests.. :' i METHODjsT CHURCH NOTES " All the tfpartments of the church are at work: The Junior League the youngest l) join the schedule is pro-gressing nftely. Mrs. Othcim is the superintendent. Owing to the of thi' pastor from the pulpit in the evetung last Sunday, the in-stallation oPthe Junior League cab-inet was until next Sun-day. This be taken care of in the evening vscrvice. 4 ' Tlans arc '.under way to present a pageant callhig for twenty in the cast Costumes have been sent to t'tali from Chicago and we arc one of five Fametu Reman Rcadufay i.out 812 8. CO, ; Caesar Appfus ClaudlM bttlit the Applan way. Thla great MO-mll- e thoroughfare atretchea Mt ahaoat In a direct Una from the walls Borne la a southerly direction t Bnwdlatum.' Today, 'as In the daya of anctent Rome, heavy oxen draw great loads of produce along this an-ete-nt road. . - ,' Norm! CWfofi ivVc;. c 1 A normal world eottoa f 000,000 bslea. . vf- - . ' : . 'a ". , ' - i IRISH SETTER DOQ 1 ' 8 MONTHS OLD ANSWERS TO NAME "RED" LIBERAL REWARD IP POUND h GEORGE CARRIGAN ' ' 2 Dixoij Av. - ' ' A WONDERFUL BSkI j ' ENTITLED ,1 I ?. '" - I I I THE IMPORTANCE OF GLANDS I IN LIVING TO GREAT AGE I ::' " :' ':)' AND V.- ':.u- ,- i! ; RETAINING YOUTHFUL VIGOR" . ' I ' - . PRICE ONE DOLLAR ' ; V ' t o WHILE THIS LIMITED EDITION LASTS A COPY I I! OF THIS AMAZING BOOK WILL BE SENT YOU X . ! ABSOLUTELY FREE i ; ; Send for your copy at once. Don't Delay : . 2 t THRIFT PUBLISHING CO. BURNSIDE, KENTUCKY , r "nHillltlMMMHH lillltt Illllltllllt L j FOR SALE A GOOD PIANO INQUIRE AT BINGHAM CAFE , . V Call Citizen's Coal 8c Supply - - '; ' today for your Coal so that f "ou w ave ' when you f - "I ' want b No use waiting un- - . !, 1 with us. f ' " ?M . a - s ' V. ' '. ' '" Fof Your ' ' " - CHRISTMAS SEWING J and " , FANCY NEEDLEWORK . I " . ' Sec ' MRS. HERBERT GUST 9 Wall St. I " Phone 349 ' ' v WANTED ' Light Housekeeping " Rooms ENQUIRE AT THE OUTLET EDITH W ELAINE I BEAUTY at PARLORS 289 Main Street ' Phone 264-- M ' ' ' i ' y - j Richness of Design Dominate Fabric Modes Profusely decorated in the most unusual and j delightful patterns, the new autumn materials j ' are given a most important place in the tableaux j of fall fashions. Each fabric presents a novel I idea. '."..; j j R. JAY MITCHELL j GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS ' Phonc 43 Phone Men Ate Talking About Our New Shoe Arrivals t Men, especially those who appreciate the better X t things, are talking about our newest arrivals in I Men's Shoes. Featured are a wide selection of Oxfords in blacks and tans. t There are also many high shoe styles for men I with that much wanted touch of exdusiveness I The Bingham Merc. Co. ! "The Big Store" X Economical Grocery Buys Get next to these unusual . Grocery offerings. Fill all your needs at immense sav-ing;. BINGHAM GROCERY No. 2 Main at Markham WELSH SINGERS . : 't A- ' AT HIGH SCHOOL ' ''' ' i" '''''-'- V u The Dynevor Concert company will be heard at the local high school Sat- - urday. evening (tomorrow) 1n a well ; selected program starting at o'clock. The company conies to Bingham Can-yon with tn enviable reputation, and th eoncert will be given under the auspices of the Queen Esther circle anithe C. K. U. D's of-th-e Metho- - dist Community church. It is to be hoped that lovers of ,high class music will be in attendance to welcome this won4erfuTi'qip4ny-o- f talented mu-sicians. ., - - Saw Cardi Patented A deck of cards, on the corners of which are numbers from 1 to 100, mak-ing possible the playing of. 60. mathe-matical games, was recently patented. - , , EFFORT FOR MISSIONS ,V IS GREAT SUCCESS The Committee in charge of. the birthday party areWf11 pleased with the results. The affair; was well at-tended and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who were able to be there. A Missionary Playlet was presented by the girls of the Queen Esther Circle. Musical items were alsq given. Games and refreshments completed a very profitable time. The financial gain was beyond expectations, and there will be a net result of $75.00 which will apply on the Benevolences. ': The next worthy offering which the Methodists are promoting is the visit of the Welsh Singers in the person of the Dynevor Concert Company to Bingham Canyon, next Saturday eve-ning in the high school auditorium. This is a big opportunity for those who love good music to spend a very pleasant evening, ; Tickets for the same are on sale, and can be had from the Queen Esther Circle and the CK. U D's. ; ADDED ATTRACTION " " : '! FOR BIG FIGHTS . "Silent" Rowns and "Dummy" Rowns, twojtars of years gone by, and -- well known to Bingham fight fans will be seen irt action Tuesday evening at ' Delaney's championship Fight Festival at the Princess theater. Both the Rowns, it will be remem-bered, fought their way to the top, and are still considered far over the average. They are middle weights. - She Knew Sheep A young city woman went out to teach a country school. The class In irithmetlc was before her. She aald : "JIow; children, If : there are ten sheep on one side of a wall and one' lumps over, bow many sheep will be teftr . . '. " Then up piped a little tow-head-daughter of a farmer: "No sheep, teacher; no ahep." "Oh I ob IM cried the. young city wom-an reproachfully. "You are not so itupld aa that I Think again. If there were ten sheep on one aid of the wall and "one sheep Jumped over, nine sheep would be left Don't you ie thatr ' "No! no! no!" persisted the child. "If one sheep Jumped over all the oth-ir- s would Jump after. My father keepa iheep." Then, seeing the puxzled look on the teacher's face, the little tow-hea- d ex-plained apologetically: "You know rithmetlc,' but I know sheep." ' Charleston News. ': DISPLAYS NEW PRODUCT ' A window display of , more than passing interest is the one to be seen at the Campbell Drug Store, in which is shown Bron-cho-lin- e, a product manufactured, by Mr. Campbell in Bingham" Canyon. Bron-cho-li- is rapidly gaining a statewide reputa-tion as one of the best cold remedies on the market today. A. "sample will be given for the asking,' according to Mr. Campbell " ' REPUBLICAN RALLY . AT LARK SATURDAY "'. i.' V f , , . A bg Republican Rally will be held at Lark Saturday f evt' ning, with Oscar J. Carlson as the principal speaker.- A fine musical program has been arranged, and many of the G. O. P. of Bingham Canyon will journey to the neighbor-ing town, and join in the merry-makin- g which will include an old time dance, the kind that father and moth-er used to attend. To Wipe Out Myopia Uhe chief cause of nearsightedness la not near work, as Is generally sup-posed, but mental strain.. If all les-sons could be made Interesting and teachers and parents were paragoni of love and patience, then myopli would be wiped out of the world's d focts. Dr. Clement Jeff ery. MEETING OF BOYS CALLED FOR THURSDAY . A meeting will be held at the high school' gym Thursday afternoon: of next.wtek for boys .ten years and up for the purpose, of organising a Boys Club, which will be under the direc-tion of Principal H. R. Atkin and Rev. Samuel Mitchell of the Metho-- i dist church. A , All boys ten years of age or older are requested": to be 'present at the meeting ,as it is essential that the club is formed. HARD TIME DANCE ' " , FOR HALLOWE'EN Manager Joe Delaney of the Can-yon Hall, announces that un Friday evening, October 31, a real hard time dance will be held at the popular dance pavilion, with mu-sic by the Imperials, Bingham's own orchestra. .Bring on your calico aprons and dresses, girts, and boys, don't forget that overalls will lend much toward the success of the evening. You know how tough it uaed to be, so come to Canyon Hall on Hallowe'en dressed In your very worst. The success of the evening depends entirely on your appearance. Getting back to the song of a decade back, "There will be a hot time in the old town that night. FALL BEAUTY WEEK Fall Beauty? Week will start at the Schramm'-Johpso- n Drug store Sunday, October 26, according to advices re-ceived fromhe Salt Lake headquar-ters. The tall Beauty Week will close OctoberJl, according to Walter C. McCarty, fiuanager of the ' local branch. rally Here Saturday The LaFoliette and Wheeler forces will hold a monster rally Saturday evening at 7'p'clock at Smith's Hall. J. R. Loftu candidate for Congress and member of the Railway Conduc-tor's Union Ind A. E. Harvey of the American Federation of Labor will be the principal speakers. A general invitation is'ixtended to all. HIGHLAND BOY SCENE OF RALLY A monster Republican Rally was held at the school house at Highland Boy Wednesday evening of this week with Harvey Cluff and Elmer Crock-ett as the principal speakers. Maurice Bee and his Imperial Orchestra fur-nished splendid music throughout the evening's program, which was enjoy-ed by a capicity attendance. A dance followed the rally. N. CORA HANKS vi TO SPEAK HERE k N. Cora ltynks, the blind and arm-less lecturer l ill be heard at the High School Auditorium Monday evening, Nov. 3rd. $r. Hanks is just com-pleting a torir of the United States and has condescended to speak at the local hih scjiool before returning to his home iitjkber City. ORCHESTRA IN DEMAND The Imperial.i, Bingham Canyon's own orchestra, which gave such a wonderful musical program at the Robert C. Gemniell Memorial Dance Tuesday evening of this week, have been in demand since that night, hav-ing no less than five engagements for the balance of the month. The orchestra is composed of Scverin Grandquist, violin; Kay Lemon, sax-ophone; Maurice Bee, piano; Del Marriott, banjo, L R. Hood, cornet; and N. J. Lennchan, drums. --u, - CARD OF THANKS We wi.slj it thank our many friends for their syiipathy and kindness and the many tfdral offerings during the illness andtkath of our son, Frank Mr. and ,$rs. Harry C. English. i' EXAMINATION CHARTS FOR CHILDREN ARE NOW READY Charts for the examination of the pupils of the local high school and 'junior high are being finished, and j Monday of next wek, the many pupils will undergo a thorough examination, ! which will be conducted by the doc-- I tors of the camp. I The teeth, ear, eye, nose and throat will all be given undivided attention, and it is understood that the exam-ination will bring many new h;ic$ to tit c attention of the school offi-cials concerning the pupils health. |