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Show LARK Mrs. Fred Miller has as her house guest her daughter, Mrs. James Murphy, Mur-phy, of Elko, Nevada. Mrs. Marvin Butterfield and sister, Miss Ruth Butterfield, spent Tuesday of last week with relatives in River-ton. River-ton. Mrs. A. Terry of Draper is the get-acquainted parties. Miss Elizabeth Hatch, Miss Dora Hanson, Glen Nell and Marvel Nell motored to West Jordan Friday evening eve-ning to attend the dance. Mr. and Mrs. William Calloway of Riverton were the dinner guests of Mrs. P. Penpraze Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alam Blum ( and daughter, Inez, spent last week end in Tooele with relatives. house guest of her sister, Mrs. Liza-dora Liza-dora Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Richardson and family, were visitors to Bingham Canyon Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Nell and Mrs. A. P. Hemingsen, were visitors to Midvale Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Niels Christensen returned re-turned to their home Friday evening after spending several days with relatives rel-atives in Logan, Utah. Mrs. Edna P. Wade of Bingham spent Tuesday of last wetk calling on friends here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fahrni were Salt Lake visitors Tuesday of this week . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Magee and two daughters, Alice and Reah, spent last week end with relatives in American Fork. Special services were held at the L. El S. church, Sunday evening, under un-der the auspices of the Y. L. M. I. A. The speaker of the evening was D. Frank Griffiths. The program included in-cluded a recitation by Mrs. Addie Hatt. A sextette composed of Bel-va Bel-va Crittenden, Alice Hatt, Margaret Hatt, Thclma Hansen, Ruby Peterson, Peter-son, and Thelma Reed gave several selections. Special music was given by the choir, and Mrs. Wallace Blackburn, Black-burn, president of the Association, made several remarks. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Nelson and little son, Frank, visited relatives in Sandy Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heringcr spent Wednesday of last wetk with their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmidt of Salt Lake. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the Lark Amusement Hall Tuesday Tues-day evening of last week. The district dis-trict school teachers and principal, D. Frank Griffiths entertained the parents par-ents and many friends in a real get acquainted party. Community singing, sing-ing, and games of various kinds were "the features of the entertainment, with fruits served as refreshments. Committees consisting of D. Frank Griffiths, R. F. Meyerhoffer, E. H. White, Mrs. Mayme Hemingsen, Mrs. W. J. Fahrni and Mrs. R. F. Meyerhoffer, Meyer-hoffer, were appointed to entertain in the future for teachers and parents Mrs. W. L. Tripp and little daughter daugh-ter spent last week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilcox, at West Jordan. Miss Anna Holt of South Jordan, spent Tuesday evening with friends here. Miss Ivy C. Lowry of Salt Lake was the luncheon guest of Mrs. R. F. Meyerhoffer Thursday noon. Mrs".' A. P. Hemingsen entertained at cards- Monday evening honoring Miss Elizabeth Hatch, Miss Dora Hansen and Mrs. Mathilda Nelson, our district teachers. Five hundred was played, and prizes awarded to t Mrs. Mathilda Nelson for high score, second to Mrs. Nellie Wykcrt and consolation to Mrs. E. H. White. A late luncheon was served to twenty' five guests. Hallowe'en colors form' ed the decorations. Mrs. D. A. Thomas and tw daughters, Ruth and Ilcnc, are thi guests of Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Hadlcy at Ogdcn. |