Show dress goods 1 popularity popular fur mahy reasons chiefly because can be bought than at the price 9 yards all wool imported plain striped and plaid mixtures mix turee the same quality last season sold for 60 65 and now or yard 7 suit for yards fine french all wool de bege worth boc tor a yard A f yards fine english broadcloth broad cloth in t 1 new spring shades worth 1 for t f 1 1111 f t X the biawitz Bi avitz kid clove without but tons buttonholes button holes or fasteners in suede and dace at is a bargain our hook 6 foster kid clovo in black tans and browns at i the best elove made for this price u S J burt bros in column per line ich inie rilon troy laundry the best and largest ogden steam laundry does best work none better genuine old church grass creek coal at yard delivered order ot banner or wallace co fe thomas agents JUST RECEIVED A new invoice of made from sterling utah silver silver each gold plated soc eacle etli WALLACE one dark green pocketbook pocket book with gold trimming had three dollars in money and union annual pass issued to lire J L and daughter lost on washington avenue street car between and streets between 11 and 1 thursday finder will please return to pacific hotal and be rewarded good Is one of the chief blessings of every home to always insure bustards custards cus tards puddings sauces etc use gail borden eagle brand condensed milk diorec the label take no substitute for the eagle brand notice all persons indebted to the firm of marks goldsmith are requested to make immediate settlement ot their accounts with A HANAUER assignee office at peebles drug store type writers repaired cleaned and put in perfect alignment at alie city novelty works twenty fourth st thomas theatre free to ladies on friday and saturday nights the sea of ice on saturday night columbia bicycles remington typewriters type writers and hall safes only at S J griffins tel loi safes opened rubber and metal stamps made v the money Marl set A largo amount of private eastern money can now be secured on good real estate security from brainard hitter rooms 16 to 18 first national bank building real estate market now ie the time to buy cheap good near ogden for just what the improvements improve menti are worth Good dwelling house in logan utah and boulder colorado to exchange for house in good stock of merchandise and second hand goods in good location for eale at a bargain only email capital required well established business acres good pasture land near hot springs at a bargain good buildings for eale or rent cheap call and aeo bitter room 10 first national bank if you fisli to buy cheap sell or exchange property wilt buy all kinds ot good script nt market price you never make a mistake or a blunder when you buy a victor bicycle they are the best in the market and have the latest improvements improve menta and you can get them for call at Berin pers today see the beauty in the window corner twenty fifth and grant awarded 1 honors worlds fair 1 jhc thc only artire cream of tartar powder no alun j asem millions ao the standard union opera house our re gilar matinee this afternoon commencing at also alie regular social this evening at we wish to call our patrons attention to the new dances which we have and will be taught each week at our hall the following harvard gavotte wentworth illinois caesar manitou Man itou american berlin and fascination salic the last named will be today for 23 wo guarantee to furnish medicine which if taken according to directions will cure you ot the liquor morphine or tobacco habit yon can take it yourself at home or at your work without any publicity or inconvenience your bamo will not be given to alie public w without your express consent read what a patient says eis mantha after treatment OGDEN utah january ogden utah DEAK sin I 1 write you in order to let you know that I 1 am completely cured of the drinking habit and have been ever since I 1 took that one bottle of your medicine you furnished mo in july 1893 I 1 have never taken ft drop of intoxicating liquors of kind since I 1 first commenced to take it and it is now about six months since I 1 have been entirely free from any desire for liquors during all that time and hava had better health than I 1 had enjoyed for years I 1 have gained about ten pounds in flesh and am once more a free man from the tiras I 1 commenced taking the medicine I 1 was constantly invited to drink with friends as often as twenty times a day for several days but the medicine made it easy for me to say noa I 1 liked to take the medicine after I 1 got used to it and know it was n great blessing to me for at that time I 1 could not leave my work to eo to an institute and had you not been able to furnish me with a cure that I 1 could take myself it would have been impossible for mo to have been cured last fall I 1 went up on snake river prospecting and tine party I 1 waa with had whisky along them most of the time but I 1 never had any desire whatever to take a drink and although we sometimes very close run and dewi spirited vet I 1 never touched a drop of liquor of any kind I 1 feel eure eliat any person who really wishes to bo cured and will take the medicine faithfully can be cured acet as well if not better than going to an institute and thus aavo to themselves both money and time a as you know I 1 worked every day while taking the medicine and my best friends do not known ayen today that I 1 took any cure they think I 1 quit of my own accord but I 1 am willing to let the world know what it hns done for me and you are at liberty to show this letter or publish it that all who are in need of a cure may avail themselves of your safe and sure cure yours very truly P S alie writer of this letter 13 over 60 acara of age and well known to the citizens of ogden call in or address guarantee cure co BM short manager woodmansee block twenty fourth street ogden utah the leading business houses the advertisers whose names appear in the group herewith published are merchants whose business integrity is recognized throughout the territory and THE STANDARD recommends them without reservation to the patronage of the public GOODS GENERAL merchandise V WEIGHT bona CO w dealers in DBY SHOES ETC wright block HE WHITE dealers la DBY GOODS honors ETC 2353 washington avenue J BUST A s dealers in DRY coode hitoe etc 2133 avenue L SONS I 1 dealers in DRY gooda cor twenty fourth and washington M I 1 JOHN dealers la DRY GOODS cor twenty bourth and wellington CLOTHING ONE PRICE HOUSE P dealers la HITS 8 BOOTS 2315 washington avenue GROCERS J dealers in vegetables TEAS 8 85 twenty fifth street telephone 70 BROWN dealers in GROCERIES beas ETC 2275 avenue H dealers in FANCY 2274 washington avenue U BROTHERS dealers in STAPLE AND 27 twenty fourth street DRAGAN dealer in 1 A SO 1 peer block twenty fourth street MEAT MARKETS CITY MEAT MARKET dealers in AND FISH OAME washington avenue CU choicest A BROS MEATS POULTRY dell A tel 68 twenty st E it the choicest MEATS POULTRY GAME W twenty fourth ft W T england GRAND REOPENING af TOE mm COB EVENING m A new and powerful stoat company in the sparkling one act comedy NAVAL engagements AND THE LOST SHIP I 1 special scenery effects PRATT lato pt effie ellsler co BY margaret fratt lavin pearl ethler neva harry taylor A A hovey georga G taylor fred moore george Pen raven popular prices 15 and 25 cents Ba turdy matinee 2 p m one price loyer 15 cent girls caps and other novelties in hats and caps for boys and girls we said ive mean nobby sli goods just in teller hats at 25 50 60 and ac say alicy arc yorlli more money and alicy arc in alie basli system chere are no big to caver bad debts we buy fur cash get tho discount Perlin ps ho best lot of afe id are here now in he face of the discontent of others we bought he largest stock for girls all sorts the b st for boys to 2 or high cr ahe b for lomeii any kind logist prices the best that new lot of oxfords and low cut shoes M opened find amons them the newest in footwear for natii a line of at to 5 that we are of new ones new toes new dricks for the qualities strictly cash BANKS ODEN STATE BANK capital surplus 15 OCO BANKING cor twenty fifth and FlOM MERCIAL NATIONAL V capital BA wenty fourth UTAH NATIONAL BANK capital cor twenty fourth and washington DENTISTS BH all classee work guaranteed utah loan trust building EM FELSHAW i DENTIST wright block 22 EUROPEAN HOTEL llague BOOM AND meair RATES alz ilz twenty etrest DRUGS w M DRIVER A SON wholesale end estall dealer lu I 1 wa avenue professional TT J M D office stayner block rooms 28 and 2 ATTORNEYS itt T AT abawi no utah loan A trust company building BOREMAN BOREMAN J S bodeman Bo ieman G F Bore iaan ATT AT LAW washington avenue arden utah A R AT LAW office 9 twenty fourth street miscellaneous GREEKS freir Chol ceet candiee CAH DIEe 2335 wah ave and 2 twenty filth et w 7 u CO peale in HAY etc twenty fourth treet POPULAR advertising aaa HEAP AND ON EASY TERMS EES lincoln miscellaneous PRIVATE IN DANCING AND physical culture at room 68 first nation bank building ats harbour atress TAILOR u bastea ot and fitting taught perfectly in alvo leona beaucl perfect alt guaranteed hadit taught oart with squared at reduced price dresses cut aad hitched ready or trimming boade for aso up i lincoln avenue near ath street 9 CLOSING OUT BALE batove REPAIR v reduced from 15 to per ib sace tajh ington avenue s DESIRING OF T W Palt doimer ni anger 0 the elec trie steam laundry 0 mhd place may address box 67 ana end mont HOUriE HOLD OF ALL KIND and for rent a atle 6 room ahouee bath room aleo ladles high arade bicycle lor ale parties leaving town call at wi monio aten 0 IMPROVED PROPERTY JAMES ballard h t ogden utah I 1 HAVE SEVERAL NICE LAROE ELE gantly furnished rooms which I 1 will rental very reasonable rate in a pleasant neighborhood aad convenient to bu alnes at NO 2311 adama are and examine noting tho exceedingly low rate per month M claytea 2511 ST FLAT OF to right patty no hop fiend need appy BUSINESS PROPERTY IN JL rood town nebraska clear ot will exchange lor fttie or sheep J B gowen 1081 bax t utah 0 ROANS AND ALL kinds of musical repairing at twenty fourth eireen WANTED TO L aso FOR SIX or a year two lot one block five point s bald blok iro faeh inston avenue address D E care standard office SMALL OR 8 keeping must be cheap address gilloe number and price to Y ihl office PITY J FOR RENT ROOMS T ROOMS FOR r nd st furnished pURNIS HED ROOMS NEWLY PAPERED at reduced rates at the vendome A BRICK BENCH AU convenience bent reason inquire at grant avenue BRICK HOUSE PAN try bathroom bath room etc adam 3 brick ahouee adams etc 1670 it efflo MONEY TO LOAN 0 N IMPROVE 1 PROPERTY JAMES BAL aird twenty fourth ct ogden utah 0 N farrid farsid IN CO R C mekin aidt COMPANY MONEY LOW rates J J snyder loom 19 bloat alt talt t lake chiy OS ariy OK PROPERTY done promptly I 1 corica block C DS tack GREAT special sale hens arcula ICO 1 rubbers 25 fall lulled stockings 75 fine coats SIZ 00 OO if ens and boys overcoats sold regard to cost at JEU abiva clothe hoase 2145 |