Show TRAPPING AN AUDIENCE bow an eccentric lecturer got 1 wl then pounded somo years ago an eccentric genine the rev thomas P hunt used to give temperance one night ho announced that he would lecture at a certain pennsylvania town now temperance waa not in favor among tho male portion of that burg the women however were all for the pledge and consequently on hunts first visit not a man showed himself the benches were pretty well filled with women though and hunt commenced but instead of temperance he took them to task about the vanities of dress etc they wore great stuffed feather sleeves then they the sleeves caught it then the tight facings lacings lac ings and so on through the whole catalogue of female follies but no word about intemperance the ladies went home nearly mad told their brabands boa bands about it and voted old hunt a regular hain bug he announced be would lesture at the same place the next night long before the time appointed the people began to arrive and when hunt hobbled down the aisle the building was completely filled with men the old fellow looked about chuckled and said in a low voice hogs ive got yon bowl the audience stared aha bogs ive got you now he repeated after the crowd bad got quiet a little the lecturer eaid friends you wanted to know what I 1 meant by sayin ff hogs ive got you bowl and ill tell yon out west the bogs run wild and when folks get out of meat they catch a young pig pat a strap under his body and hitch him to a young sapling that will just swing him from the ground nicely of course he and raises a rumpus when all the old hogs gather around to see what is the matter and then they shoot them at their leisure last night I 1 bung a pig up I 1 hurt it a little and it squealed tho old hogs have turned out tonight to see the fun and ill roast you and so bo did pitching into their favorite vice with much evident relish and gusto american home life |