Show if you want insurance abo best the deafest cheapest insurance on earth take a policy in the apply to wm stader utah loan trust building look here 1 for ebelt at the central carriage works you can get your buggies painted cheaper than at any chop in the city get our prices before going elsewhere proprietors rear con I 1 cop co we stamp our bread for the reason its quality and quantity are unsurpassed aesa star bakery twenty altu lump coal ton at yard john sons co hotbed hot bed sash ballantyne bros lumber co we will present a lead pencil slate pencil pen and holder and ruler all in a nice case to all school children who purchase cents worth of broods at stones closing out sale of books and stationery twenty fifth street our silver Cha molon cigar strictly high grade tobacco an excellent seller try them fred J klesel co union coal yard has rock springe and black butte coal also mine slack telephone ladies hairdressing parlors in utah loan trust buildings buil dins room the rio geande western railway co still extend to alie public the following reduced rates for one way continuous passage tickets from ogden and all main line points including park city and spanish fork to leadville pueblo colorado springs denver and other colorado common points 1600 to missouri river 2500 to st louis to chicado Chic aeo 1 idanha idan ha a sparkling delicious natural mineral water accept no other fred J klesel co great remnant and closing out sale some lines of shoes for less than cost ladles 4 shoe for and 3 misses 3 shoe for ladles rubbers for massachusetts shoo store hathorn water will you of constipation liver and stomach disorders fred J clerel aco every lady and child in town should patronize the matinee saturday afternoon at the thomas theater given for the cause of charily nut coal at yard john sons co the many calls for charity this winter haa depleted alie treasury of the dorcas society that they have decided to give a thomas theater saturday afternoon tho stock company now playing there have very generously volunteered their services free and the use of the building lias been offered for alie afternoon for the cause of charity let every one attend 4 we have reduced the price of coal ot suit the times john sons co THE GENUINE AND SHAM every good thing halite hosts of every genuine article if counterfeit the always chioso the most valuable and popular article to when they claim their charn to bo equal or as good or the tame as sit and so the eublio my depend upon it that so and so article it ahe best ot the kind the achim prove the 1 merit of the thing it copies and never ba this been better illustrated than by the imitations ot FI la taij standard of excellence excel leuce the world over audits imitators in their cry that theirs la a good as are only this tact and ad bo the acme of perfection which it 1 their blebee ambition to iral tae between the and theae only general ap ps arance it at wide as that between copper edd gold the only safe way or purchasers h to always upon having AU COCKS POROUS PLUS they arc abe oaly perfect plasters ever produce COAL AT YARD rock sarg lump pr ton pr ton pleasant V lump red canon lump alien lump alien nut yard slack having bocht the coal yard formerly known the barria yard I 1 am able to supply customers cus tomera with all kinds of coal all orders will receive prompt attention telephone no 4 yard located on lower twenty fourth street near wall we have it A large and carefully selected stock of whiskeys Wines etc fred J klesel co try grace creak coal most economical thomas agents sirs A E lanter mil ohio strained nerves palpitation ortho Ho artand A condral break down the good effect of hoods was marked and permanent C I 1 hood co lowell mass I 1 was taken down sick last december and became weak with nervous trouble palpitation ot the heart anil a general breakdown I 1 had good physician hut lingered along getting no better I 1 could sit up only about halt a day until the of march when I 1 concluded I 1 would give hoods Hoods 5 cures when I 1 had used it a short time I 1 could get up and go all about the house all day I 1 have never enjoyed perfect health but am now my filth bottle ol 01 hoods Sar sapa ellla and know it haa helped ane wonderfully I 1 used hoods nils and think them excellent cel lent marsali MR SAli hoods palle act easily yet promptly anaf efficiently on uie liver and bomeli 4 REMEDY tit ABOT in SO cure all Ser vou fallone memory loil l oil ion tic by tat brive clyor and bize quietly but arly breatore rea tore in kwlly carried in sctt pocket six written 1 ie cure or 11 pont let ny ell yon any kind of 11 ho hint rot it arre SOLD by win driver son od attall bruE gist OGDEN UTAH and other leding le ding Drug Kista tt atea some unscrupulous grocers may tell you this is just 1 olice 1 as the as pride of japan tree tea its false if your grocer substitutes any other brand S in place of PRIDE OF JAPAN TREE TEA be honest and send it back ifor I 1 E lac i and 11 II it lilt h BOW ia I 1 att t pro burfect KHOV fh aar 1 ollit oll Kt acu c t CAUTION if a dealer W b at a reduced price or ho hae them without amno camped tamped ou bottom iut him down ae a fraud esa BEST IN sa israk THE WORLD W L douglas shoe arc tyll caay fit tine and dac better latleif artion nt the price ad than aaa other inglr try one pair and be convinced the of V L pouylas uylas namo and price on bolsoni bol toni alch their licca thousand of dolli i annually denier ho push the talc of shoe anin cut lomer helps to incorv lse the jalcs on latr lull lino they can afford to lei profit ans we you can vc nancy liy buying au your free upon apply atia address 4 L aa sold by 1 I W H SONS LU L U Nohl aln kopala anre A I 1 4 aut nl 11 ll t x ai larm tor 1 THE ol 01 nil imar allty K afu CU ulita C A in 18 gonorrhoea and irom cantal LOST MANHOOD RESTORED SPANISH CiHA te wonderful rr ady asod willi guarantee pua rantee to cure all ichu week memory LOMO braia of confidence latitude Laai tude all mul los powe of the generative organ either ex caged by owr mouthful conr or ue tobacco or which lead to I 1 consumption and Ici anity put up to carry in vt sent by mail in plain to for I 1 or for sia 11 gir ri rici sal att aay circular 1 addres asia aab czaia mail orders will receive prompt attention for aa in ogden by ash reed hotel pharmacy FOR DRUGS MEDICINES TO WM DRIVER SOS wholesale and retail 1 special attention given to the of prescription THE duie 2453 IVES lb 1 0 9 carries a full and complete line of staple and fancy and will be pleased to have you call and examine goods aiming to please all PEERY alck STREET THE PRIDE OF JAPAN traca I 1 a y purest 22 best tea 1 I 1 I PACKED AND SOLD throughout STATES GROCER FOR IT NO OTHER s for sale iby all first qa stores A V TS THOMAS can be had the golden gate flour which has no equal the electric light and 1 X L is made from the whole wheat and for a good healthy flour has no superior properties of the high patent being left in these straight grades makes of them good first class flour GOLDEN GATE PER SACK 90 net ELECTRIC LIGHT PER SACK 80 net I 1 X L PER SACK 80 net thomas brothers twenty fourth street clodig we have jost and have on display the most complete line CLOTHING ever brought to this city our variety childrens clothing is endless also school suite Boys Suite louthe suits and mens suits wo have boits for slim men aad suits for stout men and overcoats for everybody whether you need clothing or not call and examine our stock and be convinced that we not only have the largest and best but the cheapest line in abo city 0 is i s W 2 s ESS 1 the greatest on record EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF SILKS today and tomorrow AT PER YARD 1300 yards china silks REDUCED 1000 yards floored india silks AT A YARD yards plaid sarah silk REDUCED FROM yards Beu galene ladies take advantage of this great silk sale you will save per bent on these goods the WHITE HOUSE |