Show NOTICE OB SALE by virtue ft the authority veered in me s of hone bun conferred by deed of fand executed on the day ot 1804 and flieg lor record in recorder of W her county rth on jan aud recorded at alls in book D f leibee I 1 will on the arth day of february IW at no twenty flath estreet uth x public aleto the bidder or cah in fiand the following nol property to biti all alie and and aad upp lle 0 every kind and now in I 1 be business couo at no twenty filth ogden utah all furniture safe acet and fixtures la 1 and bedroom furniture A io mining district of utah TerrU orr alto block in 1 and block in citizen bank of utah the above property include be valuable and deel ruble nock of good ro bently included in the bazaar and at ogden utah gald eale will coro mency at 12 jooa of feb bo to day until the ale of all the above described j ivo ivac perty I 1 complete rf rg utah feb att 3 1 |