Show POPULIST resolutions national central committee concludes its work st louis feb 23 the national central committee of the Pop aliet party concluded its work this afternoon and issued an ad dress declaring that the union leaders of the old parties under cleveland and john sherman have forced down the volume of circulating medium to a single gold stand ard thereby enhancing the purchasing power of money and depreciating the price of all products of labor and earnings of wage workers the address opposes an international conference to regulate the financial power country but favora a financial system distinctly american the free coinage of gold and at a ratio of 16 to 1 and the issuance of standard money exclusively by the without the intervention of banks were adopted against the passage of the wilson bill unless accompanied by an income tax to meet the deficiency fici ency also requesting the populist representatives to vote again the bill if the deficiency is to be supplied by the issuance of bonds |