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Show NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 617.'. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. Oct. 1st, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the lol-lowing-named settler has tiled notice ol his intention to make final proof in support sup-port of his claim, and that said pioof will be made before the County Clerk of Emery Co., Utah, at Castle Dale, Utah, on Nov. 29th, ij, viz: Hiram A. Sonthworth, D S No 10876 lor the N J N E Sec 7 Tp 14 S R 10 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ind cultivation of, said land, viz: Heber J. Stowell, Frank M. Ewell, Harry Thompson, Waltei Grime, all of Spring Glen, Emery Co., Utah. Fkank D. Horsns, Register. dooTH, Wilson & Wilson. Aitv V |