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Show Final attlemnt of Account. In the Probate Court, in and for San Pete County Utah Territory. In the M alter ef the Estnt. ol Elm Bosn.ll Jewkot, Deceased. Notice of settlement of final account nnd henring petition asking; for distribution of estate. Notice is hereby given that J. C. Christiansen, th. administrator of the estate- of Elirn Bosnell Jewkei, deceased, hat rendered and presented for settlement, settle-ment, and filed In said Court his final sccouat of his administration of aaid estate; and, that Mgaday, the ,3th day ef October, A D. 1890, at tt o'clock n. m. of said day, nt th. Court House, in Manti city, in aaid SsnPste county, has been duly appointed by the said Court for the eetttement of said account and henring ef said petition, at which time and place any parson nterested ia said estate may appear and file his e-cption e-cption in writing to said account, and contest th. seme, aad thow cause, if any he have, why Mid eittte should otbe distributed. Dated Sept. 8th Itoo. J Kasa.CI.rk Wa. T.Resd.Aa'y. |