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Show Wotloe for PubllctstlOn . Mo. MB. Land Offic. at Salt Lak. dry. Utah, Sept 15, iSon. Nolle, is hereby givea that the lollowiag aamae) settler iiatfiiei! notice of hit intention to mak. fionl proof in tuHK)rt of hit cOim. t.nl that said woof will be made teiore the PioOtie ju.lue. or in nij ahsenc. the cunty clerk, ot Kinery louuty. Uuh Territory, at Cattle Uale, on October, 3111, ityo, vi,; Csrl Wilberg. for the w H a w 1-4 tec 34, Tp it He nsroea tha followiag witaetses to prove hit Coa-tinueut Coa-tinueut residauca upoa, and cultivation of, said laad, Viz Kkhard C. Miller, Andrew Rasmuss... James M. Peterson, Charles Swasey alio! Castle Dale, Kmery county, Utah Territory. FAOK L. Hna.s. r Regitter. |