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Show CHAMBER OF TRADE, One of the greatest needs of San V te County is a Chamber--or Board of Trade. An organization that ' ill unite and ' control the business interests of the County to a certain degree. Mt. Pleasant, with her nlready accredited enterprise has ' i.rganied a Chamber of Commerce. While we have the fullest confidence ;5n the eaterprize and snap off the business men of Mt. Pleasant, we are a little afraid that the undertaking under-taking is almost too much for her at present, and think that a union of her enterprise with that of ht r sister towns of Fairview, Moroni, Spring City, Ft. Green, Ephraim, Manti, Gunnison, etc., would be -conducive of better results to the county and also to herself; and ' more sure of success than a local organization. The north end of Utah county vii: Lehi, American Fork, Alpine and Plea'.aht Grove, hav organized organ-ized a Chamber of Commerce, to be run in the interests of that section, sec-tion, and why not San Pete do the same? A union of the interests of ."all'these'towns through sitich an or-ganization,'w6Hld or-ganization,'w6Hld better the condition condi-tion of each individually. There 'are manufacturing industries of various va-rious kinds which ahould be commenced, com-menced, and mineral and other native na-tive resources developed, and with a union of action this could all be ac-'complished. ac-'complished. Gunnisn has her cement and budding stone that could be developed devel-oped and put on the market at a profit, besides ber cane growing, w:iich could be' worked up into a 'good syrup and molasses industry. Manti has her coal deposltts and marble which could both be made mnketable and profitable, If rightly '.Handled bv capital. Frihraim could have a good woolen mill, as she has the lest 'waterpower j.i the county; also the already fa-mous fa-mous oolite building stone could be 'worked Cp here to good advantage. ' Fountain Green already noted as the seat of the fahious I'henix Roller, Roll-er, wills. .Here "too, lie dormenf, pnterprize which could be pre fitably Vorked up. '' Spring City is now furnishing thousands of ties for the U.P. which 'speaks well '6f her timber. In this connection Ftirview also can be classed. Fairview is also the near-'est near-'est tfoint to th famous Deseret . Coal' Jnine, where San Pete citizen:, 'contol one of the largest mnd ,hat booie of coal in Utah. Moroni with her red sand stone could be made an object on the market. This tone is considered some of the best in the Territory. Last on the list, and wc might almost say the greatest, great-est, if any greatest there be comes 'Mt. Pleasant. Here coal is found in the canyon not far distant, in arge quantities and could be made paying. Here some of the wealthiest wealthi-est aheep men in Utah reside, and with good waterpower, yarn or .woolen mills could be established. Besides the towns mentioned, there is the smaller towns of Sterling, Sterl-ing, Mayfield, Fayette, Milburm, Wales and Indianola, each with some particular attraction or other, that could be developed if taken hold off by such an organization as (he one named. ' The chief industry of the county, that that would bring trie most and best returns if handled by a board of trade, has not yet been mentioned, men-tioned, that is Agriculture, With a Chamber of Trade to control our interests, San Pete could have grain elevators ii most of the towns, 'where from 25,000 to 300,000 tut-, heli of grain could be stored. Also the number and size of the Roller mills could be increased, and a market found for the' flour made. There could be wool packing houses and bailers estabhifMd. Then, again, there could be"' an object made with our potatoes and a mar ket secured for our beef and mutton mut-ton -outputs. AS welt as all this, in the line of producing, the commercial and banking -interests of the county could be looked after, and controlled control-led to the, best interest of all Each and every town would derive a benefit ben-efit from such an "organization, as the interests of each are closely connected With and necessary to the development of the interest of all. 'Let us have' a Chamber of Trade in San I'ett. " |