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Show Notice twr rubllcntlua. No. J7J- Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. and, tloo. Notir. il hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final prsmf in lupport of his claim, and that said proof will D. made before the clerk of the cunnty court of Emery county, Ctaa, at Castle lle, Utah, on th. loth Oct. 1800, vu; John K. Roberts. D. B. 1004.. (or the a. W. 1.4 y. g, -4 h 1 . 14 a. a. 1-4 . a 1-4 bee. jj. rp. tj. a. 1 11 a. He names th. following witnesses to prove his continuous con-tinuous residence upon, end cultivation of, said land, Vu: George B. Milner, Russel W Averv. Robert A, Snvdsr, and Thomas Zundel of Price. Kinery county, Utah. FlAan l. Hum Bud It Low,, Kegittar, Atteracrs. |