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Show County Locals. Tuckett Candy Co., Headquarters for Fireworks. Mrs. Phelps of Salt Lake city is tn town on a visit. The dispute between the Tuba and Cornet, resulted in a victory for Ihe Tuba. On Sunday Ltst there came to the home ofMr. an! Mrs. Neilson an jtftgel bry minus the wings. Tht Union Pacific is contemplating contem-plating greatly Increasing it yard room arid making other improvements improve-ments in Salt Lake. The Bass Bill garni between Ephraim and Manti kids resulted in a victory for Ephraim. Score: Ephraim, 31. Manti, 9. W. VJ Woodrin?, Dr. Ols't ,s former partner will shortly leave the County and Dr. O. M. Wright f Mt. Pheasant has jttcciedcd him. ;Mr.JCharles Nygher representing Messrs Knberts and Weldon Druggists Drug-gists in $alt Lake City, was In Ephraim Eph-raim fe a. fe-w days ague st of Dr. O Xrt ' ' ' ' ' ' .The water Fn the creek atul ditches hasraised iohigh of late, oa account of thi warm weather, that the street Iwk at Jhough there fcad been a food. pr.O. M- fnght of Ml. Plea-iant,r Plea-iant,r w-a rfsiting Dr. Olsfon last Saturday nd Sunday. The object of his visit resulted in a professional affiliation. " ' : A roan has been found who re- gretn the J'ecline in the price of tu- ;gar. He says that twenty; pounds for $.'xi may tovntd well enough, byt it h too big a load to carry Home. He lives In Maine. The Brass Band was out Saturday evening-, fn front of the Drug Store, .. and gav e us sorr.e very nico selections, selec-tions, the Baritone solo rendered by John Gieaves was an excellent piece " and was appreciated by the ffstcnersv The Lehi Banner comes to ui as i seven column, 4 page paper, and atwsieae ii-..i.i-n.i.i.ay weekly. It is a very f i.publire..;.,pe those neat paper, ana wiit pt . who are interested in the raiting 6T . sugar beeti as it will give some important im-portant information on. bow to treat the ground etc. An absent minded man created quite a ensation on Sixth atreet a few evenings ago, says the Cincinnati Cincin-nati Enquirer. He was in a store making a purchae. The clerk who waited on him went down into the cellar where the goods were stored, taking a lighted candle with him. After securing it he rV.urned and placed the lighted candle on the counter while he tied up the goods. He had hardly begun when the roan threw down tht money, and grabbed the candle, dashed out of the store to cath a passing cable car. He had almost caught it when the shouts of several boys made him aware of t ie Judicaous picture he presented, and hehai'ily ldurntdtothe stcre and' profusely apologizrd to the clerk for the mistake he had made. |