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Show News Itcnis. ; San Fianc'sc. May 26 The director. j ol ill California Athletic cvuli I st even 1 uig otTired to give a purse f r another . contest between Jackson and Coibelt.1 ijxekson expressed his willingness to, I fiht again, but Corbett refused, the ofler- ; A ladv. down ea.t, waheqiyestheq a large fortune by an uncle. She w-v4 not establish her claim until it was remembered re-membered that the family Bible, wich was the imily reiMar, and had bren burried with one of the relatives. The grave was (ouod. the Bible taken out o( the coffin, and the record of her birth war proved by an entry it contained. The Salt Lake Tribunt contain? it,. following. -George Whitmore tde Nephi banker and Officer Hill of iTovo, tre now in a Uir way to learn t'lat t.'iey cannot t r-mre r-mre prisoner with impunity in tl-is Territory. It will b remembcre ? thnt sh-jrily afu r the forrpcr was victimized out of S6000 hy. a goW Crick swindle, a mmi named leonaik, said to he tiic S.paniardo(the deal, was j:rrestt.:l by Whiltnore and Hill on his airivi l in this city and lodged in the county jail. T!ic next morning at an hour when ;ravey iri arc said to yawn, Whitmore" and Hill paid Leonard a visit iu his cell mv.I t!ie former in order to obtnin a confession Irom the prisoner is alleged to have tor tured him in a fearful manner. The story was related in ail its hodious detail in the tniui:e,ani Hill immediately sought to shield himself by throwing all the odium on WLitmore. who at hr'sS denied the charge, but was nally compelled to admit it in open cflurt in Provo. Smce then but little mention has been naadeot, the afhir but it the report which, reached reach-ed the Tribune last night iiauthwitative and there is no doubt but that it is, Whitmcr j and fill will be called upon ta answer, before. ih,e bar of the Third District Court at its next term. The grand jury now in session has, it is stated, returned indictments against those worthies, and thus far the a!-'eed a!-'eed villnin t.f the play, the Spaniard, holds the winning hand." |