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Show Tr. F. CLIFT, 11 n ih. E. HOSFORLj! Physicians & Surgeons. 8r Diseases of the Throat and Diplitlieria a Specialty. Office Cj-f&Ut A. II. Lunlt Start Sphraim, Utah. W. J. Hosford.M.D., of Mant! Attend Mt Ephrainj every Wtdiieid' lor t ie Rational treatment andpalnleei cun of Rectal bliaatee THE STATE BANK Of Utah. C . M T . TT-... EPHRAIM COOP Is the place to g0 to when you want anything in the way of Merchandise if yon want honest goods at fair j5ricep.( J, A, Anderson, Supt. WhUWl V, UTAH. Capital ,$500,000,111 paid uj Heber J. Grant, President. Wm. Jl. Preston, vUe .fw. iis.lA5 M. Wells, Cashier. DIRECTORS. f oseph F. Smith, Chns. S. Burton Wm H. Ro've, Nephi W.Clayton Ahr'm. H. Cannon Frank Y. Tayloi Spencer Clawson, P. T. Faansworth Elia Moiti;. P,ichard IV. Younj Heay W, Woolley. Its location is nt No. 60 Main Street. It transacts a General Banking Business-It pays 5 per cent Saving Deposits. It compounds n. tcrest quarterly. If solicits the business ofthe pebT)le"oi Utah. ' EPHRAIM HOUSE Mrs. Ellen Dorius, Prop. QooiI accommodations and Sautpl Reom. Main Strut - Ejhraim Opposite Post Office. t Mexican Mustang Liniment Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast. A ktng-tosited P11 reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the- Fanrer, the Stock Raiser,' and by every one requiring an effective liniment No other applicatioa compares with it in efficacy. This well-kncwa remedy has stood the test of years, almose generations. Ko medicine chest b complete without a bottla of Must an q .... LlNIMINT. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. AU druggists and dealers have it. - " 1 111 ' CJb Andrews Co Andrews Co teZ7 Highest price paid in OA SSli GRAIN, WOOL - saT'aaial A for HIDES & PELTfr V are Agents for ' n th. Market, The aitl lltCliel, OOper, u Prico, 0. Andrews & Co. Hapld ant Ephraira. I 0. L Eliason, ti . . it, KntvkHttn ... ie IMTOR'HRK AND PIALER IN WATCHES 'CLOCKS, JEWELRY cilverware ' v U jolc AL BUXLi OPTICA ,uuu. :SBTC j All a8.J?warrpntcd an rrprcsenlcd. 8atiat all-ation all-ation (vea- to fiitc niitch repmnn. (.)!. K AGKNT FO!t ONDI PATENT 8ELr-WINDIN0 CLOCKS. airoiTii u''tij , Simon Bros WHOLESALE Millinery Furnishinsi Bait Lake City, Uta Lomliard Investment C03IlAXV, Roon6i over Utah National Bank, cr-ar cr-ar First SoutkaHd Main Sts, o : Salt lake City io- - Money to Loan ,0n Improved Farmi i; fa SaPte ValUy. fair apore tut writ vis for particulars. W.H. Dale, Manager F.O. Horn C, B Mxrkhiti THE CON KLIN SAMPLING ! WORKS. woriti opptwite V. r. R. Uepor. ijffica Opora Hauia Block and South atreit Ori carefully iiimplcd ani old at bigheat market price, Katurm mada on iij of le. CcnsiguDienuaulicitcd, Adreii XHE.CONKLIN SAMPEING WORKS, P. O .Box c2 Salt Lake City pyAH om Good, arc Sold, tha Loire! Fciible I tic EPHRAIM CO-OPERATSVE p 1SEECAHTILE . SISTifUIOK North avU South Dry Goods i all descriptions. Hats and cap booif and sho8,botibt home made and import 'd. Clothing; a specality. Groceiie,. including Dixie Molnr.sea and Dried Fruit?; Craek-er Craek-er and fish. Our Hardware Department cwita'jr:. sa immensa atomic of T90I for Mechanics also tools for Fainiiis svek as S1spt1i Spade. Picks, IIoear Forts and liakea. Glasswarer Queensv'ar, AVopdenvtare M?dicinfra; Drnge tints and Oils; Well TlpiBg and king!?. 4 Yxiv patronage-is ahyays appreirtted, no matter aow smaH V-33 ptcae. You may re$t assiyd it -will b ur eonetant aim tgire ovar Customers tie best goods that can be obtained or tbe mony Yom- Child 111 bo treated 84 courteously a yoyi-jt!. J. A, ANDKI.SON. Supt -.1 VALLEY IIQUSE j Cppodtf Temple-ad TalernacI Salt Lake City, Next Door to, Hot Swing Mineral Bath Housev Rates: $1.25 to a.o per day. Special Rates to Large Parties. The Electric Car pass the Door. "" CTeat. ana Trado-jii.-J:. ft'i-lnt aJ all I'' St bnlne rond(if( tr ;Jbrlr.': '. Our Offio is Oopoti'.c U. S. Pien OaSon. and wc can arrurvj pnti'tit iu !et tiuMi than lour ramote from TCitliijicain. Band moM, draw Hit or photo., irl'h uVacrlj Hon. W trirt.'e; if pntfiiMMo or not. fln . r?T" Wlr n,:t ,i" ptn ! lecvrcn A P.imahlst, "irov to OlU.on l'tent." nm9 faoiv.a ciionts in your State, coua'.y.o town, tent free. Addrenf, O.A.SSOW&COr Ctoii Patent QfRce. Wt-hli-rjon. 0. A f Agncuhu-al Implements. Imple-ments. GEO. A.LOWE Salt Lake City Utah. Agencies in all the, principal cities of San Pet,e County. Agetjt for. a4 dealer in all kinds of first clas-S agricultureal Implements, Shuttler Farm and Freight wagons. i Buckeye Crown mowers ?uckeye Binders ?amet lipase Hoes & Garden Gar-den city eloper plows. Brad-, ley & Sj?lid comfort Sulky Plows, sell chilled Plows I I. CASE THRESHER?, A fine assortment of Buggies Bug-gies Ccrriagies & Carts. A'rnes Steam Engines Lane. Saw- Mills Lenell TurinK?' wheels. ' Spencer Clawson Co Wholesale Dry Goatts- S)t Lak City. - - Utah. |