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Show Wasatch Commission HOUSE, Wholesale Produce and Fruit :D E A L E R S : Fine Jersey Butter a upecialtj 213 W First South St; Salt Lake City Refer, bv permission to CamaaercU National Bank. ;;;st. Elmo Hotel;;;; FURNISHED ROOMS. By the day and or week at reason able rates, Nos. 271 to 279 .Vain Street, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH Y. Elmendorit & Co. l Box 967 Proprieto Cabinet Photos per Doze" at Newcomb fc Co. ,162 Main St, Salt Lake J city Satisfaction Guaranteed EPHRAIM HOUSE Mrs. Ellen Dorius, Prop. (, i.comrnoi&tions and Sample Room. Wdinuut Ephraim Opposite Post Office. 1 Martin Qclimidt. artiu kDchmidt, merchant Tailor, Iie reliant Jailor. Progress Bulding, Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah P O Box jSj. 0 SMITH K Ct MIOLLSAIL cid RETAIL jDraggistsj 0 Corner Main and 2nd S. Sr. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Restaurant Meals p 1 at all Hours2 Mrs. A. Powell. Mt. Pleasant, Utah. fn the Building formerly the Palace. Hotel, Opposite and one door north of Co-op. Store, Mary Knighton's New House- Jood Accomodation!, fc'ampl lioomi, Etc Sallna, - - Utah ROBEET RODEIT Dealer in, and manutficturts f, Monuments, lleadstone-a Tablets and Vault. ! I Stone Trimniuigt, for BuilA in gs a Speciality. ron Fencn, B ill Hay Sj EU.4-24 Depot Strttfc Njr, B. K. Bloch& Co. I WHOLESALI LjUj t CIGAR UErl f - Salt Lake City Utah. J i J gents for Pabst, Milwak and : j Export beer. J F.O. I lor C.M U'hlii the CON KLIN SAMPLINCI : WORKS. i Worki opposite V, H. K. Oepot. Oirk Opera l!ui Hiocli ami Sonfeh siwtt & Ore carefully ;.mplexi sold at highest rmtrket price. Return, mad n 47 of sale. Ccnsigumnts elicited, Adrs THE C0NKL1N SAMPLING WORKS r. 0.3jx9P Silt L'i '..if Agricultural Implements. Imple-ments. GEO. A.LOWE Salt Lak City Utah. Agencies in all the principal cities of San I'ete County. ' Agent fcr and dealer in all kinds of first class agricultureal Implements Sliuttler Farm and Freight wag-on s. Buckeye & Crown mowers """Buckeye Binders Planet HorseHo3 - Garden Gar-den city clipper plows. Bradley Brad-ley & Solid comfort Sulk l.uncnes ror iarties ana jianquet: a Specialty. Enterprise House MYRA HOLMES CO. 13 Commercial Street, Salt Lake Ct Most convenient to Klectuc Cais, Re tauranls.li; 1 l- i la'l Smier, '1 l,c slits .iiid all places of amusements. This Hotel and "is equipments ureen itely new. ItVias 64. well furnished room and is locatadiu the heart o! th city. Claims For In dim) Dfsppediitlons. The undersigned are now prepared pre-pared to recover compensation t( persons in Utah Territory, for tin loss of property through Indian de j predation-s- We will collect you claim or make no charges. Call 1 once. Jacob- Jo-Tnson,o!ljce Spring City Utah. : Ferdinand Enckson, oflice Mt Pleasant City Utah,. " 'pi-M.g- f.it.v, April 22, a. d. 18. 1 : Martin C. Kroll, rj Vit, PLEASANT dAKERY -j Dralur In 1 ied, Cnk, Tits, Conf9tioiv, Car.- , di4,Nuts, Ciun. Tubiitcu, Elc. Btfiukmettls ef alt kinds in tktir i4(sov - Mui ci Ui, .Mtmm-. l VALLEY HOUSE j Opposite Temple and TabernacU h Salt Lake City. j Text Door to the Hot Spring Mineral Bath House. I ,vates: I1.25 to $2.00 per day. Special Rates to Larg Parties. The Electric Cars pass th 1 Door- I Dr. F. CLIFTr I T I r. E. HOSFORD ,J1 If i PliYsicians& Surgeons. 1 Diseases of the Throat and Diphtlieria a Specialty. 1 Office Opposite A. II. Lund's Store Ephraim, Utah. I vV. J. Hosford.M.D., of Manti J ttend t Epliiain every U'edneiday lit t e Raiional tiaattneiit and pm!sii J cms if Kcal L)iiaiM P Plows. Uesselli chilled TJow J. I. CASE THRESHER?. A fine assortment of Buggies Bug-gies Ccrriagies & Carts. Ames Steam Engints Lane Saw Mills Leffell Turinbe wheels. FIRST NATIONAL BAM or NEPHl.UTAH, Paid tif Capital Iso.ooo Surpulus i5."r GENERAL BANKING In All Its Branches Drums sinlit Cuf.i on ih prlnclpa citits of th United Stntes; fella dtali on the ch'wf cities of Kurope: da!a i exchange and general asctititiea. CollMtlons 1'i'ompMy Attest 1 Accounts (f meithaiits, ntauulaourert. mine and Individual solicited. Directors. Gao.C. VVhitmore, Jones 1 1. EritWaea L.S. Hills.James H. Myndeia. Jinies E. Clinton. Officers. Geo. C. Whitmore, President, Jones H. Eiickson, Vice-President Alma Hague, Cnshieil Lombard Investment COMPANY. iloom 6, over Uti.li Nntiunal P.nnk.cei tier Fiial Snuk and Jlain iu, -o : Salt Laks City o- Money to Loan On Improved Farms Id tht San Teti Valley. Call upon or write us for particulars. V. H. Dale, Man&gai 0. L Eliason, . JUmirn f, TtlmmUtln - - IMTORTtR AND DliLIR IN WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWEL RK Bilverwar MUSICAL BOXE.S.OPTICAL GOOD SITC All Kods warrtnted rprRtoid. Svntial MU-ntin MU-ntin vmw to in watch repairing. SOLE A8KNTFOR OND PATENT tLF-WINDIN CLOCKS. . 1 1 1 arra ror s . Fire Insurance. PETER GREAVES, Jr. AGENT FOR The Home, of Utah-Continental Utah-Continental of New York Royal of Liverpool, England Etna of Hartford, Conn. Firmans Fund, San Franciico Office Ephraim, Utm. C. B3. WEST, I Dentist. I Office with Dr. W. H 01ten 1 rphra:m City, Utah f Gold Filling a Specially. Jf All work warrented. i |