Show lion hon J T li liello tile returned home t to 0 balk salt lake like yesterday idaj morning morn iLg mrs A C sloan of evanston Eva naton is the tile guest of mr air and mrs airs robert ros ko a arthur territorial auditor of public publia accounts du duh n to the cap ital yesterday morning lu orum it V cozin al of the tire blackfoot public schools ia is among tha the recent arrivals in in the city caal george 1 org e E I 1 brown went down to the capital i yesterday morning itin but tint re tur luand 11 W during the afternoon U G sl al ottinger Otti oger and W 1 11 II bywater of the salt I late alle ure fire department were in the city yesterday attending the lire fire engine tet J E dooly who had bad spent spen 1 rome prime time in returned to salt lake on y esterday mornings train mrs airs W II 11 smith is exported if home iome t I tm m in to lay 11 where here ehe she lias line been cp ending a few C w days on a vint E S crocker ot Eval evandon evanton Ev anton litton has again deigned to visit the tile city of hie file west lie ia is spending Be a I 1 few ew cituk days in ogden mr air bolivar roberts territorial treasurer tre figurer waa was a I 1 asse on the south bound utah central yesterday morning mor C A nenon neson of 0 the firm of nelon fell has returned froin a brief v vait et to Cili california fornia whither he lie went in cliare charge of some blooded horses of mr air mayne mrs L W phelan lef let t yesterday y ing for chicago Chica xo where she ft ill attend attend the tile badt ide of tier daig daibler lifer AN i r 0 E AV eburn ito ia is eaid said to be v very e r y low charles 11 II behin Ke K edan hin advance agent of frederick Frederi tk varde called at TIIE STANDARD ollice yesterday llis corn cM pany aay will ampar at thu the opera house holise on oil 31 monday aday march 31 in th 1 mountebank I anle |