Show I 1 REFORM SCHOOL INMATE the first one in under the new reform school law yva erday afternoon john E 1 b simpkins imp of sait L like alre city ag axed a about bout fifteen wag was brought up by D deputy e P illy marshal joseph h for commitment to the reform school the boy lias has berin uncontrollable at home and the father fattier desired that he lie should be bent sent to tho the reform schoot the order was ma nizile e in the third district court by judge andersen anderson this commitment ent was male made possible by the tile law wl which I 1 ich pa partied sel the recent legislative asse ably and was as approved by the governor providing for the commits int of children who are incorrigible before they have the tile additional disgrace of crime added to their already hard character there are many more throughout the territory fiat will yet the fate of this y young 0 ting saw min under this law and be he sent where th y can become good citizens the appropriation that was granted by the assembly for this will under the circumstances ba none too large as the place alica will ill eon eoon be filled up |