Show the ea hay war grawi march 21 the burlington and ani the tile union pacific met the missouri reduction yesterday day making ma king 7 50 the rate to the river rl er hie tire impression in cir cleb c 1 v a here is that the war ar will ill become eo so bitter thit a 0 rato rate fr fir m denver to chicago will eoon soon be made the lieutenant steele court marti nas was resumed eat esterday mort lings ing steele admitted striking atri kine trooper wil wild but declared clarel de that wild was in potent and insubordinate after other evidence the tile argumenti arguments were made maue and be the cane case closed the finding fi oilin of the court will not be made kno known wn tor for pome some time on account of gene general ral crooks death it irwill will be passed pas sed upon by general I 1 schofield I 1 I 1 w |