Show ccormick IC MOWERS AND BINDERS LEAD THE WORLD THE OLD RELIABLE C E E R W aa G ah N took the prize at the territorial fair 0 sa aes JA 2 E ST mr sa S ea el Is the most simple and lightest draft plow on earth TL S COS BUGGIES are the neatest and best and never fail to give satisfaction consolidated implement company J F BURTON manager buu CO WAGON eva A C H I 1 N E COMPANY C 0 M r ft A OUR NEW STAV ER ROAD CARTS arc are the best made select material wide between shafts good hawk room plenty seat room scat seat will not warp or split made light and stron strong 9 TRY ONE we are also agents for the 13 JER I 1 r L S THE I 1 A I 1 IT X MITCHELL I 1 T C 11 E L L W WAGONS A G 0 S K t acco t am ARE KB WITHOUT peera THEY KOT NOT ONLY LEAD VAN BUT LEAD TUB FUt AND THE FARMER TO prosperity AND A wl WEALTH our ur california CONCORD TEAM HARNESS and our SINGLE E CART OART and BUGGY HARNESS are unexcelled for quality and price examine it before buying elsewhere there arc are over one thousand in use in ill utah of our famous O II sm LOWS LO WS AND D gaeir THEIR OWNERS NEVER TIRE af OF SPEAKING THEIR PRAISE N NO 0 r FARMER CAN SUCCEED HALF SO WELL WITHOUT A gilpan CALL AND EXAMINE we also have bave SCRAPERS and other grading toola tools john deere hand plows oliver liver chilled plows kaiu kain harrows rows barbed wire all a I 1 sizes well Pipa and gas pipe SPRING WAGONS AND BUGGIES t 91 1 not git to yard corner of and washington ave which we invite your inspection at our on t 0 L MACHINE CO E T WOOLLEY managed manager 4 RATES OF 0 subscription STANDARD per year 8 00 t three ree month 2 month 76 week 25 dally daily subscriptions payable quarterly in advance SIMI STANDARD per year 3 00 per nix x mo arill per three three mo 90 semiweekly semi NV weekly kly subscriptions in ADVANCE et all orders to commence or discontinue subscriptions must be sent direct to the loftice subscribers not receiving their paper papers regularly will conler confer a favor by notifying una this office address all 11 II communication communications to till THU STANDARD publishing ll CO cc ogden utah RAILWAY TIME TABLE arrivals departure ONION UNION pacific no 7 1030 a am m no 2 as ft a in no I 1 I 1 a in no 1080 gl a la PACIFIC no I 1 ama A in no 4 n in no am in no 2 1145 91 m UTAH no 70 SOam a M no 7 0 3 s no 2 W p n ni 1 no 7 0 5 a in N no 7 0 6 pm tit no 1050 a in N no 7 0 3 1160 SO p m no p in 4 1 RIO 1 no I 1 IL am M no 2 9 lo 10 a m no I 1 18 3 SO 30 p in no 4 pm UTAH 1 NORTHERN 10 MG alsa a in no M 1000 s ft in no got ga p ra no 6 15 p m A P UK CITY no a M no p in the no 1 union pacific is t tle tile limited fast MAIL MAIL SCHEDULE ctr 8 K omaha an and d ogden am lm a m denver abid d RIO G mude 8 81 15 0 ogden en a and n d bait salt lake 91 am 4 60 50 pm af pf city lowd p pouch uch 4 50 anil ipox elder 15 am mukden and ii d san francisco pan pm utah and northern 7 W union pacific llam denver and rio grande PM park city cloned closed pouch 10 00 am suit salt lake Ld ke 30 am a m pm and yan francisco am U and northern pm NATHAN KIMBALL postmaster all display advertisements advertise menta for THE SUNDAY STANDARD mut must be handed into the business office not later than 6 r p m on friday catsoris rif cata lorli oris cures colic constipation lon sour stomach ruc a t 01 healthy ilee lee slid abil promote promotes di digestion dle estion vi without injurious medication al ib 23 e exl 1 MOTHERS I 1 C castona g s toria in recommended by ph PI fans tor for e child hildren teething it Is a pum tyl ve T table preparation its ingredient arc pub put around each bottle it is 1 p pleat bant aiu to 1 the taste and absolutely harmless hara ess it re r e aseves constipation reg regulates u laws the bowel 1 quiets pain cures pa and wind colic coll allais feverish rien destroys destroy worm aled and pr prevent evenia convulsions soothes the child and gives ves it refreshing and natural sleep cassorla Ca storla li to the children childrens the mothers friend thirty five dose doses thirty five dotes doses thirty five cent cents SPRING MEDICINE dr gunns improved liver pills on m count of 0 their mild action are er a 1 all lz adapted for or correct correcting ln spring rin disorders t r ve ared tuch as impure blood brain A and ach ing iad and worn or out ea loly they e act P promptly 01 idy ar on the liver and kidney d eo u 11 puri purifies ties from the blood wd and malaria malda from rom the he system only one pill for a dose try them this spring sold at 25 cents a ax box by W win dri driver er bon ms adov ADVICE ICE TO MOTHERS mrs soothing syrup should al way ways be used for or children tee teething thinK it soothes the child softens the gums ablaya pain cures wind colic and Is the bert beat rem remedy y or arram twenty five cents bottle children cry for pitchers castoria on A recent visit to iowa mr K X dalton of luray russell Ilu county kansas called at the laboratory of chamberlain co 0 o DOB de moines to show hem them his kilt six year old boy bot hose lire life hail had been navid ved by n cough remedy Keni fily it ba having cured ain 0 of a very bevere severe attack of 0 croup mr 1 daltan it n li certain that it aved his tits boyr boys lire life and Is enthusiastic in ills his praise se ot of the th e ll 11 mi 1 lie ile says it has ap an excellent pt repute reputation a ti 0 1 in hm 1 I vt vicinity that armors farmers come fifteen to his ator eor it and that many of f them I 1 i in like himself ahlm aielt arc are never without it t iu in their homes for sale by b vim win driver A son oil and all leading druggists dmd ly WALL PAP PAPER and ingrains at morns morris east of court house ARNICA SALVE the best beat galve salve in the world for or cuts bruises rul sea nores ulcers 1 salt alt rheum fever ever sores sore tetter etter chapped chandr bana chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles ile or no pay required it la Is guaranteed notay to 0 give p perfect sammae in ion or laquey refunded 0 le price elect ca twenty five cents pur per box for sale salo by wm dri driver ver A son children cry for pitchers castoria SICK headache bi biliousness Is nausea cos 0 si ti veness are promptly and agreeably agre ealy alena ban a shied by dr J II 11 1 N mcleans cleans mcl eans lher liver and K kid id ney pillets little pills pill m EPOCH the transition from long lingering and painful sickness to health markhan marks an epoch in the life of the tile individual uch tuch t a event Is treasured ml in the memon an the agency whereby the good health has been t cn attained in IA gratefully blessed hence it is that so much of ele bitters so many I 1 feel 1 they the owe t their restoration to health to th the e use 0 of f the great alterative and aud tonic it you are troubled u ith tit any disease of bidne kidneys liver or dornach Mo mor macli of long or short standing ag I 1 you will surely purely find relief by U uw of 1 c hitters bitters bold at fifty cents and one doll dollar ar per bottle at vi william driver sons bon i drug tore store U N ta C I 1 all I 1 naz lalicin to lo IDO 10 to tile ill xinia fisit 0 or C N nn to I 1 at csc V Thoi jila 0 ako a s n lire re kindly lo 10 fiill evill mid asid 9 fin flit lit salt once lit sit the me store Cor occupied ly liy alio linn on M n atola akenese tivI M here sere takey mill rc re let 11 arit mr ll 11 taine up tup dmd ini I 1 cry pitchers casto caster MB MR 1 r F cashier of 0 emmetta co s ban k at tt averl y 01 to eai 1 icon I con ider older chamberlains cough remedy the host I 1 have ever used after using reveral several other kinds without benefit I 1 tried it and it quickly cured me after years of wit with an obstinate cough ad nd throat trouble 1 BO 50 cent bott bottles 1 c a for gale by win delter it hon son and all beadi leading n g druggists dmd if wh when u baby WM was rick we c eave her cavatorta Caa torta when she w wag s child slie silo cried for castori castoria aln she s became ulas miss she clung to Ca castoria castoffs when she lie had children she gave thein C tort FOR FIRST CLASS paper banging go to 2138 2438 wash ave dmd ara CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE call at wm driver A sons drug store and retired reo sample of liver liter ills 1119 gure sure cure cum for sick headache biliousness and sallow only one tor for a dose 25 cents a box KNOW how to cure rheumatism la in pennsylvania mr J V F Mel Rhan a 1 att tits bur burgh h afar dealer awoke one in morning orning with an all attack I 1 of rheumatism la in his right arm abou arou around the store during the fore tore noon made in ll 11 worse by y noon the pain was no 50 severe that bat he could not mine raise his ble hand to bli his head and had tied to carry his arm in fit a lan ling on ona 0 of 0 his hi on bernin learning zhe the fact went across the tile street to E t is leeks drug store and at his hi own expense elix uno procured cocu a bottle it a 0 of chamberlain anibe sins i pain halm alin and persuaded the cigar dealer to t try it it eased eed the pain and reduced hie the aw swelling 1 17 so that by the tile next morning he could use bin hia arm and by the second tw oud morning was en well this Is 10 only one of the many runny fevere cases of rheumatism that have been cured by this valuable remedy BO cent bottles tor for als sal by wm driver b son and all itil drugg lats dv ly ra 1 JL r 1 L A r r r L jr L a S f f K A two iwo a carloads car oar loads of the celebrated 0 to let WN VMS f OT 0 1 T Y E 0 0 just received r boyle oyle furniture company Com nany EL PS CATARRH R H i ia na IN I 1 C IT A 13 1 VS R af capre scow coi cleanses C and nead READ nasal ip PS no f n ki t Allay sP ti nud QA tAy taya 8 I 1 feal t t sor S K tl I 1 it 0 Q of anti ajea us TRY BE jm aay WAY FEVER A parti ai applied into each nostril anil and in lt la ic arf c u Q cents at pros drug Klat aty fly wall registered ret ered to t ELY sa NI warren arren st it N new ew york CHEAP MILLINERY f M 0 C w HATS froni frosti loc to 1000 11 14 NOTON AVE opposite new 1 ew city hall mrs M FRANTZEN 2127 sin FORME FOR MEN ONLY for LOST IS FAIL or A POSITIVE buol 1 A V ING MAN MANHOOD C CIT U U U R 11 11 E I 1 U h general DEBILITY bad and NERV 1 Wea kne of 0 bodt body aai mind effects of 0 errora or excretes in 0 jc ir young kobuta noble MANHOOD fully ile tred now to enlarge 0 acl r i weak un undeveloped ato e I 1 prax orgina g a A parta c f badr absolutely home treatment in R day ay men IF horn from 47 7 states territories Terri tole and foreign countries yo yon can writ t atheni boot ak hill full OX fre 14 lion and balled ef caled y nie G hAlT tn iver CI sal satisfaction la in the tl I 1 obb ta cur cure ol 01 gonorrhea and G gleet I 1 prescribe it and feel fei safe lu ara I 1 b tb las leg it to ill 11 uffer rr ans I 1 I 1 J STON f R cid nr III raire aioo 0 ka bold sid by r galt F ri hurlbut agent LAD I 1 r r ra CI M P yi lo do 10 your tour 0 onn a dyeing sit A 13 e 1 bey will dye lye everything they are soli sol soi I 1 overy everywhere where rice lee a package its ihu als lifite T 0 no 0 equal aal tor for strength brig b anes amount at in packages rack agea arlor fastie of 0 Col colorow Ulo roi oroz non fading they donot do not crock or emul 40 colon colors for donala sale by F 2 acl edward edward ayco I 1 0 to the royal highness of all uch such an apar elate strictly boutot trot clai class garments abash 11 49 o crr fh COM ING TO pl DR liebig au GO will bo be at hotel ogden thursday and friday april irl aud slid ath WO 1800 POMITI 1 TWO ONLY oil I 1 account of urgent de mandi front roin all cities antho the baellic ait coast oit tor for the visits of of 0 I 1 the greatest 11 lilt hi K haubt LIEBIG LIEN mm ULU mm 4 41 0 AND international MEDICAL abid SURGICAL kansas 0 it mo ban san francisco cal and bettit L arx CITY montana attha the spec aliat I 1 in u chief of tile bamel modi 1 cal I and ui S surreal r association hlll ill visit and THURSDAY APRIL ard ail ath IM anil and have offices tor for tree free consultation and examination at broom hotel tor for the purpose of with all desiring to be of chronic sl private and complicated diseases aes ol 01 men and women the imas inn it heart throat head caeg ear cars blood nod abul Dis diseases esses begs ly treated tre and rope edily cured glass eyes ar artificial metal limbs hands abd feet adjusted ad lusted tot to the e body do de 0 of every kind skill ully treated teil brac electro electro voltaic volla 0 and mair mag adjusted to 0 every tonn form of malformation or ailment remember the special burgeon surgeon and td physician Phyl clan in 1 corning penio nally the lie big international surgical ante of ban san francisco Francl fco li Is the only visiting utah quarterly only one call ne cry e balance ol 01 treatment until cured 1 I ire d fqy by correspondence io re tle use ot of orah ern erst U e ey to louii on Ina corm rotia nt at lowy lo 10 interest on frent one to five line ill rut israll IOA IOAN N A ac CO cuttle misri rinie HE UNDER undersigner SIGNED WIIL WILL ne BE T jl re pared to take horata stock ald rate to hen henl to ou the anest ranges in idahoan idaho at the following rates for the semon horned stock 1 SO per head horom 0 bod 2 00 per head hi ud time of starting herd her danil and an any other other information dolfl can be obtained id from ben V F klch at the store of the FIul table go oller atle as lahlou jou joiet N T ri it brot wa lva are ready to slow each an aal 1 every one of you our SPRING LINE 0 OF F anre w gr C bocis 0 ca V if conr styles and do not suit we will ill not nt urge v vin vi to buy bay we start our S at q ax yards dottl 00 mie pur challies chal lles JO yards for ft 00 la lie beaded wraps nice ones aloo each silks in all the new at fa per rani yard velvet Kl blon in el the ne new rut last black hone home 10 pain pairs for LW 6 laix uc per yard the finest line ol 01 Fi wraps and shawls in the city gity we V e hire have ever thing you need for FANCY WORK we ask you to compare prices CLARK SHAW TREES r E S TREES A W ae E ARE headquarters 11 EAD QUARTERS FOR FIRST t elun faitt treen trees vi we c arry earry the bet bon varieties rattle cl to I 1 hip climate I 1 it ad didon to our num r bim incon vo nto ale till et ix n y fruit faria and 1 Plit flitting ting roll upon th h market fleaty th bruit ss u uel e we kev jn l hut k all it axi its r 1 s 1 I 1 in ri IK tort fiill nr ihfe aul 1 in irth 11 Hagli lort n f irn ienir fi flu is n tho the fleata i II 11 ars lu amiul ir irnia w ili th burse marv v ry hn I 1 f lirar r itu BEND FO LIST 4 V lilliw G 0 O CO LYNNE and FRUIT FARM N UTAH t trees delivered to AH all parts of the city free of charge im ARE PRICES GOING V UP NO WE ARE SELLING furniture urn iture and ancl carpets ets lower than they have over ever been offered before our stock ia is acknowledged to be the largest aud and best ever shown n in ogden GIVE GJ US A CALL and you will i be amply repaid for your time and trouble OGDEN furniture AND CARPET HOUSE FRED LACH SOU SOR proprietors 2203 2263 washington ave AT L B can be found the largest stock of fine watches diamonds optical good rl in OKIO motell all are cull t BOX FACTORY all kings of packing boxes CHRIS GARFF ogden utah factory jast just south of union depot P 0 box DUS CO tile he oldest west and noa no A Rel fellable lable sl billiu ala on th the pofi CA C A geary SU 4 san F i oo uj and 8 E V d butte city to mil lly cure li i ariit and bo bilut r or ho hm fuel a I 1 sun W LOM if of vigor via nd d ath ag 14 aj n aviko t nr lar uli ONE atia sh SIT z k IMN ON application albru NT ST H K F ralo CAR to loan by the LOMBARD investment CO on improved farm and city property at low rate I 1 K ap SS bals dals guilding RUIl ding |