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Show jlNSOCIEn i Mrs. Maurice Cotter was hostess to the G. G. G. G. Club at her home in Copperfield Friday afternoon; ... Five hundred was played. The high score was won by Mrs. Joe Kemp and consolation con-solation by Mr. J. B, Myers. A two course -luncheon was served to Mrs. Art Maly, Mrs. Dave Lyon,' Mrs. A. C, Cole, Mrs. Louis Buchman, Mrs. R, G. Frazier, Mrs. Joe Kemp, Mrs. J, B. Myers, Mrs. Will Myers, Mrs. Roy Schilling, Mrs. C. IX Abel, Mrs. Corrcy Leiser, Mrs., Frank Wardlow, Mrs. Joe Norden, Mrs.' Edna P. Wade and Mrs. W. S. Jones. The A. B. C. Club met with Mrs. A. Higby at her home in the Eckman apartments Tuesday afternoon, Five hundred was played, and a three course luncheon was served to Mrs. Frank Meade, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Cecil Bennett and Mrs. Bowes. The A. U. L. Bridge Club went to Salt Lake Monday night to attend the Wilkes theater. The members included in-cluded Mrs. Frank Mitchell, Mrs. Louis Buchman, Mrs. Eugene Morris, Mrs! A. M. Thomas, Mrs. A. C. Cole, Mrs. Dave Lyon and Mrs. Harry Mitchell. Mrs. Roy Cates entertained at cards Friday at her home on Main street. Ladies first prize, Mrs. Jennie Jackson; Jack-son; second, Mrs. C. L. Countryman and consolation by Mrs. J. J. Doyle. A three course luncheon was served to Mr. Robert Wells, Mrs. A. H. Steele, Mrs. H. Nichols, Mrs. E. Melius, Mel-ius, Mrs. G. Creathouse, Mrs. Von Christenscn, Mrs. W. . Tierney and Mrs. Joe Marriott. The Lady Maccabees of Alice Revue IS, entertained at a card party Wednesday evening of last week in Society Hall. Bridge and whist were played. Ladies first prize was won by Mrs. Fred Hackeson; second by Mrs. Charles Sullenger and consola- tion by Mrs. Atkinson of Copperfield. A three course luncheon was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Joe Warning, Mrs. Peter Lott, Mrs. Fred Myers and Mrs. Charles Carey. . Mrs. Dee Adams entertained Friday Fri-day evening of last week at her home in the Chandler Apartments with a birthday party honoring her niece, Miss Jennie Adams of Salt Lake City. Gaines and dancing furnished the di- version of the evening. Luncheon was served at a late hour to Jennie Adams, Inea Booth, June O'Neal, Ella El-la Orgil, Leila Henry, Willadene Con-nary, Con-nary, Blanch Rasmussen and Margaret Margar-et Adams, Garth Jones, Edward Cul-leton, Cul-leton, Robert O'Neal, Willard Nichols, Nich-ols, Harvey Wolfe, Riley Patton and Rodney Adams. The Catholic Woman's League entertained en-tertained at a card party in Smith's Hall Tuesday evening of this week. Whist and 500 were played. Ladies high score for S00 was awarded to Mrs. Joe Kemp, and consolation to Mrs. W. H. Harris. Gentlemen's high score for 500 was won by Mr. Richard Smith, and consolation by Mr. Richard Dean. Ladies high score for whist was won by Mrs. A Dodge, and Mrs. Troffcon was awarded consolation. con-solation. Gentlemen's high score for whist was won by Mr. Neil O'Donnell and consolation to Mr. E. Gayth-waite. |