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Show rAGBFtnm - the bingham press bulletin . S. LaJ$ in Railroad$ Tht United Statei 1i lupreme la the ownership of railroad In tplte of rail-road xpantlon la rcry part of tb world. Forty per cent of the railroad mlleag-- e of the world la owned In thU country. Origin of tht Word "Thug" "Thuf," a word we use In speaking of a lawleaa, brutal roan, la alio U name of a religious organization la India, which, under pretense of hon-oring the Ooddeaa Kali, commit rob berlea and d murders. cation, they have condescended to give the dancer of Bingham Canyon a chance to hear gome of the music that set the Pacific Coast in a whirl during the past six years. These mu-sicians come to Bingham Canyon with a country-wid- e reputation, and it is to be hoped that a rge crowd will be in attendance to give them a rous-ing reception. Tuesday evening of the coming week will introduce the Pacific late of San Francisco, now entour of the country, who will give a jazzy dance program on that eve-ning at Canyon Hall. Playing all the principal cities of the west while on their way east, these syncopators.took a short rest at Salt Lake City, but the eagle eye of Manager Joe Delaney soon seen them, and instead of a va-- - - i gram was both fitting and opportune. The superintendent and her helpers are to be congratulated on the very effective way in which the boys and girls took their parts. This organization is worthy of your interest and support. If your child-ren are not lined up urge them to do so at the earliest possible moment. The regular meetings are held on Wednesdays for the Junior and In-termediates and Friday for the Pri-mary grade. The time for' these groups are Jand I 3:30 p.m. and the Primary 2:30 p.m. ' " 2 The Senior Epworth League is hav-ing a very successful era for the de-votional services are as well attended as the regular socials. Sunday evening at 6:45 p.m. Probably the one society which should have your support (both young and old), is the Ladies Aid Society. They have undertaken more real bur-dens so far as finance is concerned than any of the other societies in the church. . Their harvest is coming. And they are planning a bazaar on December 11th. If you can help this very wor- - J - "I Grant, Phone 135. Ask for some work to do in your own home if you have not the time to attend the meet-ings. If you care for the Methodists, at all you can show it b yasking for something to do for the Bazaar. Regular services next Sunday. The pastor will preach both in the morn-ing and the evening. 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Keep-u-the attendance, we need a larger Sunday school yet. Cooperation on the part of the parents this can be accomplished. . METHODIST NOTES The Junior League has once more demonstrated that it is a vital or-ganization and can be depended upon in any event.'1 The,Thanksgiving pro- - i Christmas Gift Suggestions ua help you do your Christpas Shopping. Our IET have beer! selected with careful regard lor your giit requirements and oiTer a comprehensive range ol I -- " quality merchhdiBe These are but few. . ' ' ' forWomm , hToiltSet ' Waldnnar. x, I.. Vanity Once Belt Buckle -' Fountain Pan. MSF forSMeil ' Military Bruahe. vgZr EUW.tcl. SmcWAnicU. iffiSi wSfc frtheIl0me ," CullUnkr v Silverware for Toung Women Umhrellaa Percolator Set IavalUerea " Leather Novaltica , Thermoa Seta Bead CutGlasa Bracelet. Novelty " for Young Men aocki What Watches " Strap Watches , Lamps Only a visit to our store can give you a full conception of countless, desirable articles we offer for your selection. The fairness of our prices will please you. ELIADES JEWELRY CO. f , Bingham Canyon, Utah Jack's Place J . FOR II Cigars and Tobacco j I 482 Main Street ' i Bingham Canyon, Utah Z't t t !t l j ;. ; I! ONCE INSIDE THIS STORE YOU WILL BE IMPRESSED WITH THE OPPORTUNITY IT AFFORDS THE g$ fal CHRISTMAS SHOPPER. ARTICLES OF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION ARE ON DISPLAY AT PRICES &v b CALCULATED TO ATTRACT EVERY PURSE. YES, SANTA IS HERE AND HE HAS MOVED RIGHT IN j WITH HIS STAGGERING PACK AND LOADS OF GOOD CHEER. TOO MANY THINGS TO MENTION . ALL, BUT HERE ARE A FEW UNUSUALLY GOOD SUGGESTIONS: $ : M Men and women may purchase gifts You'll value our advice in choosing Perfumes or toilet articles for the dis- - j j here with the assurance that the goods your Christmas gifts. Of course, STA- - criminating woman. That's what we f " TIONERY have in this department. Many kinds to aminimum of rice Auemionof is the ever accepted gift of H men shoppm espedally to this worth. Let a box of our wonderful sta- - America'S fact. tionery show your thought. ' jg! . ( Q The latest novelties in HAND BAGS Irf S: a gift always appreciated by the wo- - . We have a comp ete line of stationery And we havc thcsc toilet requisites n 5 M men. One of these hand bags will make in all sizes, and all shades, moderately ail odors, and also have them in sets. A b j an excellent gift. priced. most suitable gift for her. 2 IN 0UR TOY DEPARTMENT ' K? CWft FOR THF fHII IIRFN Whher your list be large or small, you will find this store to provide all those gj k& UU 10 1 U1V WUIiliRfiil things loved by thc children. Prices and quality are right. 8$ 1 : : M AUTOS Mechanical Toys 'gj ! liRIf Everything to de- - (f) jSj APIiGR Fords that go, garages, large enough VlZht thc hcart ' JULfi 1ft, '(oi Tm hAt (inSr . . youngster. Mon- - f-?- 7A Sot m ffSW&M for two cars, and wagons, and jumping keys, sand mixers, Kr 'Uj$t tops, that spin. You will like these. frogs, dogs, cats and JjKSl iffl--J ' they all do tricks, DOLLS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , vj3 Space forbids us v4 M BLACKBOARDS telling you of our fe;xS Not only do we carry a complete line '(oi Or: wonderful assort- - Jfrk'JM M mcnt of Dolls. t$JM 'e mus,caI instruments for thc kiddies, In this section we list paints, blocks, Bring the children but also a complete line of house decora- - games, rubber balls, and hundreds of jgf in tomorrow. tions, and tree decorations. other toys. JS BRING THE KIDDIES IN TOMORROW AND LET THEM LOOK AROUND ;! .. , r. s aj m gj H "Try Bingham Canyon First'' PHONE 43 j : "" I BINGHAM & GARFIELD I RAILWAY COMPANY I Through Daily Package Car Service from Salt Lake 1 City in connection with the Union Pacific System. 1 Semi-weekl- y iced refrigerator cars in summer and heat- - I ed refrigerator cars in winter are operated for the con- - I venience of patrons receiving shipments of perishable 1 freight. . I I T. H. PERLEYWITS. A. W. MALY, I Asst. Gen. Freight Agent Agent I Salt Lake City, Utah Bingham, Utah I Broadcasting From 3 Station S-A-V- -E '1 There is a message which is broadcasted t daily in every village, town and city of p this country. It is a message on which all p i 5ii-ir-' successful p e o p 1 e B n vJAAfS havctuncdin- - s I : K''rl L a sort message, a p t 1- -, big message, the Ij r-- Jpw, message of success. Z It is-s- ave first, save I V regularly. t rTf, r.u, Save at this Bank I GINGHAM STATE BftI f j Oldest Bank in Bingham Canyon t' H fc |