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Show r v. 4 uv 99 . at Coalville, June 14, 15 and 16, the Union Pacific will sell Round Trip Excursion Tickets in Utah and Wyoming (Rock Springs andwest.) Tickets on sale June 13, good returnfor" the round d trip. Be sure arid ask for Excursion ing June 24. One fare and one-thir- Tickets to Coalville and relurri account Horn Coming Day. ri ' . A , There will . s - .; : Mr t . . - t ' ' ' - , - H vJ!! " i rrmtx , '-- - , a vt . ' ,V I ; 1 . ; j i vv-- . - . 'v? '' - r -- - 'a3-J i f - t r.--i It ;,C'V w t , , "1 s , V . T Concerts Base Ball (.1 Imff Theaters w,; r Dances 77r: and various 'j t V.' I ' . ; - V , .. : 7- r, f . 4t, btJ .?. . otfrr t, forms of amuse-ihent- . Everything firstrdass. fl v. Riding T7 irii litji) & ' -- r ! att. C" tnd many other forms of sport too numerous to mention. i.vr O 'V N CQ II This celebration will Tj V; Be suxe and ask for best -- ever. The keys of the city will be turned over to our visitors. 1 i rjYTi Excursion Ticket to Coalville. Be the biggest and ,k r Coalville as it looks tcday-Com- and enjoy her hospitality. e r Tbf ilo hy tieorif ! d on your Homestead .prTave any Legal , Advertising done m THE TlMESrit will be done jus I right. Please remember that. it will be an evil day for the nation paper worthy the name and advice when Us preservation depend upon bimtoeell Me plant to eome man their patriotiam and courage. They prilh a thimble full of brains and may masquerade in the garb uf right seek son.e occupation which does Pultlihlin'i every Friday. eousnees, and addresa, the people In not require much wear and tear of N, J. PETERSON. Editor the language of patriotiam, buttlieii mind. Do this and then you can go nd MaiiHiffr. virtues areaaaumed; they arehypo-.fiwa- y with the comforting assurance ell phone. No. StO. P. O. Ho A crltes and assassins of lilierty, and that the editor respects you foryour would welcome a dynasty rather candor and will cherish no hard tLaWwlw4i.bel ttr Teriiie of Subscription (In advance) his instead of popular government. paper buying it. Three WonihaT..,. .40 Six Mouths . Seme say that rents are too high, .75 $1.50 that land values are too high, and THIS PILGRIM KNEWLTHESEX J)ne Year that there ia no money In fnrmTng. It is true to a certain extent that Somewhat litmlnesM coininiinicntlonH should Roughly Disturbed Trou ia not piled up so rapidly by ' badourt Dream, but His Remarks money tie addressed to TI tioiilville the agriculturist now as in the past, k. Were Charged with Wisdom. Tillies, Coalville, fTtah. bnlJlkere .are good and sufficient Reiulitarn'es shoulil lie i' am searching for the woman who eiiaona therefor. The day has gone able to The Coalville runes " by w'.ioii the seed can be sown and will love me long and true, sang the the development of a bountiful crop troubadour, who drummed upon, bis She must have a face that's There are tM many .tnen h.t ex-- , left in a great jneasure to nature. barp, and an eye of asure hue and pretty M co,ne n(i some time pect an editor to slave in di fense of ' must not be whetted 'tii her tongue heir pet tfut Iona ami hol.l.les, advo- ago, that the farmer must study his t s sharp; ell her words 'must come cate their view agalrat thestrongest land aa does the merchant his stock 4. music to. my quickly boating bean of goods, as di es the manufacturer sad she must be simple In her taeteo opposition and then coolly withhold the business support b. which alone Ids machinery. Our land heie Is rich aad ways; abe must love me long and and fertile, but it must be cnrefuily . ten and must never yearn to pari a amatl paper can ilve. looked a.fter, or shortly our farmer If upon some other maid 1 chance to The drinking of no aum.lanco ofiwil1 Abandon It asJulled out, gaze" Juat aa be waa singing fur Uer. came a pilgrim old and bent water will prevent appemHct he- - when the fact will ha that h Is only with a yard or two of beard and stafl cause appendicitis is de rem.i f tired of poor tilling. When our f oak. What, hear you loudly ask look after their l.'ind care- N t!ii-- 1 constipation and cmsrlvv ttg. said the pilgrim to the troub result of ii.Miltlci.nl in. ,,,j v ,jj). 'fully studying its adaptation, weigh sound to me Just like an overwhelm dent supi l nf iqn,.,. Voure not looking for a it c ir. inliy tin ir stock mid and wE Jkean exchai'kelsav sjluv a jrou peak youl geLlbe be ssll4e resuits frtnn the o'1- trom th 4r heert. you are looking for that which body wants any further reus. te. combi nation then will land pay go and Jump Into theyll have in g, iM'Wlnie tor li 1st, iif inter, st mi a . value of 'von don't surmise; the river, get your system out of were nut Id re t .uii'ii ,i, i, stor even tiMir-- per acre-whack and wheu you have Joined the tout uf business, aagel ta theektwhdook foe her whse A Greet Chestnut tongue le silent, abe whose tastes are There is not rniUi.li jin in this extra plain, w ho Into a Jealous fit will Tli. re is probably no man , p;, struggling world, o f, ,HV( eser burst; then Just wed her, but time for it; but chiliiieii. -- happy in the newspaper business engaged in this remember tf youd capture such a lm are brnnglit pp ,n state, who is not aequainled with a dame you will have to look for her children, man whose evens, for discontinuing in heaven flraL" sympathetic aimitsphei, ,. ,,, 4 The Coalville Times Plant Breaking Up an laland. Strength la not a thing usually con aected with maidenhair (era, yet it tta root have not sufficient room they break the pot In which the plant Blade of grkaa will (ores grows the curbttones between which they spring op out of their place, and in a single night a crop of email muab room hare lifted a large atpne. In - dwed.- -p laata-- h a t e been now n break the hardest rocks -- The Island of Aldabra. to the north west of Madagascar, Is becoming smaller and smaller through the ac I too of the mangroves that grow along the foot of the cliff .They eat their way Into the rock In all direction ad Into the gap tbu formed the wav force their way. In time they wlU probably - reduce he llnd rr pieces. 't trtwwMri-ttrfensfft- A Household Necessity, BALLARDS HOREHOUND SYRUP COMPOUND. URES Cougha CoMi, Whooping Coughs Bron chit is, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Etc rf . Tit favorite Remedy In 11 Homes- - - It is good for young and old. Has a &oo thing and Healing Effect on nil Coughs anil Cold. W. S. Corwin, RtehmeeSk Weak, wrtteas Som Urns ara I sot a bad sold, So I bought a bottlo of Ballard's Horchoand Syrup whtcl lutotfl uito LOnpr- 1 bcltm Ballard's Horchoand Compcucd and n atrai.'i red me out michtp quicklp. Sprup Compound wilt cure any caaa of LoOnppe. Price L5c, 50c and $1.00 Refuse All Sub ti fates. BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO:, ST. LOUIS, MO. ol-- J strid Rseommondsd mvIMfij1!?. -- iii-- i - It' Easy to 1 Sold by John Boyde nbeiTm district to sod nds sod (ski Sit S mnmewe- 3 StopFain slWw - - j rH ONI THIS! THE PAIN IS GONE. I use Dr. Miles Anti-Pai- n Pills for Neuralgia, LaGrippe and all pains. . f don't intend To t cvvllliout Re m.Tor l find ready relief in them for everything I use them for. MRS. L. F. MILLER. 1 20 W. 6th St, Dav.enpoft, la. ' All P&in In my family Dr. Miles Anti-Pai- n Pills are used for headache, colic and other pains, and always give relief at once. THOS. R. FOWLER R. D. No. 3, Dunn. N. C SeM by eruofiet . whs are authertsed U return rlc of first pack ye If they fall to bnfft. MILSe MEDICAL CO Elkhart. In. -- t -..- "r, e'a ready haft more papers than he can read .iirtelotig '4ids only rtn evens,- offeterNtfarnel. spectacle a joyous child? Then- - lorale I be presume.jjd-iceratedeonili- . jiaetty joy is one of iT, bigl.esi tion of the editors feelings. It ha no ( tbh human facttlti.., stuf It for in the first j. stt.-paPp an editor never worries over the sis of grossly n giected. We walk tm. nut, Wbltour leet in gtav.-- s ... t K laugh a .subscriber except when he leaves lltlit.e-Uisti - rw tbaViwTtieliT7-gviv-Tf- immense capacity fur jo. wp deny Olil selves t!:a; How can 5r f-- ci, 1 with the children and iT; The Cat Went Back. Mr. Pena They say the streets lb Boston are frightfully crooked! : M. Hubb They are. Why, do you kaow. when I first went there 1 could jierdly Had my way around. be embarrassing; t Ttat must first week I was there i it li Ths wanted to get rid of aa old cat we Bad. and my wife got ms to take it to the river a mils sway." --And you lost th cat allrightr. , nothing! I sever would bave found my way boma If I hadnt fol lowed tba cat! V ' - the country without paying up arrearages. But why not tm truthful Mon who contribute money tolm. and say ct';newspaperman votes anil III hrils- - tl.e Mo ie'e lev hear'. f Jo feeUtiymn roeentatlrrs as W rTT.s n,,s,. wliT In', Ins den. ask him how much yon disburse b, ur,- Ori.Uly enitnU uef owe, the delinqui,,cy and tell the republic. Their greed and lov, hitn pay frankly that you dont want his of power ate greater tjian ibetr love disreputable, blackguarded sheet of country. They impair Your return card printed on popular re. any longer. Say to him in a sorrow-ju- l pect for the law, wbteh is H e oniv tone ot voice I hat you deeply ioo envelopes for 7 cents at safeguard for life and proper y;ard Ids inability to publish a news- office. 1 IB TIMES t4- - yutp. - ij?Uj-bat.yo- ho-o- st .l-Lo- tl - re-gr- et in li iuyTShLlil; tw mh eeasfied or do not lew dr eerf sew ewe. to-e- bkei.i. IIEDGETHORn iVSELF-HEflLIHGTIRESrg- .li ' S, so - i IIum perfectly tdkSSor CQUTEI-E2AXE- M-- OP d-- ru m urron - St one email prod! aboTs actual tsetory cost. Voc aaeo Si ca and hare the anaufacturere fiaiw jNsjMddlemen ajpeodu ,7.hup.ikrectao Me your ; bicycle. DO NOT BUI a bicycle or t pair of tine from v.m-st ny pru until you receiru our cntaloruet and lean our unheaid oi ituisr Print end rrmmrkmbi PcuU offtrt to ruler ifoota, caloao and YM WILL BE JLSTOXISKEO study oiv rece,! ow.bwotiful model, at tha wtmdtrfuUr fj Acme we eao make yoothieyaar. We eell the hwheet crude tacyclea for leumooey BK YCLE DEALEKS, you cun sell uur kucytks under your own mm plat at if nice. Order filled tha day received. D HAND I CY C LK B. W ,do not rmlarfy haodla secoud hand bicycles, but uuaaber mm taken 4n trade by our Chicaro retail stores. These we cietf out 10. Deecnpueo bargain lists mailed fret. promptly at prices ranmn horn -- e-t- v- w FACTCIT PtiCES I -- thrljTS. Tin rkr bAIS F KKK TK.LAL n I 'iusv; i PUliCTURE-PROO- F f g? ' - S'W rtrvlmr retail pria of tkeu tires it SSJO par pair. Put to introduct tot mill ftJOiauM wukorderUJS). mlyoaa tampU patriot Tf-..-. 10 MOIERCeBLE FROM PBBCTCRES Yv NAILS, Taekl or Glaas srUl not let tta Sir tok Sixty t house nd pairs sold last year, Hiowaart Owflw haaqred putts uor hr Use; DESORtPTtONi Made la all sixes. It istirely i! and easy ndmg, very dm ableand lined inside wit h a apccial quality rubber, which never become, ncturea without sllow. porous sod Which cloJca up Xotlea tHo thick rubber trend inc the air to escape. We l(ae hundreds of letters from ootim A" und panetnro strips i fira customers otatiuf that their tire haveonly been pumped MD.sUoo rim strip H upooceortw.ee in a wholeaesaou. Theyweirn no more than to prevent rim onttlug. This an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given tiro will outlast uny other by Peveral layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the moko SOFT, trend. The regular price ol these tires isp to peT pair. but for kUttiO uud. Rim.vo. ndvertiainr purpose-w- e are making a iptcul loctonr price to the nder M only (.8o per pair. All orders shipped same day letter Is received. We Skip C. O. I), m uppeowuL Voudouot pay a cent until yon have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will allow a enab discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price .SA per if yu Send FULL CASH WITH OKDES and enclose this advertisement. We will'atsopair) send to band K brass Tires be returned at if reason for 0(1 pump. expense plated they are- not aatufactory on exam I Datum. We are perfectly reliable and money seat to any usis a a aafeos'in i. If a of find will order these will yon that (key ride bankv run faster.. tires, yon pair look . wear better, 1 at oager-aainer than any tire yon bave ever aaed or seen easier, at price, know that yon will be ao well pleased that when yon want a bicycle yon will give any aa your c Wt want yon to scad a a trial order at once, bence thia remarkably tire offer. 7Xe & ' Tf )f 1 1 M-- aud us . i i YOU turn TiUES Hedgethora IF or write lor our the (aactarw-Fim- S tires on approval ami trud at tug Tire and Sundry Catalogue which apodal introductory price quoted abovedescribes and quote all make and kinds of tire at about half the nanal prices. kat write ns a today. DO NOTTH1NK OF BCTINO a bicycle (rom aoyooe aatil you know the new aad wondertui ITAII or a pair of tirespostal offerswe are making. It only costa a postal to everytkiag. WciU it NOW. IfflT WAfT nti flUl J. L kra HEAD CYCLE COnPARY, CHICAGO, ILL. . |