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Show j j UTAH STATE M:VS J fharllo Starkm. nc A , white fl'h- J leg In ihi Jordan river i-:r Sail Lake I Illy, fell Into Uif liver and was 1 drowned 2 The second annual convention nf I Ihe I'lah Hunkers' uasuc l. I in n:gan 1 lied Juno III Sail Lake, will 4 fccld III Ogdin June ;"J and - I J Plans fur Hi establishment nf a ' factory for lh- ciiensivo bottling "f ' Ogdcn rrnK Juice at'- being iihiU ml by local vincinid owm-is The nnmil ronviK at Inn nf Hi" Kple . i ropal church In t ti missionary dis trin uf Utah was held in Logan last nk. Ofty deb-gates being In attend- or. Kirn (nun an oit heated kitchen love totally destroyed II"- lnmi" of William CiMtillr- uf Plain I lly Tim dwelling hail tuxt bi-.-u Ilm I.'1 at oat of :,An. Ibith I Hp proposition for a t-ml lame la-me of llin.nnn fur a municipal light-In light-In plant ami an Issue of I'1" 111111 to 1 Increase the aatorwnika iluni car ried at the election ai Pmvo llasmua Johnson, who was driving lb ailtnuiiilillo wlilrh caused Ilm death of Mm. Pauline H.iin n In Hall lake City. lll have to Ibit a charge of Involuntary muhsluuiighier An apiieal i H"1 ir-nt of iKl-ri blah school eiud'tit tu bring Bimut the universal adoption of tin- nnb-l uniform. In the IHkIi srhisd cadet batlalinn ha hen Issued by SuH-riii tendonl .Mills. Hpcnoer Wiaidnrd. of Spanish Folk, who baa been wot king iii at tin' fireatn mln. 'ant f Pnyaon. I'll down a kIii f ( about feel, but with tbe exception of a few soruichea and bntlara. u mil burl. The llooky Miiimtalii H'-H Tele phono roiiiinny ! cntoied Into an agreement llh ll' Mould I.uihIh esmipiitiy to onnatrucl a line between IaM and Ihe new man of Mnaldu, a distance uf twenty uillcs. The home of C. F. Farnaworth In Lincoln waa deal roved by fin- on Mnu day. cnlnlllng a loss of l.nu Through the prompt efforts of the elghhura. tho greater part of llio household niHHla wnn aavi'il. t'arnli-Ka dnIM'l"K ' Uithti-tl mairhra al ibi- aarthoiiBi- of lb' Union Portland CmwuI roiiiiany a plant al ll.'vll'a Hilda, thirl mllca aat of Oadi'U. Klnllll lor a Bra whlrh caiiHed a loaa of lli.tniu In a thriTTorniTi'il flRht oyT a na-rr na-rr In a iimro alianty In Ondi'n, U W, Htrauibrra (eolorwll allot In tha bi-ad by J. 0. Iltta, anot bcr negro. ne-gro. Htramhrra vaa not badly burl, tba ball aruilna lha lop of hla hvad. Owing lo Ibe burning of llio larisn troatla on llin Tlntlc bmnrb of llo i.ii..r llio Urando. auutb ol Hirlnryllli Iho IIdb will bo Hod ui lor a fi-w ilaya. Tha lriatln biiriH'd aa a remit of a apurk from an iMiiilim ll. ruc of uiiiwrniia coiiiplalnla rv-crnlly rv-crnlly alKiut allt'Ki'd unrellnbllliy of varloua Innuranuc wniiuiili'a iipt-rut-ing In (Hdi'ii, local Inauiunco nu n liava apiinliiliiil a cumin. Ure to Invva-llgaia Invva-llgaia all Ilm liiiiiranra wrllura In lluil dlHirli t. Two miiukvil iiii-n bi'ld up a gam bllng hona In Hall lkP C.ly, Tui-a . 'day nlKlit, ai'curlng nli. grma and ; watchea valwd at l,tnu. Onu of Ihu vni'n who n'alaiwl atrurk ovi-rilo-j ibnad with a rfvolmr aud wi-nl down ! for tbo roiinl. ' Two hundred cara of freight wna mined oit tbi' Waalern I'aclili- from Hull IJikn on Wrdneailay. ' Tho ' lltu-baa lltu-baa at lunt bcin rebuilt around tin' aoulh end of the luke, whom It wua wanlied out by Ilm violent alurina of a few monlba alio. Aa Ihu reauli of the home which ' they worn ilrMng taking frb-.hl ul a train, Mabel and Hlhel ItUKliforth of Kayiivllle were thrown from the I Iiukk). both being Injured. Mlaa Mabel 1 ' 1 being nerloiiKly hurl, but II Ik believed b will mover. At it niiellni! of the roiiBervutlou connnllou of I'lah llu.1 Keek. It wua I' decided to upproprliili' I''1" of Iho j flllida placed III the lunula of tin- coin. iiilnKion by the IcglxluMiro lo bkhii.1 III pieparlllg Ibe collselMll loll limp of Ibe ullllo h.,inn the dmcreiit nulla . M s here ' V Will) llibl, ailed :ir, who had I n : i rmployed in cmur aloro III fall . V , l.uke I lly, uud wlioae paroiita rcnldu 4; In lit iinaiiy. mmiili d III a lolo'l) apol : III Hit, tiioilllUllia. neur Sail l.lUu "'..J i fliy. aluioi.iu hiniaoK tbiuuKh tho .'''' bead Ik'hponib ncy over lack uf . . .;( (uinlh led to Ibe deed-'.it, deed-'.it, At Iho iicxi m.-etinil of Ihu publicity .-, , bureau uf Hie Sail iJikc t'onitnercml ' tlub ii auggeatlon will likely be made , v' lu aet aable one day lo be known im ; "L'tuh day." when the people of Salt t Uke, If not all over the alale. will .( be naked to confine their food ellllre- i A l ly lo product ralacd In Ihe alate. ' . lu memory of tho aoldlcra aud Ball- , - Jij ara who woio burled al ae.i. many ' y, duakelH of llownra were cant on tbe waicra of OKden river Meumriul s Ouy by th Untied tiiuulah War Vol- ' i ' aruiia. who hail charge of cereinoulea " In Ugdea tlila yunr. i Am hon Kohler, a boy, had a narrow ) mcape from death Salurdiiy evening. i alien bo attempted lo atop a runaway .J loam at 1-oiiun. The burao on which 1 bo wua riding wau lnialed on thi j ' wan, in luiiKue of tbe vehicle to whlcL the maddened anlmala were atlachtd 1 killing Hie buraa. 1 |