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Show 4 Th Trues of Get Th "Truce of God wa yThI""cIergy oP Gulenne Explanation f 4r CnJ)t It was adopt year-103Amusing,-Bu- t HardlyHsdCon 1050, In England about vlncing Ring. According to this famous t of all violent quarri nation " A middle-agelady who la iuut under heavy penal joined, In tha Society (or th pretention church festivals, and ill -rn Cruelty to Animal happened evening until j follow Wednesday n riv-Iof the ferry boat that keep the Monday morning. Th ft only mg motion between this city and Cit DO In the ye vallable about days h when den the other morning, and and .or p neigh ftabbfng shooting saw a South Jerseyman drive a boar burs The truce seems with a horse so unmercifully nariv much good, nbstand-,nI) .and gradually rang all the compllshed and thin that It didn't even make fact that it was p lmper the Philistines changes possible except shadow on the deck the good woman observed. tender sympathies prompted her to ini (continental "I"). When he got ready fectly to use the word again je paused. It mediate action. was the fatal pause, for It gave the crow' the her way through Pushing Prob&ie ind Gnif Jlansbl; Itlcss. Inebriated man at the rear of mildly tb sited up 'to the decrepit rig, she room a chance to say: the emaciated animal from every potm You'vi only got Cousutt Couply Clerk- or BaspP Signer slow, mister of view, and then turning to the own one"Gomore for further luformathi try. t hr of out er, who had clambered to CrcMlo wagon and propped himself again1 of Iirs- et al Estate John Clark, the engine-room- , said: The Timer, $1.5o per year. will ,u oueh-elence claims Creditors present "Tou ought to be ashamed of youi In ers to the undersigned at his self for driving a poor horse like that Coalville City Utah, on or the XL. USERS NOTICE WATER TO a ( In the It should be at homo and day of Septemlver, A. D , 1V10, bla." ABE. . Ws Halt Office. CityState lake Engineers - What la th matter with her, lady? of estate Guardian the and dlanshtp flab. May a), lino. waa lhe eaay response o? the owner Notice l hereby given that the Coalville of JohnClark. et al. D.1910. iMste of who didnt neem a wbola lot perturbed Water Work ami Power Company, by It Apt publication. MayA What la tbs matter with her?" de president, T. J Lavlt. whose post offlee ad- Evans A Evans, Attorneys. mended th 8. P. C. A. lady, with in dress Is Coalville, f tah. ha made applicawith the requirement of notice to Cre&H creating warmth of ton. Can't you tion In accordance a bow aktnny abe laT 8b looks bait the Compiled I aw of Utah, IVdf. a amended of Joseph H. Hu IT man if eased. Estate by the Session laws of Utah, 110. Inapprostarved Creditors will present elalins Id e amt thlrty-flvhundredth er to the priate three Th boat la all right, lady. calm!) IS undersigned at h Xftl ruble-fee- t per second of water frqm rejoined tha 8outh Jeraeyman. as a 1st I Hollow Creek. Summit County. Utah, In CohtWIlif. Buriimll County," U." on or aweet smile floated through bla scan) Maid water w III he diverted at a point which liefore the loth day of Reptembi , v D ivio. Elizabeth Ana 1 tfuitn. crop of whiskers. Top sea sb got bears south 47 degree in minute west IMS Administratrix of the estat i: Jseph H. erner of HulTmun. op so late bls mornln' that she didn't feet distant from the north-ea- t bev Ume ti put on her rats, pads an the south-eas- t quarter of (jectlou T. TownI. H. Neeley, Attorney, Coalv A Utah, base egtenders. or sbs would bev been as ship 1 north, Range 6 east. Salt Is-Lake Irate of first publication. May i D. 1VI& will and where It from meridian. conveypurty an' plump as ther seat one nf means ed by a flume, canal and a pipe tine Philadelphia Telegraph. for a dDtuiieuiif approximately has) feet and In the District Court of the Thi dfudlcial there used during the period from January District, In and for Summit Oulv. State I to December SI, Inclusive, of each year, for of Utah MADE YOUNG HUSBAND GRIEVE domestic and municipal purposes. This apAlberta Williams, Plaintiff, v Asa plication Is designated la tile State (eng- Williams, Itefendant SUMMON Jgiet Office a No am. ineer's in af Bight Joy sf His Heart Tolling, The State of Utah to the said All protests against the grnntlng of suld tho Kltehon Almost Moro Than You are hereby summoned reasons therefor, within application, stating the Ho Could Stand. twenty days after the sec Ismust made by affidavit In duplicate and summons upon you, If served Med In this office within thirty t so I days "DoarasV ha said, whan I married after the completion of publication of this County In which this action otherw Ise, within thirty daya afinervlce, you I little thought 1 ahould ovor drag notice. Caleb Takhir, and defend the above entitled act lea which you dowa to such a life na thls. State Engineer. Is brought to recover a Judgemei tllfsolv-I- n Ha bowed hla head In hit handa Date nf first publication May ft, 1910, date the marriage contract heretofo Mxlstli g Ha was tha facalmlla of dejection. of completion of publication June ff, loin. between you and the plaintiff; Min case Never mind, Halsey , the fair young ef your failure so to do . judgnsaal will Ire wife replied, as shs bustled about the rendered against you according to the deNOTICE TO WATER USERS kitchen. I married you not for a life mand of the complaint of which kgether f ease, but because I loved you with a thereof has been ffbdtUhthe State Engineer' Office, Salt Lake City, Clerk ofcopy said Court. Evans A Evans, dear, and I swore to love you In weal Utah..May J), loin Attorney forJ'IMntlff.- tad In woe. Although." ahs added Ntrttce lv hereby given that Jilliic Ver non P O. Address: Platt Boston Butidlag, Salt as aba burned bar Illy head on the and Joseph Vernon. whose post office ad' 4 Lake City, Utah. atove-lllifter, I must say that I did tress It Rock port, Utah, have made applinot have aaytblng of this sort In cation In accordance with the Requirements of I ha Compiled lunvs-o- f mind. Utah: duffr-oReared la th lap of luiury, this amended by the Session taws of Utah, IVHV, ( 1) of a cubic find to lovely creature was poorly fitted for perappropriate second of water from a spring In Sumthe cares and tybrffons of bousekeep-tag- , mit Utah. Said spring la situated aad It waa a hard blow to her at a County. which bear south fit degrees I point whoa the last hired girl la towa left minute weet Lira feet from the north-ea" her eervice to accept a posltloa at the corner of Section 5. Township south. Range Cis peacll factory. But, think, dear read t east, Salt Lake haw and meridian. The how much hgrde U wu tor thi water will Ire diverted at the place where It fS s.v j?hmhaBdrywdow:b-ttuat-hfared to see hie precious darling lorana of a pip lln for distance of 1.7IB used during the period from atlfllag la tho amok of tho scorching feet and there to Ibvember 81, Inclusive, of each egga, aad spraining her delicate wrtats January for domestic and municipal purposes. la tha menial act of prying tho stowed yaar, This application la designated lathe State tomatoes out of tho kettls. . office aa No. JdV. - - Poor young people!' It waa little Engineer's All protests against the granting of said good their rtchea did them la a fa application, stating the reasons therefor, mu be mad by affidavit In duplicate and tory town. filed In this office within thirty (Ml) days e after tbeeompletlnn of publication of this Fitzgeralds Summary, notice. Oaleh Tanner, Edward Fitzgerald, tho translator of Hlato Engineer. th Peralan poet, Omar Khyym,WM . Dale of first publlcaUun Msjf 7, Ivin, date a more or less genial opponent of of completion of publication. June ft, IVIO. matrimony aa a state. - Ono day he said to hta mend Miss tn the District Oourt of the Third Judicial Ellen Churchyard of Woodbrtdgo: District In and for Summit Gounty, State "Do you know, Nell, what marriage of Utah Prolmte Division. K lar - tn th matter of the estate of Joseph "'Hr Mias Churchyard thought not. Huffman, deceased. NOTICE OF BALE OF "Than 111 tall you." said ha REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. Mar-flag-s la standing at onea desk, Thehindertlgned will sell at private tale th following property In Summit County, settled to work, wkea a greatnicely big hoaaet pushes la at the door aad aaka Utah, The E 1 of the N W K; the S WJi of the N you to go for a walh wlth . it" WH. the S WIof the 8 IV ii. and a conTouth's Companion. tingent Interest under a certificate of aale front the State of Utah for the H W of the S Subacrlbe for Thi Times. Only W !w. all tn Section K. Township north of east, of the Salt lake meridian $1.60 per year, payable in advance. Range SARCASM IN DRIVERS RETC No Time to Experiment. The lecturer on Biblical tribes knew eubject;- but be was weak on pro lunclatlon. Oneword I h at el wa y s loortd him was Philistines He coulo lever remember for live minutes what (be dictionary had to say shout that t t every speeb he switched the from the ultimate to the penult ind antepenult and all the way bac!i igaln, and gave the last T the Eng Ish and continental sounds Impartial One night at a public school lec y lure be started with Philistines (long -- sc-en- g - notice -- - s. NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineer's office, Utah. May J i. 1W0 .. halt-tak- e NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS City, Notice Is hereby given that Thomas Rees, whose offlee address Is Coalville, Utah, lias Wade uppllcation In the requirements of !he(Vmplled Laws of Utah. 117. as amended by the hesslon I aw of Utah, tvs. to appropriate four III cubic-fee- t per second of water from Lewi Canyon Creek. Hummit County, Utah. Said water will at apotnt which bear west PS degieea south Col feet south-wesdistant from the t corner of the south-eaquarter of Rectum 7. Tow irshlp north, Range 5 ea-- t. Suit Luke base and meridian, from where it will by means of a canal for a distance of 7.W feet and there Used dining th" period from April I to August 1, Inclusive, of each year, to Irrigate JO acres of laud embraced In Mectlon 7 Township! north, RaugeA east. Salt Take base and meridian. This application Is designated In the Stale Engineer's offlee as No. STVfi. A protects against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor must be made by affidavit In duplicate and filed In this offlee within thirty )) days after the completlaTrbf the publication of, this notice Caleb Tannbb. Rtate Engineer-Datof first publication May J7. Mil, completion of publication June 27. 1911). st u Rn-lilii- Jfirst IRational (Established May 10th, d In the Third Judicial District Court of the Stateof Utah, In and for the County of Ellen C .- 3Banfc 1906.) Capital, $25,000 Surplus $5,000 We pay " 4 per cent interest on Time We solicit youi patronage. Deposits. vouch-r.sslden- Stevens, Commissioners George Smith, Ilenry The umlt rslgned Trustees of Reliefer Hales and J. O. Paek. School idstrlct. Hem-fer- , summit County Clerk- - J, M, , Hixson, Utah, will receive bliU up to WiSUu. m, June . Mu, for theeref-tiuRecorder J. E. Camith. of a School Building Plans and specifications can be found at the Assessor Geo. W. Young. offlee of WatklusABIrcb. Architect, liooley Treasurer Frank Pingree. Block Salt Like City, u'so at the residence Hem-fei- , Attorney Peter Clark. of Thoina, Utah Sheriff John Coffey. Koch hid must be accompanied with a certified check of live per cent- - the amount Surveyor J. Don Birch. thereof as a guarantee tnul the aiveptevl Road Commissioner J. T. Lambert. bidder will enter Into contract a:.d give an O. V. Wtlkins. Schools ,, Supt. bond one within week the after approved said work I awarded, otherwise the amount We do only trvyl pi'in mg. Caa to be forfeited to said District. The Trustees reserve the right to refect we do yours? Prices aro riglit. any and all bids. Nolle to Advertisers Changes of By order of Board of Trustees i advs. must bs in not later than WednesThomas Rwhina. day mornings of each week. Change P T Rich ink, your advs. often, but get them in H. G Stevens early. Dated Jt Henefer, May 17. lVIU. Picture matting 10c for large sheet at Times offlee. Summit- COUNTY DIRECTORY. "I ALFRED BLONQUIST.V-sr- r FRANK PINOREEl U frfFF JAMES PINUftCE. Pwesidnet; S. a. BLACKMAN. Vici PNES. . Neel, plaintiff, vs. William H Stevens. Ktnellne A Bigelow, T- Emma Jane Harrison, Ethel Elmira Brtim-uiloBertha Blanche Watterson, Algle Dora Watterson, Krancts Charles Walter-aon- , Charles Wyane Watterson, Hyrum Smith Meacham, Ephrlain W. Meachain Charles H Meacham, Warren P Meacham. Franklin N. Meacham, Marlon N. Meacham Louis Albert Meacham, Thomas LeRoy Meacham, and Isabel Meacham Jensen, defendants. SUMMONS. The State of Utah to the said defendants-Yoare hereby summoned to uppeur within twenty days afler service of this summons upon you. If Mrved within the county In which this action Is brought; otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled aetlon;and In case of your failure so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been tiled with the clerk of said court. This action Is brought to quiet the title to the property described In the complulnt. HKtpeb a Snyder, Attorneys for Plaintiff- .P. O Add ress. 41V Judge Building. Hall ) ' Like City, Utah., 'ft SPICKS.. AS GOOD AS NATURE GROWS. Spices as the foundation of flavors are worthy of the moSt serious consideration. The standard upon which we condudt our business is Quality. For this reason we now carry the Maltese Cross Brand of Pure Food Spices in Oc handsomely lacquered tins and invites your patronage. 1 . JOHN BOYDEN & SON. BHS-1- a v 5 one-tent- h & w st iii.;is wos a I si) M- - Si) Si) (is ms ms ms ms ms si) s& s To Our Customers! si) Si) ms ms sf) si) si) ms ms ms ms to-wl- Pslisqssl Notice Baas Orass Creek Coal Company, a corporation, principal place of bust ness, Coalville. ' being SX acres. Also all water and water right,, ditches and ditch rights and Improvements appur- tenant thereto Also S head of horses. 1 rake and I plow wagon. 1 mot er. I Said sale will be made on or after Tuesday Utah. NOTICE There are delinquent upon the the 7th day of June. lVlOand written bids for following described stock on account of the whole or any part of said property w(ll be received at the residence of e assessment levied April 11th, IVIO, the several amounts set opposite the signed In Coalville City, Utah Th terms of sale will he cash on the exe. names of the respective stockholders: cution and delivery of a deed for said real Name estate, and cash on the delivery of said per . J. R. Murdock ... sonal property ELtsAaKTR Ann Hcftman. Dated May Mth. IVIO. Administratrix P- Attorney. Goalvllle.' tTtah. the-iind- .JLUJ&TSSfi1 M, Township - ABroadbent ylves ter Broadbent.-- - BnvM A. Broadbent Wasatch Development sf Company Wasatch Development Pom pany ...... Aad tn accordance with th law and order f tbs Board of Director mad April Uth. R ptany share of each parcel of stock m may be necessary will be sold at the office nf this Company In Cealvtlle. Utah, on Jun tkh. Hk to pay the delinquent nssessments. Bther with the coat of advertising and wnpensesofsame. M. C. Tatlos Secretary. See-tlo- our store si) si) si) si) si) ms si) ms ms Si) si) si) Furniture t AEMSW5iWHSR.NEj8E. 6. Lot A Section 4 Charles McCarty si) si) si) oclock each Saturday NOTICE United. 8tates Land Office, Salt City. Utah. May , IVIO. To whom. U may concern: Notice ts hereby given that the Stats of Utah baa filed In this office lists of lands, selected by th said State, under Section S of the Act of Congress, approved July M. WV4. as Indemnity School lands, vis: Lot I, L A A A Section Township 4 north, Serial Nk 9111 Lot Range 8 cost. H. I M-- . s. S!) June 4, Commencing ms ms ms ms ms ms s Si) n north. Copies of said lists, so tar as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions hav been obnsplcuouaty posted la this offlee for Inspection by any person Interested and by th public generally, Dung the period of publication of this notlcA or any time there after, and be for ftaal approval and certification, tinder departmental regulations of April R lif. protest or contests against thsclalmof th State to any of th tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described, on th ground that th same ts more valuable lor mineral than lor agricultural purpose, will be received and noted for report to th General Land Offlee at 'Washington, D. O. Failure to to protest or contest, within th time specified, will be considered sufficient vtdenc of th character of the tract and tb selections thereof, being otherwise fre from oblecjlon, will be ap-State. E. D. R. Thompson j proved toM Register. - Sir si): fk s Si) si) Si) Si) I. 1 VVVVVvV'VV' v-- S? Sf) si) |