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Show Pupils Given Sheepskins I The Summit county seho.iU held ir closing exercls. s at the I'l.ir-iic I'l.ir-iic theater Tuesday evening. The j jirsilualitu class Is one of the birg-S' birg-S' in the history of Hie county. The i "t. r was pin ked. The following' fojrtnm was r. iiil. re.1: rtnre. . I'. C. II. 8 Orchestra UTiicailiui Krra W. Itolierls.m tlldrrssnf Welcome. . .Supi. A. D. liriniii, I'. C. Upoiise. J. M. Thomas. Coalville !"to Miss Scott I Jililre.s . Hev. ! A. Slmpkliil Hwsrture . . . orchestra I rnseuiatloii of class lor griulu-! griulu-! alion . . . . (I. A. Cooper, I'eoa Ir.'seiiinlloii of diplomas L'o. Siipt. O. V. Wllklns Knedii'tion ....Itev. Alfrel Oeorge C"riiire . orchestra Th I'ark City graduates gave a1 hi I in the evening in honor of the: siting graduates. Kollowlug is tlie list of graduates! i i the county outside of I'ark City : lleiiefer Mary Leone Croinar. l is lliuid, I In.. I A. Heard, Carl O. Sevens, Coalville Myrtle Larson, Valerie UII. (I. Klwooil Hiillock. (ill una tard, Kuliila Taggnrt, Krank Bees. I'VITa Ketchum, Kred lt. es, Hose liolilnson, Olive Branch, James L. brwllonl, J ph K. Staples, Zlua L liolilnson. A lira I'ettit, Krankle 0. Karnsworth. ! Iloytsville llaiel Sargent. Ksther tUrreut, W 1 1 ford Sargent, Florence Wt, l.ydia llrown, Klliut Crliieu-oVn. Crliieu-oVn. Hock port Clara Hallshury. I'ma Charles Hlea.ard, Oiant Msrehaut, 1'earl Wllklns, Kdith Wllklns, ,'ilnte Walker. Ksiuas Harold Lambert, Lucy Carpenter, Charles Itusscll, Vi ral McVormick, Victor McCortnick, Nellie Laiiey.llwetidolyii Williams. Ri Dilce Williams, olive Carpenter. Uploti-llilda Haudall. Maliel Hub lull, Kdna Hv.ldeii, Maud Sax-lun Sax-lun Marlon Alva Kvans, Mark l'eter-son, l'eter-son, Myrl Lewis. Oakley Oswald I'eamon, Kugene Horton. b Francis -Catherine Jones, Mattle CorMt, Druoclla Hlchardson, Klla Knkelsnu, Iva I'age, Francis Louder |