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Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS Mtate Knalneer'a limce. Halt llke flly I'tati. Mnf l. Ivl'l. Nollre t tirel,y liven thtltlie I'mltllle Waler V ..tk. n. Power I .,n..i.. Iiy II- prepleiit.T. J 1-lU.lll pi.t i.rtlee .. .Ire Iki-imiIvIII". rtati. tin nnel'' niillca. Hull til accnrilnncc with I tie re.illreliirlit of the I oui ell. . I t I'lah. IwC a. me.le,l hy the Hefliin jiw of I'litti. Mv tnnW'r.e prlate lime nml ltilrl nie liiiielr.iltlK t .V.i ciihl.-f. . I per eeiitiil i.t water Iruiii l I. II ill.ix i'r . k. ""i IH ' t'tnli. Hnt.l enter w Ml ! illwrliil ill n iw.lnt atilch le nr. ..Mitt. 7l. nr.'C l.Mi ! I'll t leet .11. Unit friiui the mil I ti . .I mrner nt .hip mirth. Itnna. A en.l. Null Ijike lnvt nn.l nierl.llnii.fioiii where It will Ununey. el l.y menu. ..f n II innnl nml n pipe line t..r e .11. of uiu.ioMu.nl. I .m f. . t nml there u.e.t .lurtna Hie perl. nl from Jnliunry I tu iecciulr :ll. lu.'lu.Ue. of en.-h yenr. lur it.. in. .11. nn.l in.i.il. I.el I....I-... .. Tl.l. ate pllenllon I. tleilrfliiileil 111 III" Mtule I ! HUl ueer'. I. nice n. N.i nrfu All prote.t nifnlli.t the arrmitlliet of nl.l appllcnllull. tllllli Hie ren.uli. therefor, ion. t If mn.let.y attt.lavlt III ilupllriile nml ni.il In till, oltl.e wllhln thirty .1" .luy. ntler the completion III pilt.ll. alloll of thla mince. Cvian TvnnKH. Ilntenf Or.l pill.ll. nil. .11 Mny tl. IUI". .lute of .'iilliplell I pill.lli nt lltll" T7 P.I". |