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Show FOREIGN LIVESTOCK (United Si v.es Department of Agriculture) Agri-culture) . CHICAGO. Oct. 21. Cattle Receipts Re-ceipts 2,500; compared with week ago; native beef atuors 2f. to 60c higher; high-er; spots up more; western grassers Steady to 25c higher; top native beef steers $13 60, beef COWS mostly 25 50c up; beef steers uneve nly 50 fr $1.00 higher, canners, packer mostly 25c up, heavy feeders ..bout steady; weekly bulk pricos live beef steers $9.60.0 10.00; western grassers $6 50 7.50; .-dockers and feeders $6.00 j 6.-50; 6.-50; beef COWS and heifers $6 50fo 7. CO; .aimers and cutters $8.00 $ 8. K0; veal calves sii.oo 1 1.50, Hogs Receipts 5.000; market fairly active; generally steady; bulk 210 to 250 pound butchors, $9.5099.80; top $y 60; bulk 170 to 200 pound averages $9.36 Cq 9.45 ; desirable plg.s around $9 -45; desirable plg.-i around $9.25; csti-ma'ed csti-ma'ed holdover 2000; heavy $8.85 iQ 9.60, medium $9.30 9.60; light $9.20 09.4S; light light $9.1699.58; parking park-ing sows, smooth, $8 00 8.55, packing pack-ing sows, rough. 57.506S10; Rilling pigs $9,000 9-36. Sheep Receipts 4.000; mostly direct di-rect today; compared week ago fut native lambs largely 75c higher; fat we torners and feeder lambs mostly 50o higher. Fat sheep 75c. to $1.00 up; closing toi fat natives $14 I westerns $14.60; bulk native lambs on close $ I 4 on i 4 40; culls mo c.v : i in ;.o, bulk fut range lambs around $14.4; heavy fat owes largely $4.50 5.60; handy fat owos upward to $7.25; b.-.-vt western foeding lambs 50, bulk around $14.36. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Oct. 21. Hogs-Receipts Hogs-Receipts 3000; brought about $4 00; good to choice butchers steady to 6c lower; top $9 16, packer markot falr-lv falr-lv active; gonorally steady, packer top 9 10; packing sows steudv. luostlv IS DO fj 9 50. Cattle eceiptj 2.000. a fw load Kansas steers steady at $17.00 "Q 7.7.'. jeompared with week ago; better I grades steer:-, and yearlings, strong to a shade higher, others steady; sh- MO 'stock strong, spots 25c higher; bull flslis 'strong; calves 60c higher rtockers and kTtj feeders about steady botweon kinds very slow, week's bulk prices, mod- ' jv . lum steers and yearlings $7.7 5 10.50. t.othlng choice here all week. Western grosser:) $4.60 7 75; cows $3.75 5. CO. canners $2.7608.00; bulls $S.5o4.50 calves $9 50 10.00; stockers and feefl ' til era $4.1,0 7. 5. 1Mb! Sheep Receipts 8.000; killing EDS , classes generally steady! medium SmUE lambs $1.60; fed clipped lambs $13.- ?h2 1 00; averaging 8 9 pounds; fed yearlings I $11.00; strong weight native ewes fUgu! I $9.00; compared week ago; fat lamb' iKra 2550c higher; sheep 16 25c higher. IsgH week's bulk prices, western fat lambs IsEe $14.00 14.26 natives $15,000 tt.W, ?Tj; CUll lambs 8 00v 8 50. yearlings $10. 0e 911.00; wethers $7.00; ewes $5.50 -.'fl '; 6.25; feeder lambs $13.25. ftfip KANSAS CITY. Oct. 21. Cattle fwtM Receipts 4,300; for week, beef steers rpiTj mostly strong to 25c higher; some Bwfil up more; top $11.35; she stock steady IfiM , to strong; canners Hioady to 10c low- jf tii er; stock calves mostly strong to 25c rBu H higher; all other classes around K ! steady. iWh Hogs Receipts 300 fairly active to sM I packers, steady to 5c lower; bulk of fehdc sales $8.609.10; bulk 165 to 235 pounds $8 809.10; heavy butchers Hvi mostly $5.7098.90; packing cow? L'' steady; bulk $S 00 8.16. 4T," Sheep Receipts 3,000, today' re- Jjjjlj j celptS mostly feeders on through bill- .r; y ings, for week Lambs 25 36c high- i,Wjl er; top $13.45, sheep mostly 25c high- ikjf er; spots up more, feeding lambs and P1 breeding ewes steady. OMAHA. Neb. Oct. 21. Hogs Re- l celptS, 3.000; packing grades strong to 10c higher; bulk $8.10 8 50; oth- fl j ST ci.usses steady. 190 to 250 pound f 'J butchers $8.9009 10; top $9.15, bulk Of sales $.8.10 9.00. Cattle Receipts 1100. compared with weok ago; beef steers steady to -lf' J 25c higher; Bpots more choice; corn , feds, she stock mostly 25 50c high (i er; bulls 16i20c higher; veals about 1 1 " 25c higher; stockerH about steady, Jfli''n feeders generally 25c lower. l 1 Bheep Receipts 1.500; compared with w eek ago; killing classes 25 ii j J 60c higher; feeders weak to 25c lower. j fjrjj- CHICAGO FUTURES. CHICAGO. Oct. 21. The closing futures fu-tures ranged as follows. open High Low Close $1-12 1.12 1.104 1.10U J'.pi May 1.185 1 12S. July I.OS'h 105 1.04 1.04 ! Corn Doc. -01 .67 74 .C5y .574 May cs .68 67 .6? r July 68Vj -VlS 67 6: I Uats RUM 1 Dec. 42 42 40 .40 May .42 .42H .414 .41 jlffijj IJuly .397s 39', 39V .39i I'M I Pork raLS ; Blank j Lard BRi Jan. 9.52 9.52 9.62 9.62 Libs rAWj Oct 10.59 xflUfl |