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Show MABEY TALKS f TO TEACHERS How Schools Can Best Serve People Subject of Governor's Gov-ernor's Address With an afternoon session In the Salt L;k tabernarln at which Governor Gov-ernor Charles R. Mabey IHIvercd a ntlrrln address th Utah Educational association closed Its session Saturday Satur-day at 3:30 p m. The ovi"nor' theme had to do with a dlsmsslon o how the public schools coull best serve the people of rtah. Me ikcl.ir- RbK)' fd that the schools are th bulwark of the nation and that It Is th. lr r hlef i duty to teach tetfor citizenship and ? , , service as well as a stronic fei-llnjc Ofj lf patriotism toward fill things American Ameri-can according to Supt R. A. Powltr I faU-1 of the Weber county schools who returned re-turned last evening f'om the convi r.-tlon. r.-tlon. Mr. Fowler said: "The convention was .i splendid suc-coss suc-coss In rverv wav--the wi-jther whs I Ideal, more than 4.20 teachers wltli paid memberships were In attendance, there was excellent music at evrry session, and a number of Inspiring nml helpful speeches were delivered bv both homo and outside educators, 'Pr. Pharles E Rugh of the unl-erslty unl-erslty of California and T)r. Payson Smith, commissioner of education of Massachusetts were th'- chief speakers speak-ers from without the state, educators' addresses seemed to be to educator's addresses seemed to he to te.Tf h fundamentals and nil e's.- you ! (' i have time to teach, but to keep the Individual child constantly In mind As It Ttuffh aptly expressed It, 'Make e I-ncatlon I-ncatlon a eo-operntlve process wherein where-in the pupil participates In th purposes, pur-poses, plans, processes and profits of , education.' Commissioner T'ayson . Smith stated that, 'Our major responsibilities respon-sibilities a educators are two-fold: first, we must irlve our scholars a command of the tools of education; and, second, we must develop in them right mental, moral and physical habit hab-it "They both decried the fact that the public Is constantly rxpr rl !ncr j i school to carry more and more of J1'., the load of developing civilization, which the hom pad the community should accept as their obligation, partly part-ly at least." |