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Show ' f)P a" e sPecia'ize in prescription 1 '7 11 fJSr A work and co-oncrate with j iVVVVVy vLCW the doctor to the fullest cx- tent. Knowledge, care and H experience gives patient best H results. It's safer to have a all prescriptions filled here. H lean, Sound "Standard" Teeth Without Stationery s a Dentist Styles Spliehed by the systematic , ng of the teeth not ihe m08 papular qualities Knce ln a while or once and fabrics in linen, lawn i but twice a day at leas and other standardized tex-; tex-; iree times pr, .raid- Two . U1 in tints, t-n-s r U&U are a good tooth pate i i. Clean tooth brush and novclt cutfl 11 -vou Pr'- rj hit's Tooth Brusii 35c f('r -"' slvl, sale th i J bne Tooth Paste . 38c week 39" the b-x U Everyday Candies I theia randii . hecause tiny are everyday D jjp I'.CvT Those dainty little mounds with the i pup centers and that riph heavj chocolate coating on Mlidc- -eandies couldn't lie lietter and every ho;, cunt :iiu-, Igest possiiii.. rtssnrt ineiit of kinds. Half pounds, pounds pefcg-r lee- Huyler's, Saylor's, Johnston's The World's Best IColdS; CHIana i i(()ll"aiiy con for Coughs In i -se;T Broken UpBlven laughed Still (,. leading JJf ner'lB To break up a cold cough relief A com- the is to head off dan- position that never 5 1PPIARCH gfc"r- A Uttle cold fltDctlPll , .um seems to go out of iftOffc SIA cause a lot of P'RABLETS trouble. MONARCH date AlwayB serv-- f E5r K8iomacb C0LD REMEDY is lceable and adapt-Ia adapt-Ia nelp you as good as can be . , . . k E?' !f LhrrtJ's nuick breaking of put up under our la dP dy '" i' - "III and ih.- pre- , , , rjr made we ventlon of Grippe bel ls M ?troDg &nd ftta" ' Influenza. , . ZjC can bo made . WC 5" Prescription Specialists. iDeKveF -479 Washington Ave. Ogdcn. Utah. wn pay. flfi 1 5' "jfc ing for your clothes, no matter Jfr j I I where you've been buying your tw&Zh I A Mk clothei THIS FAMILY CHARGE frffflJ MS pVJRSySvE A SUR" I M :h JaKtj want honest ADVICE and GOOD smA I If fTHfef SERVICE. A full portion and a big fMll yM H flEJSi? se QlGn eacn 's rur nere- fe'-jSJwWj 3H I Srlllfef We are Uy aware hw .hard it is IS J k KNliP? to mae yur Pay envelope cover the vSlfll F v ft many needs of today. You and the HHI , $4 family all want to be well dressed at wSiJri I lX . Ul'"'' ' i ..-3 the least possible expense. Thifl 'J- store will not only outfit you and the W'-Wl I Eg' WnS family and show you a substantial I JJ V saving in price on your purchase, &) I ff but will do more than that we'll ft arrange to YOUR satisfaction a i 4 small weekly or monthly amount for payment. jj ALL THE VERY LATEST STYLES M I Ladies' Wool Dresses Poiret, etc $12.85, $14.85 up i Silk Dresses Canton crepe, satin, etc $14.85, $19.85 up f Cicver Cloth Coats $19.85, $24.85 and up New Fur Trimmed Cloth Coats $19.85, $24.85, $29.85 up to $169.85 I j Latest designs in Plush Coats $14.85. $19.85, $24.85 j fcv; . Fur Trimmed Plush Coats $24.85 up to $149.85 I FINEST FUR COATS AT CASH STORE PRICES p New Wool Sweaters $2.85 and upward I New Fall Millinery $4.85, $5.85, $6.85 up to $19.85 I rrPURPQSE I These banks have one unalterable purpose and that purpose we hope is your purpose to help Ogden and Weber County realize their maximum prosperity in such a way that all may share it. A bank is like a gTeat power house. When it throws in the clutch, gets the community point of view, and goes out to accomplish things it becomes a great generator of public good. Thousands of people have caught the spirit of these banks have discovered that they are public spirited institutions with a public service serv-ice program a progTam that has been carried out for a generation. These people have come in with their deposits so that we could work together. to-gether. If you aren't one of them of course you will be sometime. That's why this is directed di-rected to you we want your co-operation. THE FIRST AND I UTAH NATIONAL BANK THE FIRST AND UTAH SAVINGS BANK The First National Bank, The Utah National Na-tional Bank and The Ogden Savings Bank Consolidated I |