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Show GOVERNOR ELECT 10 ADDRESS CLUB Bingham Canyon Kiwanis Club to Hear District Governor Elect, Dr. W. L. Wanless of Logan, Utah, ' This Evening. District Governor Elect, Dr. W. L. Wanless of Logan, Utah, will address the local Kiwanis Club this evening at their regular meeting place in the Masonic Hall, according to advice given out at the regular weekly meeting meet-ing held Thursday evening of last week. The meeting of last week was well attended, and a keen interest was shown in the work by all present. President J. B. Myers spoke feelingly feel-ingly as he remembered thai the next meeting (tonight) was the one to have been planned by the late Bishop Wright. Mr. Myers eulogized the work of the deceased in the club, as did Boyd J. Barnard, who spoke of his association with Bishop J. A. Wright while on the town board and in the Kiwanis Club. Dr. Richards gave a short talk on "The American Habit of Passing the Buck,"k which was to the point and well received. The attendance prize "donated by Dick Bryant was won by George C. Earl. Mr. H. B. Aven was appointed to furnish the prize for the next meeting. The following resolution was passed: pass-ed: "Be it resolved that each and every ev-ery member of the Bingham Canyon Kiwanis Club make certain that his name appears on the registration list of his respective voting district, that the name of each voting member of his family be likewise thereon, that he exert his influence with friends to do likewise and that on election day, Tuesday, November 4, he see to it that each and every one he has thus interested in registration, cast his ballot." |