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Show MEETING OF BINGHAM FIREMEN . PROVES TO BE BEST IfJ YEAflS Companies No. 1 and 2 Meet at Home of the Latter, and Most Enjoyable En-joyable Evening Is Spent in Merry Making Fort Herriman Graduate Performs as Referee in Main Event. x Companies No. 1 and 2 met at Fire Hall No. 2 Tuesday evening of this week in joint session, in what proved to be one of the happiest events held by Bingham Fire Fighters in years. A large attendance was present which added to the gaiety of the evening, eve-ning, which was featured by musical and athletic events, the music being furnished by Clyde Raddon's Merry Melody Makers of Sandy, while the athletic part of the program was furnished fur-nished by Dominic Tippero and Joe Delaney, both local fistic stars of the local horizon. ' ' , The regular order of business opened op-ened the session, the two companies deciding that the annual masque ball which the firemen usually give on Hallowe'en should be postponed on account of the last benefit dance being be-ing given but a short time ago, although al-though the benefits derived from the (last dance did not go to either fire department, but to one who still lies at the Bingham Hospital as the result re-sult of the great fire of August 17. The next dance to be given by the firemen will in all probability be given giv-en early in January, as the two companies com-panies declared that the business men had responded most freely for the last dance and it would be an imposition to stage another this month, thus the one scheduled for January. That the entertainment did their "stuff" was made manifest by the surprised sur-prised audience when the Merry Melody Mel-ody Makers of Sandy gave a program that was enjoyed from start to finish. fin-ish. Messrs. Raddon and Pearson gave a clever violjn duct which met with instant approval. Miss Nelson accompanied them on the piano. Miss N. Crapo then gave a pleasing vocal selection with Miss Nelson at r J.. The Merry Makers Male quartette composed of Clyde Raddon, Lou Hand, Duane Richards, and Moyle Peterson gave several selections, the audience being reluctant about letting them stop. .: " ' Master Gordon' Olson gave a violin vio-lin selection with Miss Olson at the piano, in a manner that si one of the members said, "called for more." A reading by Miss A. Crapo put the large gathering in good humor for the athletic event which followed. ' , : Tippero and Joe Delaney stepped off four fast rounds and let it be said that these two Bingham lads stepped, and the brotherly love spirit was con- v spicuous by its absence. This bout was refereed by none other than Art Sorenson, who announced before the starting of the bout that although tefT in Bingham Canyon knew it, he had vi graduated from the Welby Tech in' 1904, after which he entered the Uni-versity Uni-versity of Riverton, getting his final ' degree from the University of Fort Herriman, and thus he felt that he was qualified to referee the four round tilt. Mr. Sorenson also announced an-nounced that whenever Frog Town was ready to have a real Eve mayor, he would be more than delighted to accept the position, providing,' of course, no one opposed him, as he was too busy to make political speeches. , After the boxing tourney, Loris Hand pleased with a baritone solo, accompanied by Master Olson On the -violin and Miss Olson at the piano. A violin duet by Messrs. Raddon and K Pearson followed. ' The Misses Nelso nand Olson gave a piano duet and then all were seated for the sumptuous feed. i. Ex-Post-master Archie Stewart of Company No. 2 was the principal speaker. Cakes were donated by the Royal Bakery of Salt Lake City, and at a ' lat hour, tlic happy gathering depart- i -. ed for their different homely all de- " daring it to be one of the best meetings meet-ings ever held by the two companies. , |