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Show I ; CHILDREN CAN-1 CAN-1 : iJTOINCE ' Autos Still Make History in Passing Local School Evil Could be Re-1 Re-1 duced to Minimum. . j Why do the autoists who infest the ''. ". 1 town, particularly those from Salt f Lake City, insist on stepping on the , "gas" when passing the Bingham t , Central Schools? Perhaps the auto- I ists of the county could answer the -question, but it is doubtful. , - The remark has been heard many t times that, there are fewer accidents J in Bingham Canyon than in any other I ,' part of the country, and the autoists r boastfully give the figures on the rest j$ , ; of the, county relative to accidents be- v falling children. ' We have always claimed that the I. t ' minimum of accidents in Bingham Canyon is NOT due to the careful driving and watchfulness of the auto- ' - ists, but because the kiddies are care- ' ful. Did you ever notice how a lit-f. lit-f. -.: v.- tie tot stops, looks and listens before venturing across the street? This fea- ture is born and bred in the child and I , ., . . no credit is due the motorists for the : small fatality list in Bingham Canyon. True, many motorists ARE careful, ; ' but for the most part they are resi- i dents of the camp, and perhaps fath- ers and mothers themselves. It is not . . of the home folks that we write. It . is the Salt Laker who thinks Bing-, Bing-, ham is merely a place on the side of a hill where money is plentiful, and j the faster they can get to this money the faster he can get back to Salt i Lake. Bingham Canyon has its traffic of-w, of-w, ... ... ,r ficer,: but unfortunately, he has but , two hands and two feet, thus making it, impossible for him to be everywhere every-where at one time. What then, is the next best thing to do to eliminate the j- : speedster? Easy, if it is done. Ap-tr Ap-tr point several of the older high school pupils as traffic officers. Let them I watch for these speedsters. Let them tmm- iH-iiartTfr Tmricr rrtHrt(llr1r'tne , . ' A. number of the car violating the speed ' - ordinance. As we stated in our story last week concerning the speedsters, v .lfere 's an ordinance, and it is a ' good one, prohibiting autos passing schools except in low or intermedi-' intermedi-' ate g'ear." Every child knows when k" a car is going in "high" and let him , . take it upon himself to report such '- offenders. It will please the Press-Bulletin to ' record in its issue of next week that " ' the city and school officials have at , ' last met, and are working in harmony toward the elimination of the Death ' - Car that persists in sizzling past the ' school house, and endangering the lives of our young. ' |