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Show 6:45 p.m. Evening Service at 7:45 p. m. Subject: "The Man Who Played Fast and Loose." Eventually you will come to the Methodist church. Why not now? Copperfield Sunday School plans to have the celebration at the close of the contest, the Live-wires will entertain enter-tain the Treasure-diggers who came out ahead. This will take place on Tuesday evening and games and refreshments re-freshments will be served. Boy Rangers and Boy Scout have been organized in Copperfield. The number is growing each week. We can accommodate several new scouts 12 years and over. Come Monday night at 8 p.m. The Rangers must be there at 7 p.m. Mrs. Othiem'g class is meeting during the week; better get in on that useful organization. COMMUNITY CHURCH OFFERS BUSY WEEK During the week of October 20th to 26th, the Methodist Church will offer three very acceptable events. Monday evening of that , week the Ladies interested in the missionary funds are planning s very interesting birthday party. You will want to take that in. Saturday we arc to be favored with a visit from the Dyncvor Concert company. This company is largely composed of Welsh singers. And the Queen Esther Circle and the C. K. U. D's are together in the promotion of this fine array of talented musicians. The concert program will be given in the high school auditorium Saturday Satur-day evening, October 25th, at 8 p.m. Then as a final finish to the week we are trying if possible to arrange for the presentation of a pageant entitled en-titled "World Service." The cast is composed of twenty performers and is now being presented in the First Church of Salt Lake City. These offerings of-ferings ought to bring you something worth while in the way of spiritual culture. Good music and high-class pageantry. The societies of the church are all on a sure footing. The latest addition addi-tion to our activities is the Junior Ep-worth Ep-worth League which meets on a Friday Fri-day afternoon after the school hours. Mrs. Anna Othiem is the superinten- dent, with Mrs. Paul Ransom and Mrs. Robert Halverson as efficient helpers. It is probable that this Sunday evening eve-ning the officers of the Junior and Senior Leagues will be installed during dur-ing the evening service. The Kindergarten is going on a pace. There is an enrollment of forty-one and an attendance of thirty-three. thirty-three. There is room for a few more children and if you want your children chil-dren to get the benefit of this splendid splen-did service you had better hurry. The Sunday school is growing, a larger attendance last Sunday and yet we missed many of the small children. chil-dren. Parents may rest assured that we will have a warm church. Send them along. Reception of members and Holy Communion next Sunday. Regular services next Sunday. Sunday Sun-day School at 9:45 a.m. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Subject: "Such As I Have." Epworth League a |