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Show R'igs Can Be Cleaned at Home With Good Success Bag and lightweight cotton rage Can be washed In the tub or the washing machine In lukewarm soapsuds, like any other heavy colored material, but they must be rinsed thoroughly t prevent pre-vent them from looking grimy. Spreading Spread-ing the wet nig on the grass and turning turn-ing the hose on It, or dushlng palls of water over It, Is sometimes the easiest and best way of rinsing, the Cnlted Stales Department of Agriculture says. Woolen rugs may also he cleaned at home successfully If there are good facilities for drying. Spread the rug on a table or other flat surface of convenient con-venient height and scrub with a heavy lather of mild soap, using a soft hmsh or a S(Knge. As soon as s section is scrubbed clean rinse It with water; change ss soon as It becomes ('col-ored. |