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Show UNIONS OPEN NEW DRIVE ON CHILD LABOR Federation Must Get Constitution Con-stitution Amended, Gom-pers Gom-pers Tells Convention LEADER GIVEN FLAG Resolution to Amalgamate Unions By Industries Is Introduced CINCINNATI. Time 14. (By thl Associated Press) Organized labor again raised Its voice at the conven-'tlon conven-'tlon of the American Federation of j Labor here today against child labor, coupling with this an observance of Klaft day. The program for the enliic .day's speeches ;n devoted to child i labor, with reference to the supreme court's recent decision of two months j ago holding a state child labor law unconstitutional. un-constitutional. The day's program was opened by the Central Labor i:nlon of this city presenting Samuel Gompers. president of the federation, with an American I flag. Then the deli gates turned to the I program of protest against chilti labor BIX. W I 1 VKfl UO Mr. Gompers told the delegates ihaJ as far back a 1SS1 in the first on-stltiitlon on-stltiitlon adopted by the federation, a declaration was made for the enact-1 ment of state laws prohibiting labor by children under 14 years old. He added to the trst federal law that of in 16 being declared Invalid by the supreme court by a five to four opln Ion. and added that the second law passed In 1919. was set aside with ono I dissenting vote of the court. Labor s i program now, he said, was to obtain adoption of a constitutional amendment, amend-ment, making possible a federal child labor law. RADICAL ( li 1RG1 URGED Delegates favoring radical changes in the American Trade I'nlon movement move-ment made their first move In the con-i con-i ention today by Introducing a resolution resolu-tion favoring the Amalgamation of ex-listing ex-listing unions by Industries Into slngls I organizations. The resolution was introduced by E i H Fitzyei land, and others represent-jing represent-jing the brotherhood of railway clerks and proposed that the American Federation Fed-eration of Labor take the necessary action toward bringing about tho required re-quired solidarity within t ho ranks of 'organized labor, and that as first .step j in this direction the various interna-Itional interna-Itional unions be called into conference confer-ence for the purpose of arranging to amalgamate . 1 1 1 the unions In the respective re-spective Industrie- Into single organizations, organi-zations, paeh of which shall covei any I Industry." 1 13 RESOliUTIoitS The California state fid raiitin asked ask-ed adoption of a resolution declaring in favor of a ban on Oriental Immigration Immi-gration by denying 'admission a tin- migrants and permanent residents, all I aliens who are ineligible to oltlsvnshlp under laws of the United Suites Formation of a central bank in I Washington "with such bran h banks as occsision may demand!' was pro-! I posed by a resolution of the Woniing, slate federation. Several resolutions dealt with Russia, Rus-sia, both for and against i ecognltlun ! by the lulled States government One, hundred and thirteen rcsLdutionj were; introduced today. oo |