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Show 1 fflEi(DmnAiL(l)i rTrI y v IIKIli: le perhaue no other apot In toe riniiiiiy where Ihe ubnorvumu of Mi'iunrliil day la rharai torlied by Ihe tlenllienue of (iettyrhurg. No vleltor run tuivereo, at any imon of tho year, 'm prj lh i"'iio of Ihe greaKitt atriiKKle In Jr JL iho mimt inomentuniia rlvll war of nil ytTjdy hlni'iry and not Rain a now eonreptlon IjtS'E of iho llinnlo forrea whlih hero enaeted iJt'ijk r"nnu of a five yi.ir war drama, 55 hut at Memorial day the leinnna nnd Ihe Blanllleanie of thla Imnonho hiilllenelrr eeiue in lake nn a yet deeper meanlnK. And y t to Hi e It clothed In the lre,h green of a twentieth untiiry aprlng one would never atiaprrl, live for Iho reminder nf the hundred nf memnrliila In marble and Knuilte lirnntn. Hint I h it plnrld land-a. land-a. apn waa a eeant half century nco the Inoalc of 0110 nf Ihe llfieon ileeh.lvn hnlllea In ti e world hie-lory. hie-lory. It eeem today n tluiiiKh It mluM have merely been ihonen 11 a ltn fur Memorial day m-rvloee heeiumo of Ha naiiiral heiiuty. Hlnilhirly would the thou. aiuU 1 pairlotle pIlKrlmu who weml ih. lr wuy thither every lieenrallon day bo well J1n.1ltl.1l In the jinirn. y wero thero no hletorlc nttraelinn whatever In draw I hem. for nno nilRht travel for day In t.M I yStX VJMLMOKRL PAY IPW. V AT CCT7KiflA'C lj fill) . 4tk?AA bfh VHVli-.vW:.jrfA. v. Oi,:'S.;jA :;-2'v4 IV,1' 4 J si ',. :. 9 " "- va .- -ry. , . -jr l v ,',. - .....?. -..j country or abroad without flndliiK more pic-liireiue pic-liireiue or more rlrhly vcrdnnt rolling country than I en hrared In the wmilorftil panorimn whh h irend out at the foot nf the ilghtaoer ae ho ru'oa from Ihe nunimlt of l.litlo Hound Top the inmmmiilliig Knltlun of thie whole great batlletleld. Hut for all It natural beauty It , the aentlment if II hiHtorle haekground Dial torvra a tho inamii l whleh draw u grout throng thither from ll netioii nf Iho country nn Metnorlul day. liny enmo hy train nlthnngh ti.ttyehiirg 'a not iho irimt aeeoKelblo of hlatorle xioia; Ihey come by carriage ami w.iKiin from a wide rndlua nf Ihe rli h l'i iiimylvatila furniliig r. glon that eur-roainl eur-roainl the h.Hlletlold; mid lln.ill) thoy come hy iiloiuohlle. for, mi It la cupl.iln.'d, Uettyaburg ha heroine of lata yeara a iniiht popular objective a llh motor tourlat who find In Iho great park or roHorvutlon whh h now pcrpi lu itca the bat'ln-ll.ld bat'ln-ll.ld a network of Ihe fluent road In Amerlrn hlKhwny whh h II I a hoer d. light to motor nu r oven wlih no thought (if ,,,, could dianilan tho miliieeti of it,,. hlHtorlr ohleu and locallllea In ho viewed h tho wayalde. Tho Memorial day pI'Krlm who Journey lo Ihe Jierute civil war bmtlolleld or national ccino-lery ccino-lery for tho nnnual alrowlng of flower are one-Jay one-Jay vlblior who arrive after il.iwn and depart heiore fiiiiMl Hut thla I not wholly Iho caae 11 (i.ll)nliuiK. nlthoiiKh many heavy laden cieur- luu traliui do nrrlvo during Ihe Memorial day. In L.ljhil,,,, lo thla throng, however, there la one almost ua ruiiiii r.ni.4 miidu up nf pomnn who lend from two days to a week at (lutlyaburg fiul alio have roino nt Iho M nrlal day (oaatnii he.ai,..,. there Ik nn lidded touch of reallmii lo Ihe Men, nt that time whm vrtorana In blue ne trninpfff; over Iho nm, l whore couuliift thoiiMiniiB or their fellow adwinrod and retreated during the uuinornblo day nf buttle. Three visitor meijtoM t. hotel, of which Gettysburg 'in 1111 unusual nuiehor for o niull a town, and lecutiy all the uvallalilp renin lo the private house of the little city Tho .HuiitUin would nwan.p tho liverymen did Ihe condition of a l ' "le ago mill prevail, but happily tho advent ! e ..... in . I, 'i,. h:i helped mattora In this ro-, ro-, Many ( tho vlnltor ride over tho buttle-' buttle-' ! I li, t 1 inn .inning cur, whereas the cars ii In,,, r.lli'io ilm Htraln upon the four-haras -.r t Milmru loailu which continue aa of yore t!.i r. nidation mode of touring the battlefield. Iin I.I 'iitiilly It may bo add, d that tho Introduction Introduc-tion of Hip iv.utnr enr ha grc.tly facilitated think' for the tourlnt who la deslroua of euolng , tiitishurg h.ntlelleld In Ihe limited time , for whhh Ainerli'uns are famous In 1 their lghtseelng. indeed by keeping i continually nn tho road from morning until night, with only a brief atop for lunch, a motiirlt may obtain an excellent Idea of (Jetty- Ldt'v Ji -rdf; rwfeJ I L f US A''.- -. r I reoi thc xswiMir or xouno top 1 5 burg battlefield In single day. Of cnurso on such a schedule lis cannot can-not really study the geography with relation to Iho cnmplej movements move-ments of Ihe opposing op-posing forces and there will be some accllona of eccondary Importance which he will have to omit from hi Itinerary, but on the whole he will have obtained a mental moving picture of the varluiia Important lornlltlea marked by monu-mcnta monu-mcnta and cannon. To do tho battlefield aa thoroughly thor-oughly In a horo-drawn vehicle would require at leant throe or four day and a pedestrian might spend weeks on tho batlletleld without ever traveling tra-veling the aame road twice escept In going to the Held and returning to hla hotel. Aa hna been hinted above. II la the battlefield and not tho Memorial dny cxcrclaea which throng (lottyaburg nt tho end of May each year. Some year tho program Incident to Peroration dny I of a very simple chnranter and there aro not as muny graves to he decorated a might ho supposed hy the person not conversant with the comparatively compara-tively email number of marked gruvo on dotty-burg dotty-burg bnttleflold. Yet thero are other occnalon when the rxrrclara at !ottyhurg focus tho eyes of tho entire country. This Is the case when the president uf the I'niled Hlntea delivers the ad-cTcas ad-cTcas of tho dny at (lottyhurg, aa President Tuft did a couple of ymr ni o as President ltooevelt did before him, and aa almost all of our president havo done In their day since that memorable occasion occa-sion when President Lincoln dedicated the nt-tyburg nt-tyburg battlefield cemetery with an address which hns gone down Into history as the most rlnquent, the most linprelvo nnd the liiiint enduring en-during nf tho many tributes pronounced by the martyr preldent. Tho audience which farca a prealdont or other public man nt (ltittyburg Invariably Impresses the dltlngulhed orntor. It Is nn assemblage uhvlnuely made up largely of tho funning rlnm nnd It I apt to he o deniotiitrullve Ihnn tho applauding crowd Hint aro encountered In fnctor towns, hut It Is a body of men and women who pay such close attention (o the addre of which they nro auditor nnd who so manifestly ropro- eut the sober, solid. Intelligent sentiment of our national community as to Inspire the het efforts of tho speaker. It Is In the chnraeter of Hicro tiottysburg nudlences as well us In the Inspiration Inspira-tion nf tho hlmorlc surrounding thai wo mny Uud the Incetitlvo to the significant utterances affecting the general policy of the nation which' have from time to time been given rxprcnslon by our chief miiKlstruios In Memorlnl dny addresses ul CettyshurK. C!ettyburg rank as Ihe most elaborately and accurately marked battlefield In the world, having moro monuments anil memorials Ihnn nil other huttleflelds combined. The ,?!Hon of every body of troops In the union army and of most of thoe comprising the confederate forces have been clearly outlined by distinctive landmarka and the maneuvers of the wonderful battle may be traced by all who desire to study this masterpiece of strategy and military science. The work nf preserving pre-serving the battlefield was Inaugurated by an aaaoclntlon Incorporated by the leglalulure of 1 Pennsylvania and thla patriotic organisation had expended more than lino, ODD, bad acquired fIK t acres of Innd and erected more than thro bun- 1 drrd monuments when In iv.ifi Ihe congress of j the T'nlted Hlate provided fur Iho establishment j nf Gettysburg National park and placed It under the direction uf the secretary nf war. A mngninccnt park has now been constructed i which enclose the w blest limits of Iho battle- I field atid tho erection of memorial and mnrkera atlll gooa on. In the soldiers' cemetery alone 'J more than four hundred memorial shafts and tuhleta and mure thnn one HtnuHnml murker havo boon act up at a cost aggregating sevorul million dollnrs. When tho present schemo nf roadways Is completed there will be between 100 and 1."l) miles of fine macadumlxed hlghwny extending ex-tending to every pnrt nf the batlletleld, while five Iron observation towers on vnrlnua parts nf Ihe field enable sightseers to enjoy the blrde-cyo views whhh lire so helpful In cnnbllng onu tu understand tho movement nf the opposing forces thnt made up the fnr llung hntlie Hue. The cemetery. In dedicating which Abraham Lincoln delivered tho Immortal addrcHS familiar In every American, originally contained the hodlca of n.fi.'ia soldier removed from all pnrt uf the field, whero Ihey had hern hastily burled. The number of graves hns hern greatly Increased since that dato nnd there Is yet nmple spuco for tho veteran who tuny desire to ret ut Iho accno of the supreme struggle between Ihe I'nluit nnd the Confederacy. One nf the feature of the national ceniciory la tho Ivy dad rostrum a memorlnl shrine for the tlend who sleep around It and which la used for the exerclHca held each Memorlnl dny. The bnttle nf Oettyshtirg Is nf such comparatively compara-tively recent data Hint vivid reminders of It aro to bo found nn nil sides. Tho lit t In dwelling, occupied se hcudiiiart. r by Cenernl Monde and l.ee respectively are yot landing In nn excellent tnle of preservation: Ihe earthworks nn Come, ury hill aro yot Inlncl; Cnlp bill still hold Its bullet scarred trees and the bullet. nmrked boa I dera are to bo seen nn every hand at Ihe Devil Pen. Plans hnvo nlso boon made fnr tho accurate accu-rate teHtnrntlnn of those portions nf the field such as Iho fnninu poach orchard which figured conspicuously In Ihe battle, hut wort, obliterated or Inst much uf their old time semhlaiico In Iho dny following the war and before the, launching of the project for perpetuating the bnttletleld nt nno of tho must luicrcatlng object lessuns uf American history. A boon enjoyed by present day visitor to Gettysburg Get-tysburg tbut will be sadly missed by thus sight, seers who come a generiitlon hence I the presence pres-ence on the battlefield as guide nf veternns who participated In the thh k of tho fighting. Tu hour these men recount their personal experiences nnd point out hy the aid of timlliumeil memory every locality that figured In tho crucial battle nf the war I to gain an Impression more vivid and thrilling thnn enn he hoped for hy those who mint depend for their knowledge of thla military " , , , drama upon what they may have reud In the ' ' ' '" ' hlKtorlea. I |