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Show I UTAH STATU NEWS A public drinking fountain In lo be It stalled nl a nntcnlenl hi,e on tnln uri'cl in s.illnn A number of new . Iiik.I hiilhtliit H are lo he ercctm In lint Klder conn ly before the opening of r hoot next rieplcnitier. piiIiI Kniknll. an year old Hnlt l-akc liy, died lost week mi Iho ri-itiili of Injuries sustained when ho wu run over If a wagon while playing on tlm etrecL Wonl hn turn received of the tleuih , "f 1-cslrr Jenkins Cannon of Hull Ijike. In thn Netherlands, where he waa on a mission for I tin Mormon rniirrh. tanl Phillips In In a Rult Ijike bos rllnl at the point of death aa the re aull of having hee mg down tr an ' automobile, driven by a drunken chauffeur. . There were lfl7 itnefhs during Ihn month of April In th alute of I'tah. according I" tho inonlhlr rcjiorl of (he atate lioard of ln'iillh, whlih wan la tied lt week Martin Luther Knlrn, who died at Ttrlgham City, May I. at tho ace ol 0, aa In tlm flrt company of plo neera to setde In llrlghum City, ar riving there In lkj.1. j While washing window. A. I Mln ' linn. agct 41, a porter In a Halt Lake , rooming house, fill from a si-cnnd atory window and received Injuries which may prove fnlnl. Tho Home Telephone coinpnny ha gone Into liiimlia of a receiver The company oprriiliw lla linn chiefly in invi county. Mil niso has an ei tenalve service In Weber county. With all of tlm twenty wifii lodge represented, Ihn twenty eighth niinuul on nn i Ion of tlm grnnd lodce of the irrnnd domain of Knights or Pythias of I'tah wo held In H.ill Luke l.ml week. H. V. O'Dnnnoll, million agent for the Knit laikc Itmilo nt I. mul. Kill ri' i ovrr from I ho llilurli-s which ho huh I ii I lint while In nil utitnmohlln mil dent In which two other occupant ol the mm kino were klll-'it. K. K Wcllnian, who waa shot and wounded by J. J. Morris, tlm rohhci ho ahnt and killed Joseph Walter Axlell In Bull Lake. Tuesday. Mny 9. hna left the hospital, hayliin fully rn-round rn-round from lila nnnila. A flah and name prolwtlve anioclu tlon waa ornuulri-d at llountKul laat . Wark and every one of the thlrly wtrt ItUta imrfa a iMty nanie- g warden wlih auiliorliy lo arreac any one found ylolnilng the atate law. 1 The ahearlnit of ln-e) waa aucceaa fully brouaht to a clone l.y Meaara I. unil and IN Wolf at M.xlrua aevernl da a am. AIhiiiI I .'..'. OHO hnnd were horn. ayeriiKina elxht pounda to the tli'oee and )'lrhllim l.i'lil.lKiU ihiuihIi . ot wool. J. W. Mrllenry of Murriiy, prenldcnl or the Murrny Commercial cluh, win painfully Injured when a huiidy In which he wna rlillnit wiia ilturk hy a mnlori ycle koIiik lit a hn;h ruin ol I I 1 he hiicKy waa demollnhed end Mr. Mcllviiiy wua thrown to tin' uremia ' Memorial tl:iy will tie otmorveil In a nunt appioprlutn ninnner by the peo pie of Halt l-akn City. The tirand Army or the ItopuliUn, the 8.niilnh American war yeteraua anil all am lllury orRaultiitlona huv united their efTorta to miike lha cclubrnlloii a Krund furicix. Kdwln 8 Hheeta, a well known Salt Lake attorney, hua heen clecled liy the eei ulle committee of tho Halt like Anil Hntoon lenaue to condurt the piohlhltluii campaiKU In Halt tJilie llcadiuurtvra have tiueo opcued mid a viaoroua caiupaltn for prohibition will bu waxed Henry IHuinviilhal of ITovo la th new KTiind chamellnr of the grand liMlxe uf KulKlCa of I'ythlaa, choiien at the Hull Ijiko aeaelon laat week. II. N. HUindUh of llliixhain hua been tinmen representative lo Kort Worth. Trum. In AtiKual. with Kilwnrd I'lke or Kurvka, alternate. Hoy ArmmroiiK, the nexro who ahnt and mortally wounded J. II. Ilrennan. . a white liarteuder, ou the nlxht of ' J AukukI :i, lii.t year. Ill Kail Ijike, In ;J a quarn'l over Hay Wola. a woman j of the tenderloin, inuat aieud hie lite J at hard labor In the atnte prlion, ac- ,' .J cording to the verdict ot the jury. t A quantity ot broom corn aecd baa i received by the Murray Cummer- ' clal club and la belnx dlatrlbuted ' amonx the laruieia for the purpoae uf ' ralilnx experimental cmpa thla year. n , II na been dlai overed that meadow , u lark, blai khlula and long purrowa ! Ibe larvae of the alfalfa weevil. '-1 and It la believed Ihe-e blrda will be . I a xrrat aid In the II kill lor lha eiter V i mluailon ol the peat. , With the view or Improving Renernl - ' v dairying roudilloiia In I'tah. the atate "i dairy and rood deuirlmeui hna ap- l pointed J. Carleaa Lambert of Kamaa, deputy dairy und food conimliialiMier. ' j lie la to huve charx of dairy Inapco- , . a lion In tho atnte. ! Ill beulth cauaed Mm. Minnie Clark, i wife of a riall L.iko liu ri'liiiiicl so i bruker, to end hi'r lite by nhooilnx Ibenelf throuxh lliu heart. Tho oilier niembvra of the family were up town when the tragedy occurred, and found J ber llfeleia body when ttioy returned botlit. i 1 |