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Show Five Ourned lo Death. I'llra, Kan Klvo daiiKhlern of Mr. and .Mia. Harvey llourh, raiiKlun In axe from seven to sixteen years, were binned to death Kitndiiy nlxlil In a fire which started In Ihe nach rcatiiuruht. The pan in wcto badly liutni d. The mother of Ihe xlrl lllli-d a lamp with gasoline by mini. ike. rn-paratory to anienditiK In the neitind II nor, where her ilinothlein were llMteep, she applied it match to Cie lamp An explosion followed, fol-lowed, the Hie helm; cniniuiitilcuteil tu a Iwoxallon i ill of xiinolliie, sending u huist of fl.iin M up the narrow hmii--uay to the chlhlrcn's bed room. |