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Show To the Public i The unileleUi a I licini I ousee J ill che lliclr et.ree at oVInvk aaarh Thiireilay aftertiniin cuiiiinenc-tn cuiiiinenc-tn Thiireiltiy, J mm la', anil '"- I inulni( during June, July anil Ann: Coalville, n op, II Miimuilt fur. A M.T. -i., I New York ClntliliiK Cn., . Mluilehaker llroa., (.'on. VK"'i A Mach. Hil in in 1 1 Meat (ii,, flnlilen Knlf. W. (I. Jiihimtuii, M. K. Khnailes. ' U. S. BEDELL Barber Shop. For the man who cares "East Side Main St.. Coalville. .llmtracter. Edward H. Rhead AlmtmrtiT of Tillen dir Summit Oetinly. I'NlIlT lo,ti.() llllllll -ilral Estate, Insurance, Farm Loam Oflli-O el lleal.lenre. ItatlTllla, I'tah. 'hiHie Nil. Ut Livestock Directory. Carrie uniliir this h ..a. I In if at ran-eaiiuvtiln ran-eaiiuvtiln rales per year. A rani la prut'-rlliiii tu yuiir liinrrri ami tha rvrnvery of mi critter will pay fur Oik apaea fur at least thrnn year. Kvorv ranrlmr ami ra llxniaii In (Summit county ahinihl he r r-..ii-4 I'itk. 'Ivrina of ailvvrllaliiK irMRlly K I v ii mi appll.atl.in In Uile ar. '. EDHOLM ftc AKIN MW; llll.l.l AHII ri.AT AMU urraa l. III AI-KI.I.K I'HKKK. CMtla liramlxl with either of I tit-'.ilkarsvliig tit-'.ilkarsvliig hrainla; Jjjan left aliU p. j on right eld mzt EroUrr Mailable reward leading to re.eo. . ery avt est rape. AnVlreea KUIIOI.M a .. akn, tUatteMM, W .sees.ls.av . In eaaaa of rhaumatlam ratiaf from 4 .vain makea alaap and raat poaalhla. i ftila mar ba ohtalnad by applying Ctiambrrlaln'a Liniment. For sale I, .by Juba Boy den A Boa. t I i - AOVEKTISINC RATES l aa I'ni.raN ini m One lima One month For Im ala In lm al i-olaiiiu, 10 ela. per Hue for 11 luwrtlon, 5 cxnia auhae(tlint. Keadxr, with heade. M rrnla let luaertliiu; 6 fenla uhaiMiint. NOTICE TO WATER USERS, tele Engineer's ornoe. Halt I ake dir. Utah. April . Illl. Notice la herelu alvan Itiel William At wimkI, whose poal i.rnee a.l.lresa la Murray. trisli, haa ma.le auollaetl.oi 111 ecconleuca wllh Hi" re.iuliciuei.la ol Ihe roii.ulle.l U of Itleh. WC. si aoien.le.l l7 Ihe nea-aloo nea-aloo IawioI Clan. lev. to appropriate one-llllllll one-llllllll ll-tfi of a cill.l.- fiM.l per iciinil of water from AIwimmI Hprliitf. Hillounl luuntr. I'lah Hal.t aprlns la alluele.1 st a point which Ilea i smfcrl soulli ao.l IS'te.-l eaaluf Hie Hurt li weal corner of lirvtloll II. TueliahlptMoulli, llsu.'4 east. Hall Ijiee baae ami merlillaii. The water will be inverted in-verted et the piece where II Issues front aslil aprllif ami convee.l l.r inea,us..f n pipe line for a distance ..!. tret no. I there use.t ilurttis Ihe p.-rlisl from Jenuney in I.e. eeuilierai. Inclusive, ufeiv..i yenr. for slia-k walerlua purposes- Tula sppllcellou ta dealsoaled In Ihs estate Kiojliicer'a olDceaa No. sua All proleela auallial the nreutlna nf sslil appllcalluo. alelliis the reesoua Ih.T. lor. moat la made In dupllcele no. I niad 10 nils ultlce wllhlli Ihlrlr dera alter Ihe com. ulwtloo of Ihe pul.llcalloo of line notice. CAI.BII TAMMs.ll, Xlele Isfloor tssleofllral piibllcatluit May b.lSll.date of eoiiiplellou of publlcallon JuueA, tail. I Do you Ink your bom paparf ' Summit County rF'iaf' Joes it mean) ! The Top, of Course ! I 'Hi. 11 hold li. r al Hie l-'p hy hnving ymir ey. eainl I,ik.- Inkeii I'arenf hy nSiiiiitnii unity uni-ty man In Summit county. Dr. M. . DcuJen llenefer. I'.., "Of Outran Ho (.lets Hoslllle" Attorneyx-al Law. P. H. NEELEY ATTORNEV-AT-LAW Coalville, Utah 'Phone 41 Red. Secret Society. Coalville Lodge No. 28, I. O. O. Fa Meets every Wednesday Evening in Jones' Mall. Visiting Brothers i Cordially Invited. M J. PKTRftMON.N.O. II. (MINK. V,(l J. II. COIVII. Hcvy. WM. WKI.HII. Treasurer. Yuu Can't He A Omul Huinmit farmer Withou. The Timmh. ftomry 1'iabllr. C. R. JONES, Notary Public Resident Agent- Fireman's Fund Insurance Company nf San Frotirlei-u rhyxicittn ami Surgeon Dr. 6. IV. French Physician and Surgeon Secial work done on Eye, Et, Nose aud Throat. Clatiet Fitted Office in Kiiimnlt illot k, 1'oalvlll Office I lours, from i to 4. 7 t H p. ta. All who can should nhn-rre then hours ag near as poaei'il. Dr. W. R. Emmett Physician and Surgeon Office Summit Block. Telephone, Office, - 56 Residence. 22blk. COALVILLE. UTAH. Your return card printed ou too envelopes for 75 cents at THE TIMES office. I Coal... I f Weber Coal spells economy. Try a ton. 'A. It will do a ton's work. Coal that pro- ,S duces the greatest amount of heat; coal ja - that bums to tLc last ounce; coal that is Ifr yjy all coal, and . tsa 1 1 which is evidence J Nv of its heat enriirv -uun'a the kind of coal & yJJ we sell. ! WIM CO I I Mines ot COALVILLE, UTAH. "YOU CAN CET rfyWtr CARRIED W SWHEN You've mJ mji in the 1 1 !1 rw BANK -- -a- tfr-' YOUNG MAN don't you want to marry the girl of your choice? Put in the bank some of your money, each week before you wed. 1 hen you'll have a right to ask your sweetheart to many you. And you can have sonctliiiig to "start in" on, too. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put in our bank and compound the interest every six months. The First National Bank COALVILLE. UTAH. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000.00. JAMES tMNCREE. Preeialeet, ALFRED BIONQUUT. Visa PrsslJsat C BLACK-MAW, VicriWslsa FRANK "' rrt" |