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Show MAINTAIN HIGHEST SANITARY CONDITIONS IN OHIO PIGGERY rgl ; I Ground Floor I'lnn and Elevntlon of Iitsldlno Looking to Comfort of Animals Is Shown Herewith ,. ' ', Jack Frosl Is Excluded. t w.vir.a ' 4t Ti-ii i - 1 1 f. . i ; i; : ' ' : .r". Jr.'. I ; . j i:. J.v. J?:- iv. Floor Plsn of Piggery on Farm of W. H. Fisher. I The plgxery, of which a ground I flmir plan la ahown herewith, la Ihe 1st ell acqiilalllon at Tbe Cedars look Ing lo the comfort of the aulmals and Ibrlr attendant, writes V. II. Klsher nf Kranklln county, Ohio. In Ihe tlrrrdrrs' Casrite. The bullillng runs north snd sutrh, so that Ibe sun shines Into each rompsrlmeiil at some hour of the dsy. The dimensions are 4" fret 10 Inches by St feet four Inches and the studding Is It feel. A glance at the floor plan ahowa lhat there ar four pens a by a feet and four II by 12 feel, with a HltliiK window win-dow and sliding door I by 4 feet In I each. A baiiKliig door above and III front of no n troiiKh liuikis II pos slide lo fci it from Ihe passageway and nUo lo keep anluiiils out of the troiiKh iiuill ilm feed la placed therein there-in tin (lie hardwood sills, which nre j t by S Inclies. bolted every r, f,-ct to the roucrete founilnllon, rests a bib k wull u In -In s hlKh laid In rrnient moriur. Inside of (not betwernl the ludillllg. forinliiK an air apace of 4 Inches (thickness of eluddltiKl belwrrn the well and the siding. This wall la covered cov-ered wlih cement mortar and Jolna the concrete floor, which la curved up to cover and protect Ihe sills, making It possible bv the uaa ot but 'Mae and steam lo maintain Ihe hlghret sunllary rondltlona. The drainage of each pen la toward Ihe sliding door. rsnlilona are 4 feet blah and those between pens aa well aa all outside fences are of elect rlc-w elded fencing, atanlrd to hardwood ralllnis. which In th yarda are boiled In exra heavy cedar posts rapped with galvanised Iron and all given two roaia uf paint. This pliigery, which wsb designed espe tally for winter comfort. Is self, contained. A Zoo barrel rlaiern underneath under-neath lakra Ihe water from three down aiKiuia on tbe eaat aide, not shown, a force pump puis Ibe water either Into Ihe slop rssks, escb holding hold-ing ICO gsllons. Into a tank upaiulra, or Into the boiler, aa may be dealred Kerd la drawn through rhulra from bins upslslrs and there la yel room for a winter's supply uf straw, clover, alfalfa and oat pea hay, which Is put down through batchea at either end of Ihe pnasageway. These batchea are provided with alalia which awing up and honk under the celling when not In use. Ibe boiler, which holds but 17 gallona of water, makea steam rapidly and will thoroughly rook Ihe 2(10 gallons of feed In 10 minutes, be sides besting water In the lank up atalra for bousrcleanlng and for waeh-Ing waeh-Ing plga preparatory lo shipment. Ilreakfaat for the poultry la also rooked by steam and we utilise Ihe boiler at butchering lime and for rooking the dormant spray solution for our orchards. With Ibis small amount of artificial brat the piggery ta sufficiently warm to suable the aowa lo furrow when ever the spirit moves them, and we know thsl no ears, lulls or Uvea will be sacrificed tn Jack Krost. l-seh pen contains a sleeping floor, so Moil no animal peed He on Ihe etmenl floor except from choice. The slid Ing doors are operated by auah cord over pulleys from Ihe passageway. The slop rusks are elevated 16 Inches so that feed Is drawn Into buckets through largo molasses gules. Tbe ex pense rumplele, Including allowance for our own time at 20 reals per hour and the ssme for trams, was a trills over 1 1, Inc. |