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Show GENERAL CUT IN R. I PAY DENIED Owners Have No Intention lo Attempt Slash in Wages. Cuyler Asserts CHICAGO. Feb. 12 A general reduction re-duction in wages of railroad employes Is not being considered h the Asso i-atlon i-atlon of Railway Executives, which represents 90 per cent of the trackage of the country, according to a statement state-ment issued by Thomas DeWitt Cuyler, Cuy-ler, chairman of the association: WAGES OF COMMON 1 IBOR Mr. Cuyler'S statement came in response res-ponse to reports circulated In railroad and union circles that the meeting of railway SZaCUtlVcS which he has culled for February IS, would discuss plans for a general wage reduction on all roads. Such a proposition never has come before the association or Its labor committee, .Mr. Cuyler said The executives will meet February 18 to dlSCUSS means of getting the question of revision of wages of unskilled un-skilled labor legally before th0 board, which ruled on February 10 that it could not act on the roads" plea for abrogation of the national agreement an,l for a wage scale revision for unskilled un-skilled labor which was asked because of the financial condition of the railroads rail-roads Matters of finances belonged before the Interstate commerce commission, com-mission, the board held Mr. ("uyler's statement follows, In part: TEXT OF M i I Ml T " This meeting (February 18 has been called to give the oxeutlves of the railways opportunity to receive report from its labor committee regarding re-garding developments since the last general meeting of, the association was held. The subject of a general reduction of railway wages has not been considered by the association or its labor committee and will not be the subject of consideration at the meeting meet-ing February 18. "The railway labor board in Its decision de-cision on February 10 held thai it could not take any action on the labor committee's suggestion that a reduc-1 tlon be made at once In the wages of unskilled labor because confercm-cs had not been held, and a oontroversj developed between the employes and the railways which would not enable the board legally to take Jurisdiction1 of this subject. It Is expected th.u consideration will be given at the. meeting in Chicago February IS as to I what steps should be taken by indl-i Vidua! railways to get the question ofi a revision of the wages of unskilled i labor properly before the board. ROADS USED "The labor committee Will also report re-port to the association regarding thei present status of the proceedings before be-fore the labor board concerning thej national agreements. "In the meantime, the labor side Is preparing to bring before the board the cases of all railroads whlcri are alleged to have violated rulings of the board by ordering wage reductions fori section hands. Among these are the cteco. a petition is fetortH Ar '"''- -- st. i. ,JL, $:Hp Af ' '"' "'" road d.v.WWj wswfi: (d iMoxil A railway labor ur.totjisH '11 time, to mak i. .M0W able r-hanges in wag? atd rJat1 M. - 'b I'lfin... .- .: jSpke; l-bor, said in a SH ; ;"BBS "I privileges." said the KtatedaLH " ' '' 1 ' 1 ' i to imS'1 Through their o.vmiratlcn SaW I line - . r."k' HeBf. i '. working ;..--Kl&S when j nK,.i :,r f,,JKIOta !:, t ! IT'i:, . ,,' IvlufTuB11 ions nre iminiit-iii'.- .o!t tH11 a re Inalienih'- w?-. ;i iBNe ' warfan- i ihe ,-;.int of Ii 0 workers." MP stc |