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Show BLACK TROOPS OF FRANCE DEFENDED PARIS. Keb. 1 L. The foreign of-fiee. of-fiee. announced Friday that only 227 complaints were riled against all the French colonial troops In Germany, including the negroes withdrawn last aaj June as well as the Algerians and the Arabs. These troops spent the equivalent equiv-alent of 19,0i0,000 days on duty In Germany. Of the 227 complaints. the announcement an-nouncement said. 72 cases wero proven, prov-en, 96 were doubtful and 69 unfounded unfound-ed The 7 2 proven cases resulted In one Imprisonment for life. 7 suspended suspend-ed sentences, 28 Imprisonments, 23 Subjections to military discipline and tho dropping of 13 cases. Nine cases of rape were established, establish-ed, according to the announcement. |