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Show I SNAPPY TILTS I , FEATURE SHOW Two Decisions Prove Unpopular Unpopu-lar With Fans At Weekly Mit Contests H J Six snnppy boxing contents were j Mated on tlio cart al the Wasatch arena last night end slam bang action 9 lljfi ruled from ..start to finish In WOT .vent. In tlx- l.atut.. -Miit 1. 1 tin-evening tin-evening F rankle Hnl of Ogden and i c clone Kddic Kelley or Ogden fought MV fast round to diWW. In tlfciH , ,, ntest Hauls i-asily shaded KHIev li three, of the six rounds while th- oth. j three rounds were even. Tin- ib" proved unpopular with the lans prcs- Harris opened the first Spasm b . 1 Bedding his opponent lp ihe ropes on 1 four occasions and although Kelley J drew first blood he was outclass.! III ' ihia session. The second round v IS 1 even with both men mixing freely. In 1 5 the third round Harris again had life !j diadc km i his upponenl when sever 111 Straight hits almost sent Kelley out ggfl .1 for (he count. The fourth and flftl gSBBBsilS rounds Were even while Harris easily I I , miied the shad.- in the final round . l II appeared to be In better con-1 , ;1 Ji . than his opponent and dealt pp iome timely blows during tin 7l session. I M 'S S '.R W N Ji 1 In the semi-wmdnp Red cvcv of ;j '.igden outfought his opponent, Myf- '1 terious Jimmlc Br own, for four .1 rounds, and had lirown in an exhaust - 1 ed COwlltlon several times during the 'I contest. Despite his aggressiveness l the contest was d i lared .i draw. This 8 decision, made by Promoter Downing. I j ' caused (he rans to boiler disapproval.! 1 N'ewrv lid the battle from Start to I' J finish, knocked his opponent down for 'a the count of three once and was never i ' it. 'l.i i ' r. DOWNING l XP1 M N t jM 1 At the conclusion of this match. 0 after the fns had demanded an ex - jl planation. Promoter Downing stated j that he had stopped giving haii line 9 decisions years ago. lint with all due, Jl credit to lirown. he was outclassed in I m all departments and In every round In :j this contest. Isbbbbb 3 Kddie Burns of Ogden and Spuggy JI MeGee of gden furnished the fun III 9 '.A a four-round contest. Give and take li M 1 ruled supremo In this battle With B , ' draw decision at tjte close proving y ";j popular with the fang 1 ; Eddie Smith of Ogden won his bout c against Bobby Lewis of Ogden in (he 1 Q first round of their scheduled four- 1 round contest. Lewis hit the cnnv.-is Is three times before taking the count. J n the first occasion he heard the referee chirp three, on the second. five, and oil the third, seven. On the J next occasion o took the full codnt. Smith displayed rare ability nd i oyi M' ,1 ered his 'opponent wit:i left and right 3 hooks. O'BRH LOSES 1 Jack O'Brien started out In the first j round of ills four-round lilt with Kid ji Andrews of gden to take honors bui li lost the decision at the close of the Ml contest. O'Brien BWiipg on A.ndrcWs H lefl eye in til:' first spasm Inflicting a A deep gash, and woo the round with !i ease in tlie remaining three round.-. B , however, the tide of battle turned an I j Andrews dished oul the claaslesi H ! sortment of swlfigs et admfnlsti i in the local arena H In th( curtain raiser, Jim my Brown 1 of (ifrden heard the birdies chlfp In H I the first round of his four-round tight N with Stuhby Malan ol Ogden. i hook to the jaw followed by a left to the stomach ended this contest quick. Manager Downing announced prior to the starting of the main even: thai Gordon McKay ad Edd Dad would lurnish the fun In the main event next or |