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Show oo SUBMARINE CHASER HELD UNSEAWORTHY WASHINGTON, Feb 12 A dispute between the navy and the department of commerce r..-ffardlng the seaworthiness seaworthi-ness of the little 110-foot submarine chasei-s which played an Important part hi driving the German submarines subma-rines from the seas, has finally en-Kge,l en-Kge,l the attention of Secretaries Daniels and Alexander. The steamboat inspection of thc na department has refused in one or two cases, to grant certificates to the 110-foot boats. Naval officials have pleaded the causa of the little vessels and have argued, without avail, that of 3u0 of them in service during the war. of which many crossed the Atlanta, not one was lost through unseaworthiness Yesterdav Secretary' Daniels and a number of his aides called on Secretary Secre-tary Alexander and told him the circumstances. cir-cumstances. Ho promised to look into tho matter. The navy has about 300 of the little boats for sale and the action of the inspectors, it was said, is retarding their sale. no |