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Show JMVITE BUREAUS I JO CONVENTION Farmers From Nevada, Wyo , Idaho, Montana Coming to Ogden SALT LAKE Feb. 12.-Invltatlons to attend the hibnr and woolrrowera ronforencc to be held in Offden Febru-ary Febru-ary 17 and IS. wen- extended yeater-daj yeater-daj by tho Utah state farm hurcuu to tli, siai( farm bureaus of Nevada Wyoming; Idaho and .Montana requests re-quests were sent a, the snrn time to various Utah locui and county farm bureaus, aaklns that repreaenUiivefl ". st-nt to thes. confrn-nrps and -ilso to th,. avgoniblapts of dalrvmon aid fruitgrowers, to b hold hi Salt ike n February 21 and 24. rhr (rulterowera' conference is ex-jpeeted ex-jpeeted to dev.-lop th" I t., Ii i,.Wponii recardlnK hortl, ultui al p.robleme of all (klnd: so tha: it can be presented in j the national conference of fruttsrow- era to be hold April ?, to B in bhe Congress Con-gress hotel, Chicago. The natibn.il meeting haa been called by ihe American Ameri-can Farm Bureau Federation j Membership drives of the Utah state' farm bureau and the allied countv farm bureaus are being continued with isnci-c-s in n..,,Lv every county of I "tali, according to Secretary .fames I EUrkham "f the Utah state farm bu-. reau, who has be n making tour f' ihe state and has received reports, from most of the counties. These drives will be continued until every farmer has had an opportunity lojoin the farm bureau, according to Scre- i tar' Kirkham. L Ifovement ! the first caiioud ship-1 ments from the Utah farmers' alfalfa' I seed pool, sponsored by the Utah state1 farm bureau, was announced yester-1 ,; ' " I ean Peterson, manager of; the pool. Six carloads of the seed have been sold for shipment to con-1 jtral and eastern states. Thirty cdfrloads of m ed hav,. arrived in Sail Lak,. from various Utah sections sec-tions for cleaning, grading and stor-, age. Twenty more carloads are ex-; pe ted Hui in 1 ii. season. In the sales of tho first six carloads,: the prices are such that the growers ; v. ill ni 13 bents n pound, According to those in charge of the pool, dealers have said that they expected to pav ' from ejfrnt to nine cents per pound to! 1 he growers, but the pool has taken up. Lh( surplus in such a way a. to main-' tain the market . Thf.i... doalere, ac-! cprdlng to Mr. Peterson have said that if thp sam.. percentage of sweel clover seed had been pooled, prices for that crop would also have been stabilized at a considerably highPi figure than Is now being paid. 00 1 |